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resource project Media and Technology
WGBH/Boston in association with the Chedd-Angier Production plan the production of a series of five one hour public television programs on the environmental history of North America, "A Continent Transformed". Each of the programs will emphasize a key process which has shaped American environmental history: biological invasion, drawing boundaries, linking transportation and market systems, projecting ideals onto the landscape, and increasing the pace and complexity of systematic change. The principal author of the series and its on camera host will be William Cronin, a leading ecological historian. The series will be assisted by a prestigious Advisory Board, educational materials will be developed for series classrom use, and 8 million viewers should see each episode when the series airs in the Fall of 1992. NSF support will represent approximately 10% of the project total.
TEAM MEMBERS: John Angier William Cronon
resource project Media and Technology
BACKYARD SAFARI (Working Title) is an engaging series of 26 half hour programs designed to introduce topics in Natural Science to children ages four to six. The series will be shot on-location and hosted by an appealing young women of color, who will serve as a role model to female and minority children who are normally disenfranchised from participation in science. A variety of settings and topics will be used that appeal to all preschoolers -- from urban/inner cities to surburbia to Appalachia. A special feature of the series will be an animated gnome - like character called Crinkleroot. Using the rotoscope technique similar to that in the "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?", Crinklroot will interact in screen with the host and special, acquired footage. Thus, Crinkleroot is able to do things the host can't do -- for example, interacting with time-lapse photography as a flower blooms, or as a spider climbs its web. Outreach to parents and childcare providers will be an important part of BACKYARD SAFARI. It is imperative to communicate that all children, regardless of race, sex, or disability are "science material." Activities will be developed that engage adults and children in hands-on, physical science activities using materials commonly found in any home or school.
TEAM MEMBERS: Twila Liggett Cecily Truett Laurence Lancit Barbara Flagg
resource project Media and Technology
This award provides support for Mr. Kamen to explore the feasibility of developing an interactive educational kiosk (to be named FIRST PLACE), programmed with electronic mathematics and science games and placed in out-of-school area such as shopping malls to reach K-12 children. Students would play the games and be rewards with coupons. This multi- disciplinary project would expand students access to science and mathematics, the learning into the economy, and present learning as a leisure time activity.
resource project Media and Technology
Consumer Reports Television will produce a series of four half- hour TV specials and companion outreach materials, called "YOU TEST IT|," for public television broadcast and broad educational and home video distribution. Targeted for children ages 7 to 13 -- particularly those from low-income, minority families -- the project will draw on the resources of Consumers Union, the non- profit, scientific, research and education organization that publishes Consumer Reports magazine and ZILLIONS, the Consumer Reports for Kids. The "YOU TEST IT| series, created by an experienced team of children's TV producers, focuses on testing and evaluating popular products -- from observing the bubble-power of bubble gum to measuring the efficiency of 10-speed bicycles. Using lively, state-of-the-art techniques appealing to kids, "YOU TEST IT|" will encourage children to use science and math skills to investigate and, ultimately, solve real-world problems. Each of the 4 programs will cover a broad product theme such as Foods/Snacks, Toys/Games, Sports/Recreation, and Electronic Gear. Activity Guides, expanding on these topics, will delve more deeply into the science content of each show, providing hands-on learning materials for children. With repeated broadcasts of "YOU TEST IT|" over hundreds of PBS stations, and reuse of tape and print materials, millions of children will gain greater access to objective product information and greater awareness of science and its importance in everyday life.
TEAM MEMBERS: Joyce Newman Edward Groth Susan Markowitz
resource project Media and Technology
"Roman City," fourth in a series of PBS specials based on the acclaimed books of David Macaulay, is an hour-long film that traces the planning, engineering, building and habitation of an ancient Roman city at the height of empire. The program continues the unique Macaulay presentation format of a cinemaquality animated dramatic story juxtaposed with live- action documentary segments, hosted by Mr. Macaulay and filmed at actual sites portrayed in the story. Each film roots its dominant structures and technology firmly within the thought and culture of its historical period. The dual presentation style has enabled the previous Macaulay specials to capture a wide range of viewers from young children all the way up to older adults. "Roman City," as well as the previous award-winning Macaulay specials--"Castle," "Cathedral" and "Pyramid"--is specifically aimed at enhancing the scientific, technical and humanistic understanding of both young people and adults outside of the formal educational environment. All indication from the previous programs suggests that this goal has been widely achieved. There is a natural curiosity about other cultures, about things technical and how they interrelate with human needs and aspirations, and we believe our unique format satisfies that curiosity in an entertaining, informative and educational manner. The ancient Romans achieved breakthroughs in planning and the delivery of those elements deemed necessary for the functioning of an increasingly world. Aqueducts, sewers, roads, bridges, amphitheaters and public buildings, even public lavatories, all speak to the technical mastery of the ancient Romans. And if their social aims were not always as "advanced" as their scientific and technological sophistication, then that, too, provides a modern object lesson on the critical and mutually dependent interrelationship of science and civilization.
