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Conference Proceedings

The Silence of the Land Project: Promoting the Virtual Museum as a Place of Cultural Negotiation

March 1, 2006 | Media and Technology

The Silence of the Lands is a virtual museum of natural quiet. The project promotes a model for preservation, experience, and renewal of natural heritage that empowers the active and constructive role of local communities in the collection and interpretation of natural quiet as a cultural object. This is accomplished by using ambient sounds as conversation pieces of a social dialogue aimed at transforming the virtual museum in a place of cultural negotiation; that is, to make the virtual museum a living organism linking the people, visions, interpretations, and values that pertain to a specific environmental setting. The project combines multiple interaction spaces and social practices into a large socio-technical architecture affording: (a) data catching (sound collection and geographic referencing by means of mobile devices); (b) data description (creation and management of individual soundscapes on the Internet); and (c) data interpretation (collaborative production of the ideal soundscape in the public space).


  • Elisa Giaccardi
    University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Hal Eden
    University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Gerhard Fischer
    University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Citation

    Publication Name: Proceedings of the New Heritage Forum, Hong Kong
    Page Number: 94
    Resource Type: Reference Materials
    Discipline: General STEM | Life science
    Audience: General Public | Museum/ISE Professionals
    Environment Type: Media and Technology | Websites, Mobile Apps, and Online Media | Games, Simulations, and Interactives

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