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resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Wayne LaBar, Vice President of Exhibitions and Featured Experiences at the Liberty Science Center and Principal-in-Charge at LSC Experience Services, presents preliminary observations, lessons learned, and discoveries made during the first year of developing "Cooking: The Exhibition Chefs." During the development of this exhibit, Liberty Science Center began an ongoing series of investigations called "Exhibit Commons," an attempt to engage the public in its exhibition process and operations. LaBar's analyzes the influence of this method on the entire exhibit development
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Brenda Baker, Director of Exhibits at Madison Children's Museum and Founder and Director of, examines the practices, success stories, observations, and challenges faced by children's museums trying to "green" their exhibition programs. Baker offers idea about rethinking how the field builds and designs exhibitions based on green standards.
TEAM MEMBERS: Brenda Baker
resource research Exhibitions
This article features critiques of the Tusher African Center at the California Academy of Sciences. Marjorie Schwarzer, Chair and Professor of the Department of Museum Studies at John F. Kennedy University, Margaret Kadoyama, Principal of Margaret Kadoyama Consulting and Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Museum Studies at John F. Kennedy University, and Sheila Pressley, Director of Education at the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, share their analysis of the exhibition and assess its strengths and weaknesses.
TEAM MEMBERS: Marjorie Schwarzer Margaret Kadoyama Sheila Pressley
resource research Exhibitions
This article analyzes discussion exhibits as a method for garnering visitor feedback. Authors Ben Gammon, of Ben Gammon Consulting, and Xerexes Mazda, Head of Learning and Audiences at the British Museum, critique the experimental use of this kind of exhibit in the Science Museum, London. They describe both the advantages and disadvantages of this method.
TEAM MEMBERS: Ben Gammon Xerxes Mazda
resource research Media and Technology
In this article, Nina Simon, an experience design consultant at Museum 2.0, explores the correlation between museum and exhibit design and visitor participation. Simon suggests that increased parameters and more thoughtfully designed exhibits will yield more meaningful visitor participation.
resource research Public Programs
In this article, Kathleen McLean, Principal of Independent Exhibitions and consulting Creative Director for the Oakland Museum of California, and Adam Nilsen, History Researcher at the Oakland Museum of California, describe the experimental design process associated with their new gallery "Forces of Change." This 750 square foot installation is part of the larger "Coming to California" history exhibit. The "Forces of Change" exhibit is being developed as part of a collaboration between 24 people from across California. This co-design and co-development project can be instructive for other
TEAM MEMBERS: Kathleen McLean Adam Nilsen
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Penny Jennings, Senior Exhibit Developer for West Office Exhibition Design, explores three challenges of translation exhibit text: writing, scheduling, and technical logistics. Jennings advises on how to best handle these challenges and deliver quality exhibits in foreign language(s).
TEAM MEMBERS: Penny Jennings
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, photographer Amy Dreher critiques the "Click! A Crowd-Curated Exhibition" at the Brooklyn Museum from a partipant's perspective. The exhibit is based on James Surowiecki's critically acclaimed book, "The Wisdom of Crowds" and features photographs depicting the "changing faces of Brooklyn" submitted by and evaluated by the public.
TEAM MEMBERS: Amy Dreher National Association of Museum Exhibition
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Paul Orselli, Chief Instigator of Paul Orselli Workshop, provides specific suggestions and examples of ways to become "greener" exhibit developers or fabricators. Orselli sorts his recommendations about sustainable materials and techniques into the 5 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink, and Resources.
TEAM MEMBERS: Paul Orselli
resource research Exhibitions
This article features three critiques of the exhibition "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" on view at the Visionary Art Museum (Baltimore, MD) from October 3, 2009-September 5, 2010. Nigel Briggs, exhibition designer at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, Kerr Houston, Professor of Art History at the Maryland Institute College of Art, and Peg Koetsch, curator of Exhibtions at VisArts and Founder/Director of Learning Insights, each provide an assessment of the exhibition.
TEAM MEMBERS: Nigel Briggs Kerr Houston Peg Koetsch
resource research Public Programs
In this article, Daniel Spock, Director of the Minnesota History Center Museum, explores the effects of public participation in museums. Spock acknowledges the challenges associated with increased public participation, but argues that museums should consider themselves as trusted "mediators" in this complex new age of media and information.
TEAM MEMBERS: Daniel Spock
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Jessica Willcox, Creative Director at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, describes the development of the OMSI's "Green Exhibit Certification" guide--a tool to help developers rate the environmental sustainability of exhibitions and encourage exhibition development teams to improve their sustainability efforts. Excerpts from the tool are included in this article.
TEAM MEMBERS: Jessica Willcox