resource project Media and Technology
LIVING ON EARTH is a new weekly National Public Radio newsmagazine about the people and politics of environmental change. It goes beyond the ecological segments on NPR's ALL THINGS CONSIDERED and MORNING EDITION to meet the growing demand for consistent, high quality, balanced and in-depth coverage of the environment, and scientific discoveries and advancements relevant to the rapidly changing ecology of our planet. Audience research consistently shows that information about the environment is a priority to a broad majority of public radio listeners, and these listeners are twice as likely as all adults to take personal and political action in relation to environmental concerns. With the premiere of Living On Earth in April 1991, public radio in the U.S. began serving its national audience with its first journalistically strong environmental show, Living On Earth. Each week's edition of Living On Earth begins with a one minute billboard, followed by a five minute newscast summarizing national and world ecological and scientific developments. The newscast includes modular breaks so that stations can insert two minutes of local environmental news. The balance of each program is devoted to a theme, with produced reports followed by a five minute newscast summarizing national and world ecological and scientific developments. The newscast includes modular breaks so that stations can insert two minutes of local environmental news. The balance of each program is devoted to a theme, with produced reports followed by interviews, commentaries, and occasional humor. From time to time the show is devoted to a full-length documentary or debate special. Standards of thoroughness, fairness, and excellence result in shows that stimulate as well as inform. Distributed by National Public Radio, the program is available to more than 400 NPR stations in the U.S. Already 160 of those stations have signed up to air the program. Many environmental issues -- sustainable energy, population, biological degradation, sustainable economic development and pollution, for example -- are of global concern and cut across political, racial and cultural boundaries. Material and information for Living On Earth is obtained from diverse producers and will be exchanged with public radio services around the world.
TEAM MEMBERS: Stephen Curwood
resource project Media and Technology
SOUNDPRINT, the weekly half-hour, nationally heard public radio documentary series proposes SOUNDPRINT EXPLORES SCIENCE, five programs that will make science more understandable and accessible to general audiences, with secondary use in instructional settings. SOUNDPRINT proposes three different treatments of science: 1) Programs that profile scientists and the life of a scientist; 2) A comprehensive examination of a long-term science project; and 3) Explorations of issues on the frontiers of science. Two programs will profile scientists to illustrate what it is like to live the life of a scientist, how she/he became interested in a particular subject, why it is important, current research on the subject and scientific method. One program will trace, over time, a scientific project: it will be recorded over time and presented in a compressed half hour. Listeners will learn about the scientific method, share in the human interest and suspense. Two programs will bring listeners the latest thinking on a subject from individuals working on a scientific frontier and present it in an engaging, understandable manner. SOUNDPRINT has a successful track record of initial science programming within the on-going series. SOUNDPRINT documentaries combine journalistic excellence, personal storytelling and state-of- the-art audio production to create compelling programs which present issues and ideas in an accessible, memorable way. Distributed by the American Public Radio Network, SOUNDPRINT reaches over 300,000 listeners each week; cassette copies of program reach a broad post-broadcast audience in schools, libraries, community centers, youth centers, colleges and informal sharing by listeners.
resource project Media and Technology
With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Public Radio (NPR) will provide five years of operation of NPR's Science Unit to provide science and technology news and information on NPR's MORNING EDITION, ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, and WEEKEND EDITION shows. Prior NSF support has allowed NPR to create stable, sustained in-depth science coverage on the national network of 335 local public radio stations. More than 9,000,000 people a month, or 2.5% of the U.S. population each week, listen to NPR's news magazines. Science coverage includes 400-500 science stories each year. NPR's News and Information Service is widely acclaimed; awards have included the Alfred I. DuPont Columbia University Journalism Award, and the Science Unit's staff's Westinghouse-AAAS Science Journalism Award and the National Association of Science Writers' Science in Society Award. With this five year award, NPR will consolidate the gains that have been made, continuing to provide the coverage that has earned their reputation, while moving towards financial independence from NSF. A FY87 30 month award of $574,449 and, subject to the availability of funds, following 12 month awards of $240,698 in FY89, $210,939 in FY90, and $180,623 in FY91 are recommended.
