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Community Repository Search Results

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resource project Media and Technology
This planning grant is for developing a PBS television series focusing on dramatic but little-known geologic stories tied to world-famous cultural and historic sites in places such as Greece and Rome. The full project would consist of four broadcast television programs, an interactive web site, DVD's and outreach activities. The planning grant would support preparation of television program treatments, front end and formative evaluation, advisory committee meetings, development of an outreach plan and collaborations with partners. This project builds on previous NSF supported work (GEO-0331151).
TEAM MEMBERS: Doug Prose Diane LaMacchia
resource project Media and Technology
This project will develop a Digital Technology Institute and Youth Radio Science Desk as new components of the existing Youth Radio organization. The project's Digital Technology Institute and Science Desk will train and engage 450 low-income and underrepresented youth ages 14-24 in Los Angeles, California; Atlanta, Georgia and Washington, DC. An additional 300 youth will be engaged through quarterly community outreach programs. Youth Radio currently reaches wide audiences through traditional media such as NPR and emrging media such as podcasting and vodcasting. This project will produce 60 short-format radio programs for distribution on NPR, iTunes and MTV Interactive, as well as other distribution outlets. Organizational partners include media organizations, scientists and youth organizations around the country, universities and technical partners such as sound and animation studios.
resource project Media and Technology
MacNeil Lehrer Productions will expand and enhance the work of the The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Science Unit to further the public's awareness and understanding of critical science-rooted issues. The NewsHour Science Unit will have multiple points of impact -- TV, radio, online, podcast, DVD distribution and community-based collaborative outreach. Deliverables include a minimum of 15 documentary-style field reports annually as well as a minimum of 12 in-studio reports, live discussions, and multi-segment series highlighting specific areas of science (e.g. nanotechnology and the International Polar Year). Profiles of individuals working in various scientific fields, as well as online chats with scientists and science policy makers will communicate the excitement and possibilities of scientific careers. Partners in the proposal include the Association of Science and Technology Centers, the PBS Program Club and local PBS stations. During the first year The NewsHour will work with at least five key ASTC members to develop a content sharing partnership that is optimal for all partners. Two initial partners are the Museum of Science, Boston, and the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science. In each subsequent year, an additional five science museum organizations will be added to the local/national network that will use new technologies such as RSS (real time syndication service) and podcasting as well as traditional Web links to deliver materials from The NewsHour to partners as well as from participating organizations to each other and back to the Online NewsHour Web site. Rockman et al will provide evaluation services.
TEAM MEMBERS: Robert Flynn
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Citizen science projects engage members of the general public in professionally directed research and participatory action research projects that investigate local environmental issues. The Cornell University - Laboratory of Ornithology is requesting funding to support a national conference and the development of a web-based Citizen Science Toolkit to inform these programs. The Toolkit will provide a framework for scientists and educators to develop, implement and evaluate independent citizen science projects. Deliverables include an invitational conference where best practices will be identified, in addition to the electronic toolkit that will include a Citizen Science Manual and instruments for assessing the effectiveness of projects. A virtual community of educators that develop and implement citizen science projects in a variety of STEM areas will be created. It is anticipated this work will improve the quality of citizen science projects across the country.
TEAM MEMBERS: Rick Bonney Kenneth Rosenberg Steven Kelling Jason Mobley Janis Dickinson
resource project Media and Technology
This project proposes using three complementary strategies to engage, inform and inspire large audiences. (1) A national tour called "Stories from a Changing Planet" that will include in-person presentations and hands-on activities by Polar scientists at science centers, museums, libraries and schools across the country. (2) the "HiDef video Science Story Capture Corp" team of professional videographers HD footage will be made available as public domain materials accessible to government research agencies, universities,science centers and others. (3) Video and Audio podcasts distributed throught iTunes, google, Yahoo and IPY websites. The project will have front end, formative and summative evaluations.
TEAM MEMBERS: Geoffrey Haines-Stiles Erna Akuginow Jayne Aubele
resource project Public Programs
The Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center will implement a three-year, research-based community program entitled "Archeology Pathways for Native Learners." This comprehensive program consists of four components or pathways that are designed to increase participation of Native Americans in science. Pathway #1 invites students and teachers from New Haven Public Schools to participate in archaeology field research, which expands to include youth throughout the northeastern US. Students will be involved with site excavation, documentation and analysis of findings in an archaeology laboratory, working with scientists to interpret findings, and communicating the results of research to their peers and through the project Web site. Concurrently, in the first year of the project, Pathway #2 will focus on the expansion of museum programs for youth and community members in addition to the creation of related professional development programs for educators. Pathway #3 calls for replication of the research model at Navajo sites in New Mexico and Arizona during year three, while Pathway #4 emphasizes leadership training workshops for Native Americans from over 50 tribal communities. Workshops will focus on the creation of research-based youth programs in native communities across the country, using a train-the-trainer model to disseminate the model. It is anticipated that this project will reach more than 60,000 youth and community members, in addition to over 450,000 individuals via the Archeology Pathways website.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kevin McBride Marc Blosveren Elizabeth Theobald Geoffrey Brown Trudie Lamb-Richmond
resource project Public Programs
Hands-On Optics is a comprehensive, national level program that introduces middle school youth to the science of optics using hands-on kits, modules and related activities. Six optics modules will be developed for use in after-school and weekend programs. Modules will focus on engaging topics such as kaleidoscopes, optical illusions, magnifiers and solar telescopes while exploring the principles of reflection, refraction, light and vision. "Hands-On Optics" will be introduced at four MESA sites in California and then disseminated to 13 other sites in California, Arizona, Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, New York and Maryland. Additional dissemination venues include four science centers and two NSF-funded research centers. Students will also develop optic projects for competitions and participate in Industry Shadow Days, while parent workshops and a supporting website will provide guidance on careers. "Hands-On Optics" is projected to serve 39,500 students over a three-year period.
