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Project Descriptions

Spaceship Earth: A Global Geography

September 1, 1994 - August 31, 1995 | Media and Technology
South Carolina Educational Television Network will secure rights for one additional PBS broadcast plus three additional years of off-air recording for educational purposes. In 1990, NSF awarded $367,430 to the South Carolina Educational Network toward production and dissemination of a television series entitled, "Spaceship Earth." The series takes a satellite's-eye view of the Earth, providing a unified look at the rich variety and interdependency of life and land on our planet. Topics considered in the programs include: an overview of a new global geography, population, earth's crust, world markets, weather, seas and oceans, rivers, forests, food, and "the watchkeepers," Earth's inhabitants who are responsible for its well-being. That series was completed and broadcast over a three year period. During that time it attract large general audiences and was widely used in schools. There is continued interest is use of the series, however, broadcast and off-air taping rights have expired. South Carolina Educational Television also will develop and disseminate promotional material to alert audiences and teachers of the continued availability of the project.


Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 9452814
Funding Amount: 26500


  • Ruth Sproat
    Principal Investigator
    ETV Endowment of South Carolina, Inc.
  • Discipline: Geoscience and geography | Life science | Social science and psychology
    Audience: General Public | Educators/Teachers
    Environment Type: Media and Technology | Broadcast Media

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