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Peer-reviewed article

What type of Science Communication best suits emerging countries?

September 21, 2005 | Media and Technology, Public Programs
If we wish to attempt an initial analysis of the inquiry on the communication of science in Brazil, India and China that JCOM proposed in its three most recent issues, we should paraphrase Chinese science and science-fiction writer, Yan Wu: even though these three countries are emerging in the fields of economy and science, and are now part of a wide group of communicators, promoting numerous methods to divulge information, they don't yet have a sound theory on the communication of science to the public. This is not an insignificant problem because according to David Dickson, the director of SciDev.Net, democratic dialogue on scientific matters is crucial to modern societies. However, it is difficult to propose the highest possible level of democratic dialogue on science topics without having a sound theory about the communication of science. In addition, the difficulties increase in those countries where developing economies and systems of science are both new and impetuous, as is the case of Brazil, India and China.


  • Pietro Greco
  • Citation

    ISSN : 1824-2049
    Publication Name: Journal of Science Communication
    Volume: 4
    Number: 3
    Resource Type: Research Products
    Discipline: Physics
    Audience: Administration/Leadership/Policymakers | General Public | Scientists
    Environment Type: Media and Technology | Broadcast Media | Public Programs | Museum and Science Center Programs | Public Events and Festivals

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