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Project Descriptions

Understanding Museum Visitors

July 10, 1995 - December 31, 1996 | Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Under the Small Grants For Exploratory Research guidelines, Dr. George Hein will carry out basic research in informal learning in a museum setting. Dr. Hein will examine the literature and provide a summary of 1) what is known about the motivations of museums visitors, how they learn and how they react to the intellectual, social, and physical context of museums and 2) what is known about the theory and methods of visitor research in museums. These results will then be linked to a detailed discussion of constructivist learning theory and he will explore how that theory can be used to explain visitor behavior and how it can be used as a guide to research in learning in museums. Research will be carried out in England and the United States and will include a thorough review of the relevant literature written in English and extensive consultations with other professionals working on the theory of informal learning in museum settings. The research will result in a monograph that will be broadly disseminated. Although focused particularly on learning in a museum setting, the monograph will be of interest to all those interested in the informal learning process which includes museum professionals, formal educators, executives of community-based programs, and media producers.


Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 9552584
Funding Amount: 49921


  • 2013 06 28 Hein IMG 5688A
    Principal Investigator
    Lesley University
  • Discipline: Education and learning science
    Audience: Educators/Teachers | Museum/ISE Professionals | Evaluators
    Environment Type: Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks

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