TEAM MEMBERS: William Buzenberg
resource project Exhibitions
This project launches the creation of a new class of playground apparatus based on an emerging understanding of how students learn mathematics and science concepts. The equipment will be highly interactive and instrumented, providing opportunities for thoughtful, planned actions that children can evaluate with the aid of instrumentation. The design principles used are applicable to many mathematics and science topics, but this initial demonstration is restricted to creating units which embody some important concepts from classical mechanics. We will create, test, evaluate, and begin the dissemination of units incorporating timing, motion, and force sensor electronics designed to give children real- time, symbolic feedback to reflect their experiences. The first nine months will be devoted to the apparatus design, building, testing, safety evaluation, and formative research. We will install apparatus in three highly varied sites to evaluate the design. In a second phase, improved units will be built for one site and detailed research on student learning undertaken. If we observe the hypothesized learning, the approach we use in mechanics will have broad generalizability. This work could lead to interesting and highly educational apparatus addressing other science fields and useful in a broad range of informal learning environments.
TEAM MEMBERS: John King Robert Tinker
resource project Media and Technology
In every drop of water, down at the scale of atoms and molecules, there is a world that can fascinate anyone - ranging from a non-verbal young science student to an ardent science-phobe. The objective of Learning Science Through Guided Discovery: Liquid Water & Molecular Networks is to use advanced technology to provide a window into this submicroscopic world, and thereby allow students to discover by themselves a new world. We are developing a coordinated two-fold approach in which a cycle of hands-on activities, games, and experimentation is followed by a cycle of computer simulations employing the full power of computer animation to "ZOOM" into the depths of his or her newly- discovered world, an interactive experience surpassing that of an OMNIMAX theater. Pairing laboratory experiments with corresponding simulations challenges students to understand multiple representations of concepts. Answers to student questions, resolution of student misconceptions, and eventual personalized student discoveries are all guided by a clear set of "cues" which we build into the computer display. Moreover, the ability to visualize "real-time" dynamic motions allows for student-controlled animated graphic simulations on the molecular scale and interactive guided lessons superior to those afforded by even the most artful of existing texts. While our general approach could be applied to a variety of topics, we have chosen to focus first on water; later we will test the generality of the approach by exploring macromolecules such as proteins and DNA. The simulation sofware we have been developing embodies a simple molecular interaction model but requires leading edge computing in order to (1) apply the model to large enough systems to yield simple and realistic behavior, and (2) animate the result in real time with advanced graphics. Our ultimate goal in this project is not only to help students learn science, but also to help them learn to think like research scientists. By looking at scientific knowledge as a set of useful models - models that are essentially temporary and will inevitably lead to better ones - they can see that science is not a set of facts, but a method for discovering patterns and predictability in an otherwise disordered and unpredictable world. Through mastery of the simulation software, students will gain the self-confidence to embark on their own missions of discovery.
TEAM MEMBERS: H. Eugene Stanley
resource project Public Programs
The critically acclaimed film "STAND AND DELIVER" accomplished the formidable task of focusing national attention on the achievements of minority students in higher mathematics. As a motivational tool for educators, the film's value can hardly be overstated. "STAND AND DELIVER" will now have a second life as a play for the stage. The intimate human drama of the story of Jaime Escalante and his inner city A.P. calculus class will be re- written and confined to one set - a classroom - making it a natural for the theatre. Best of all, junior and senior high schools already have the resources to stage a first-rate production. Since almost all the roles depict students and teachers, "STAND AND DELIVER" should be a natural choice for school drama clubs across the country. The transformation of the movie into a play will take place in three stages: First, the screenplay is adapted into a stage play. Second, the initial stage production is mounted. Third, the play is published and made available to schools and theatre companies for local performances.
TEAM MEMBERS: Thomas Musca Ramon Menendez
resource project Exhibitions
This proposal requests matching support to create a dynamic science, engineering, and technology careers museum exhibit--SET Careers, for distribution to science museums and technology centers. The exhibit kiosks with related career graphics surrounds, incorporate multimedia platforms, using MacIntosh authoring software to dreate information landscapes' computer motion programs like Quicktime, and Cd-1 or DVI videodisc technology. Yound museum visitors (teens and Preteens) will be invited to enter into an exciting interactive exploration of thirty self-narrated video profiles of people in science and engineering, try our animated/reality video simulations of a work experience in these fields, and obtain additional information from a database of over 200 more science and math-based professions. The videodisc profiles, database, and a personal interests component will also be developed in alternative media formats (video, audio, print, computer disc) for broad distribution to community and youth education networks, schools, and libraries. Specific emphasis in this project is being placed on reaching and attracting female, minority, and disabled youths.
TEAM MEMBERS: Stephen Rabin