TEAM MEMBERS: Anthony Johnson Stephen Pompea Eugene Arthurs
resource project Media and Technology
Kikim Media requests $743,316 to produce four half-hour television documentaries and associated outreach programs based on Michael Pollan's best-selling book, The Botany of Desire. The project explores the reciprocal nature of people's relationship with plants. The programs focus on the connections between apples and the human desire for sweetness; tulips and the desire for beauty; marijuana and the desire for intoxication; and corn and our desire for control over nature. The project will increase public understanding of diverse subjects including genetics, evolution, cognition and biochemistry as well as biodiversity, genetic diversity and the consequences of their loss. The project will have a broad impact through a national primetime PBS broadcast, an outreach program targeting adult audiences, and an educational module delivering appropriate content (excluding intoxication) to middle and high school audiences. Knight-Williams Research Communications will conduct the evaluation for The Botany of Desire television broadcast and outreach efforts.
TEAM MEMBERS: Michael Schwarz
resource project Public Programs
This project will develop a "Research Ambassador" program whereby a small cadre of scientists will be trained to communicate rain forest canopy ecology to underserved public audiences in the northwest U. S. and elsewhere. A set of collaborating academic researchers and informal science educators will draw from successful dissemination experiences in the field of forest canopy studies. An interdisciplinary research/education team will recruit six "research ambassadors" and provide tools to help them effectively speak and write directly to the public. The team and the ambassadors will create dissemination materials for each ambassador, and contribute to a canopy research website for public audiences. In addition to communicating research to public audiences, this project will provide innovative connections between science and society that can present pragmatic solutions to problems of scientific communication to the public.
TEAM MEMBERS: Nalini Nadkarni
resource project Public Programs
The "Environmental Science Information Technology Activities (ESITA)" based at the Lawrence Hall of Science (LHS) at UC-Berkeley is a three-year, youth-based proposal that seeks to engage 144 inner-city ninth and tenth graders in learning experiences involving environmental science and information technology. The goal of the project is to develop, field-test, and disseminate an effective student-centered, project-based model for increasing understanding and interest in information technology. Program components included an afterschool program, summer enrichment and an internship program. An extensive partnership involving community based agencies, environmental science organizations, a local high school and industry support the project by serving as host sites for the afterschool program and internship component. Student participation in project-based, IT-dependent research activities related to environmental science will occur year round. Students will research air and water quality in their local communities and study attitudes toward -- and use of -- information technology among their peers. The focus of the research activities is based on the results of a students-needs assessment. Students participate in the program over a two-year period and are expected to receive at least 240 total contact hours. The afterschool program serves as the project's principal mechanism for content delivery. The five-month afterschool program consists of inquiry-based mini-courses on the following topics: Information Technology tools and concepts, earth and physical science, data compilation and modeling, and publication of research results. The summer enrichment component encompasses a series of workshops at LHS; excursions to IT-related exhibits, environmental facilities, and IT-based companies; and an annual student robotics fair. During the second year of program participation students will complete 12-month internships to support the application of concepts and skills learned the first year. The LHS Student Geoscience Research Opportunities program will serve as a model host site for the program. Stipends are provided throughout the program to encourage student participation and retention.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kevin Cuff Marco Molinaro
resource project Exhibitions
This project communicates to public audiences a body of research using state-of-the-art acoustic technology to monitor the long-term movement patterns of juvenile sharks in a coastal nursery. Aquarium visitors will experience an interactive live shark exhibit designed to mimic shark monitoring. Interactive animations of shark movements from the research study are integrated into the exhibit and will be explained on video monitors while a shark swimming in an exhibit tank activates detectors showing its location and movement. Designed for visitors of all ages, the exhibit demonstrates how the research project works and explains how sharks use coastal bays as nursery areas and how these areas are critical to the survival of young sharks. Dissemination is through the Mote Marine Aquarium that receives over 400,000 visitors annually, and through web cast and distance-learning elements.
TEAM MEMBERS: Michelle Heupel
resource project Media and Technology
The Chedd-Angier Production Company requests a planning grant to develop a popular new television series together with integrated outreach and online components. The series, "Science Out There" (working title), will feature the work of field scientists as it happens and where it happens, anywhere in the world. The target audience for the series is the young, adventure-seeking adult. The work of the development phase of the project includes refining the creative approaches to the series; producing a ten-minute demonstration tape; developing a list of suitable research projects for the series; developing a business strategy and conducting formative evaluation of the pilot. An advisory group and Connecticut Public Television will support the planning work. Multimedia Research will conduct the evaluation.
TEAM MEMBERS: John Angier Graham Chedd Rich Blundell Barbara Flagg