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Peer-reviewed article

Trends in scientific publications in physical education: a multifaceted field?

March 21, 2012 | Media and Technology
The paper investigates diversity in terms of interest and goals in international research in Physical Education (PE). This investigation is based on publications in PE indexed in three major international databases, namely Medline, Scopus and Web of Science (WoS). To identify these publications in Medline, we searched for “physical education and training”. As for the WoS and Scopus, we searched for “physical education” in the title, abstract or key-word. We also searched for “physical education” in the affiliation address only in the Scopus database, which we describe as Scopus-Afill. Using these strategies, we found 2,257 documents in Medline, 6,107 in WoS, 8,807 in Scopus and 5,838 in Scopus – Affil. for the 1991-2005 period. Our findings offer evidence that PE research is mostly associated with biological and medical sciences. However, our results show that the field is multifaceted when it comes to the nature of PE contributions to knowledge.


  • Jacqueline Leta
    Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Suely Rosa
  • Citation

    ISSN : 1824-2049
    Publication Name: Journal of Science Communication
    Volume: 11
    Number: 1
    Resource Type: Research Products
    Discipline: Health and medicine
    Audience: General Public | Scientists
    Environment Type: Media and Technology | Websites, Mobile Apps, and Online Media

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