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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Exhibitions
The investigation of naive conceptions of science has many implications for both teaching and learning. The predominant model for past investigations has been with school children or within very formal settings. Extending investigations of misconceptions to informal settings is the challenge of this research. Museum visitors' misconceptions about two topics, gravity and mechanical advantage, will be recorded through a variety of interview formats. Twenty-five persons from each of the age ranges 9-11, 12-14, 15-18, and college students/adults will be interviewed. Information from the interview will be used to modify the current exhibit or to build new prototypes. The research will determine if a modification can be made that results in individuals moving from their previous misconceptions toward a correct conceptualization of the concepts. This research will document what individuals actually learn from museum exhibits and how "front end evaluation" can be used to redesign exhibits for maximum concept learning. The proposed research is challenging and has the potential of adding significant information to science education research on misconceptions. The principal investigator is highly respected in the field of museum education and the associated staff and consultants are the top scholars in their respective fields.
resource project Media and Technology
READING RAINBOW is a multi-part PBS children's television series that encourages children ages five through nine to read good books. The program format involves book reviews through narration and illustration with an overall program theme set by a lead book. With support from NSF they have produced and aired five half hour programs devoted to science books and science topics as part of the READING RAINBOW series. The present proposal will add an additional eight programs that focus on scientific themes over the next four seasons of the program, demonstrating to children how science is integrated into all aspects of their lives and encouraging them to read science books. The series utilizes a thorough system of book and program topic review before material is selected for each program. Scientists, educators, librarians, teachers, parents, and children evaluate candidate books for interest, appropriateness, readability, and suitability for television treatment. READING RAINBOW programs are evaluated for effectiveness after they are produced to provide feedback for future programs. The resulting programs are having a substantial effect on home, school, and library. Booksellers are reporting dramatic increases in sales of reviewed books; librarians greatly increased requests for and use of materials. Recent READING RAINBOW book reviews have led to new covers and new marketing programs for books, and teachers are using materials during the school year following summer broadcast. Publishers, seeing an increased market for books for young children, are encouraging new work by authors and illustrators. A $750,000 award over three years is recommended: $250,000 for FY 87, and additional amounts of $250,000 in FY 88 and $250,000 in FY 89.
TEAM MEMBERS: Twila Liggett Stephen Lenzen Jack McBride
resource project Exhibitions
The National Aquarium in Baltimore will create 20 interactive interpretive exhibits relating to cetaceans as an integral part of a new Marine Mammal complex opening in 1989. Exhibits will complement cetacean behavior demonstrations conducted by mammologists in a 1300 seat marine amphitheater. Exhibit topics and content will be developed in response to survey and evaluation data on popular interests and misconceptions about marine mammals by a design team consisting of aquarium staff, educators, marine scientists, designers, and evaluators. The resulting interactive exhibits will be seen by one and a half million visitors a year in an exhibit area adjacent to the marine amphitheater where visitors will gather prior to and after scheduled demonstrations. NSF project support will be matched by an equal contribution from the National Aquarium.
TEAM MEMBERS: Paula Schaedlich David Pittenger
resource project Exhibitions
The Brookfield Zoo, operated by the Chicago Zoological Society, will develop a participatory exhibition on avian anatomy, physiology, behavior and ecology, "Be a Bird", whose overall goal is to bring biology to life with participatory exhibits in a zoo setting. The Brookfield Zoo will design and construct a permanent exhibition that uses discovery learning concepts to improve visitor understanding of birds and to motivate visitors to observe avian behavior in their everyday lives. Accompanying evaluation activities will contribute to a better understanding of informal education methods in zoos.
