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Peer-reviewed article

What role can Athena SWAN play in gender equality and science communication?

September 30, 2019 | Informal/Formal Connections

This essay discusses how gender-focused culture change initiatives developed for science (like Athena SWAN) might offer models for science communication. Such initiatives can seek to mobilise change amongst university departments and practices, but there are also potential pitfalls in such approaches. Using experiences in a department at UWE Bristol as a basis, the article will consider whether such schemes in science offer potential for science communication to reflect on its own gender imbalances.


  • Clare Wilkinson
    University of the West of England, Bristol
  • Citation

    DOI : 10.22323/2.18040306
    ISSN : 1824-2049
    Publication Name: Journal of Science Communication
    Volume: 18
    Number: 4
    Resource Type: Research Products
    Discipline: Education and learning science | General STEM
    Audience: Undergraduate/Graduate Students | General Public | Museum/ISE Professionals | Scientists
    Environment Type: Informal/Formal Connections | Higher Education Programs
    Access and Inclusion: Women and Girls

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