TEAM MEMBERS: Patricia McGill
resource project Public Programs
This project will establish adult lecture-discussion series on scientific topics at libraries throughout the United States, modeled after the "Lets Talk About It" humanities series offered by the American Library Association. Programs and program materials will be extensively tested and evaluated in Colorado libraries before introduction into libraries in five additional states, followed by national distribution. This program seeks to make effective use of libraries for informal science education. Libraries are highly effective neighborhood resources that are well positioned to offer programs and services, but that have in the past offered few science- related programs. This project's combination of prepared packages of lecture discussion series organization materials and the use of local scientists and engineers as speakers and discussion leaders should substantially increase the science offerings of public libraries. An award of $ 98,533 for FY87 is recommended.
TEAM MEMBERS: Robert Larkin
resource project Exhibitions
The Lawrence Hall of Science proposes to develop two 1400 square foot interactive exhibitions based on the latest research findings on the structure and function of the human brain; one for permanent display at the Hall, and one for circulation to 12 science museums over a five year period. The exhibition will use large scale models and equipment from two television programs on the brain. Substantial input from scientists and psychologists will be combined with the educational expertise of curriculum development, museum, and design staff from the Lawrence Hall of Science to create the exhibitions. Visitor and school related curriculum materials will be developed, including a video library and an auditorium show for large group school use. The Lawrence Hall of Science has more than 300,000 visitors per year and is a major science education research and development facility; the twelve host museums will reflect museums in both large and medium sized cities well distributed geographically. More than three million people will view the exhibits over a five year period. The topic is timely, the treatment substantive and educational, and the qualifications of staff and advisors high. The re-use and relationship to a major television series, "The Brain", is an ingenious and effective strategy. The Lawrence Hall of Science is matching the National Science Foundation contribution with comparable private funds. A 24-month FY87 award of $ is recommended.
TEAM MEMBERS: Jennifer White
resource project Public Programs
The Girls Clubs of America (GCA) plans to develop over a three year period informal science learning activities to increase the participation of women aged 14-18 in mathematics and science. These materials are part of an overall program, "Operation SMART," that is a major national commitment by the Girls Clubs of America to include science and mathematics education as a major component of GCA activities at all age levels. Prior projects have developed and implemented successful materials directed at elementary and middle school girls; the present project extends this effort into the critically important high school age years. The materials will be developed by project staff in association with developers at the Educational Development Center (EDC), piloted and tested in four Girls Clubs sites along with training chapters nationwide. A publisher will be identified for national distribution and sales of activity materials sets and a book-length publication designed for use by education programs of other youth-serving organizations. A partnership with the Business and Professional Women's Association (BPW/USA) and its 3400 local chapters and with the AAAS Linkages Project will create many non-Girls Club sites. Dissemination to other youth- serving organizations will be carried out through the National Collaboration for Youth. As a result, Operation SMART's high school age materials should reach several hundred thousand young women. Foundations and businesses will provide substantial additional project support; approximately 51% of the total $ l.4 million project budget is requested from NSF.
TEAM MEMBERS: ellen wahl Jane Quinn
resource project Exhibitions
The New York Hall of Science is the only major science center in the New York Metropolitan Area and serves a rapidly growing audience with both public and school-based programs and exhibits. Low income families and members of diverse minority communities are a major part of its target audience. The present award will support a major 3,000 square foot permanent exhibition on microbiology and microscopic organisms organized around themes of disease, its causes, prevention and cure, benign and beneficial microbial agents, and the nature of microscopic life. The exhibition will make extensive use of new microscopic display technologies for interactive exhibitry, with extensive formative evaluation and testing of principal exhibit components. Professional publications, an exhibit monograph and low cost videotapes will be used in national dissemination and a classroom kit based on the exhibit will be circulated widely throughout the New York Metropolitan area. This innovative project will form a significant part of the permanent exhibits of this newly reorganized science center. NSF support will constitute approximately 28% of the $ 1.3 million total project cost.
TEAM MEMBERS: Theodore Ansbacher martin weiss
resource project Media and Technology
WGBH Boston and its NOVA production group will produce a series of eight one hour television programs titled "Life: Cracking the Code". The series will cover recent advances in molecular biology, the record of personal quest and achievement of many of the biologists who have contributed to these advances, the social costs and benefits that have resulted and the ethical questions that new knowledge and new abilities in biology have generated. Individual programs will include "The Language of Life" on the discovery of DNA's role in molecular biology, "Molecular Machines" on proteins; "Designing the World to Order" on practical consequences of the new biology, "When Cells Rebel" on the processes involved in cancer, and "Between Self and Other" on the immune function. The series will be produced for prime time PBS evening broadcast to an audience of more than twelve million individuals by a co- production by the NOVA science unit at WGBH and the Chedd-Angier Production Company. Scientific advice and consulting will be provided by Harvard's Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research and a project advisory committee composed of seven distinguished scholars chaired by Prof. David Baltimore. The series production budget will be approximately $ 4.2 million. This new science series on DNA, molecular biology and its new technologies will cover one of the great intellectual achievements of our time. It will provide timely information about an area of scientific discovery that is rapidly transforming many aspects of our life. The series will, in addition, document the rich recent history of molecular biology with the participation of many of the original researchers who are still alive and active in their fields.
TEAM MEMBERS: Paula Apsell Graham Chedd
resource project Public Programs
The Franklin Institute Science Museum will, over a three year period, develop a regional Girl Scout leader training programthat provides science education experiences for Girl Scouts. The Girl Scout Council of Greater Philadelphia and the Washington Rock, NJ Council will be primary partners and the source of volunteer leaders and the target audience of member girls. Science Education kits will be developed and tested for Brownies and Juniors, training materials for staff trainers and volunteer leaders developed, leaders trained, and several support mechanisms developed. Program materials are designed for continued use by the Girl Scouts; more than 2,000 leaders will be trained and 20,000 girls will participate in project activities during the three year period. This project is directed at the substantial under representation of women in many science and engineering fields by working with girls in informal settings to overcome patterns of science and mathematics avoidance. Replication and dissemination will be undertaken both within the Girl Scout Council system and among museums, youth organizations, and other informal educators. The proposers are contributing nearly $250,000 in resources to the project; NSF support will be 55% of the project total.
resource project Media and Technology
The Mississippi Museum of Natural Science proposes to build on its program of activities that involve children in science and bring them into contact with the approaches, objects and equipment that scientists use, with each activity designed to stimulate thinking and heighten interest in science. Cardinal features of the program are the development of hands-on exhibits, science kits for classroom use and a studied tie with the children's television program, "3-2-1 Contact." The goals are to coordinate these activities with hands-on science activities for students in grades 3-6, and to coordinate classroom activities with those at the museum, which conducts "3-2-1 Contact Days" throughout the year when students come to the museum and take part in experiments, observations and enrichment lessons and actively manipulate museum objects. The museum now will refine the program components, including improvement and duplication of the hands-on kits, continuation of the workshops for elementary teachers and development of new participatory exhibits dealing with insects and endangered species, and will present them to an expanded audience. One-third of the children in the state live below the poverty level, and fifty per cent represent minority populations. As most of these children lack such out-of-school experiences these informal science activities are particularly meaningful.
TEAM MEMBERS: Elizabeth Hartfield Martha Cooper
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Council for the Advancement of Science Writers (CASW), a nonprofit organization of scientists and science writers, will provide an additional four years of New Horizons In Science briefings for science reporters and editors. These annual briefings, which have been conducted since 1963, bring together leading researchers in the most active areas of science and engineering with science journalists to educate journalists about the latest developments in scientific discovery and inquiry, and to allow the two groups to interact with each other to discuss common aspects of the public understanding of science. Each year, the CASW Briefings engage more than a hundred science journalists from around the country with more than a dozen speakers reflecting as many fields of scientific discovery. The activities cover all fields of science and engineering and are carefully constructed to reflect a variety of points of view within disciplines. This standard award for three years will allow CASW to develop independent long.term funding for the series. Evaluation and marketing studies will take place in each of the next four years. More than $100,000 in additional project support will be provided by the CASW and other New Horizons sponsors.
TEAM MEMBERS: William Cromie