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resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Kathleen McLean, Principal of Independent Exhibitions, responds to her 1994 article in the "Exhibitionist" to explore how far the field has come in terms of exhibit evaluation and what work remains. McLean discusses how criticism based on personal experiences is just the first step in creating a more reflective group of practitioners and better exhibits.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kathleen McLean
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Beverly Serrell, Principal of Serrell & Associates, discusses the Excellent Judges Framework and how it is different from other methods of reviewing exhibitions. Specifically, Serrell compares the Framework to summative evaluations, exhibition critiques, reviews, The AAM Standards for Museum Exhibitions and Indicators of Excellence, and critical appraisal.
TEAM MEMBERS: Beverly Serrell
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, James Volkert, an independent museum consultant and former associate director of the National Museum of the American Indian, uses the return of the "King Tut" exhibit as an opportunity to review the state of exhibitions and the supporting literature. Specifically, Volkert examines three categories: exhibition design as fine art, exhibition design in the service of others and exhibition design as metaphoric expression.
TEAM MEMBERS: James Volkert
resource evaluation
The Views on Science and Education Questionnaire (VOSE) was designed to assess attitudes towards and knowledge of the “nature of science,”(NOS) as well as the teaching practices related to NOS.
resource evaluation Media and Technology
During the spring of 2006, American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted an evaluation study on behalf of WGBH. The purpose of the study was to gather data related to the effectiveness of the FETCH! Activity Guide, which was designed to extend the teachings of a new children's show, "FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman. The four main study objectives were to: Assess the activities' appeal for children (for example, do children enjoy the activities, do they realize they are learning about science, etc.?) Assess whether the facilitators liked the Activity Guide and deemed it appropriate for their after
TEAM MEMBERS: Christine Paulsen Deborah Goff WGBH
resource evaluation Exhibitions
A three-pronged summative evaluation of the San Francisco Zoo's new African Savanna exhibit shows it to be very well received by visitors and successful at meeting key affective and cognitive goals. Visitors to this exhibit, especially those who attend a giraffe feeding, enthusiastically demonstrate admiration and wonder towards wildlife, emotional connections to the animals, and excitement at close and unusual viewing opportunities. Visitors care deeply about the quality of life for these animals and readily state that they feel the animals have a good home in this exhibit. Respondents are
TEAM MEMBERS: Wendy Meluch San Francisco Zoo
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In 2005, WGBH began production of a new television series for children called FETCH. FETCH is a competition-based game/reality show for 6-10 year-old children that includes both animation and live action footage. The show is hosted by a cartoon dog named Ruff Ruffman. FETCH is scheduled to begin airing on PBS in May of 2006. In December 2005, WGBH contracted Goodman Research Group, Inc. (GRG), a research firm specializing in the evaluation of educational programs, materials, and services, to conduct an early summative evaluation of the series. Because Season One was still in production, a
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In 2004, WGBH received partial funding from the National Science Foundation to create Einstein's Big Idea, a two-hour docudrama on Einstein and the history of the formula E=mc2. Based on the book E=mc2, A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation by David Bodanis, the program highlights the stories of those who helped develop the key concepts that make up the equation, with a particular focus on how Einstein pulled together these concepts to create E=mc2. Through these stories, Einstein's Big Idea focuses on four themes that served as learning goals for the project. The four themes are: (1
TEAM MEMBERS: Karen Peterman WGBH Kathryn Franich Irene F Goodman
resource evaluation Exhibitions
This report presents the findings of a summative evaluation of The Search for Life conducted by Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A), for The New York Hall of Science (NY Hall) in Queens, New York. The Search for Life was developed by NY Hall staff and funded by the National Science Foundation, NASA and NASA Astrobiology Institute, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs with funds from the Office of the Mayor, Institute for Library Services, Anonymous and Wyeth. Data collection took place in October 2005.
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. New York Hall of Science
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The Monarch Butterfly Larval Monitoring project is a collaborative Citizen Science Project in which informal science education (ISE) institutions participate in research to measure the distribution and abundance of monarch butterfly larvae throughout the US, addressing the lack of knowledge about the breeding phase of the annual cycle. This project seeks to create links among ISE institutions (nature centers, museums, state and national parks, and environmental learning centers) from across the US, and also between these institutions and university scientists, citizens, and K-12 educators. The
TEAM MEMBERS: Carol Freeman University of Minnesota
resource evaluation Public Programs
In June 2002,the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Visitor Center (CLO-VC) opened in the new Imogene Powers Johnson Center for Birds and Biodiversity. The CLO-VC is located in theSapsucker Woods Sanctuary of Ithaca,New York. Surrounded by trails for bird watchers of all levels,the CLO-VC contains exhibits designed to enhance knowledge of birds and bird biology,and encourage participation in its Citizen Science Program. Sapsucker Woods Pond and the Treman Bird Feeding Garden are visible through walls of windows in the Morgens Observatory part of the Visitor Center.The building,pond, garden,and trails
TEAM MEMBERS: Beverly Serell Cornell University
resource project Media and Technology
The National Research Council, through its Board on Science Education, will carry out a synthesis study of informal science learning based on a workshop funded by a prior NSF planning grant. The intellectual merit of this project is based on the formation of a committee of experts representative of the diversity of the field who will engage in a fact-finding process on learning science in informal settings, deliberate about the evidence and produce a major report that will be published by the National Academies Press. The study will describe the status of knowledge in the field currently, articulate a common framework for the next generation of research on informal science learning and provide guidance to the community of practice. By presenting what we know about the characteristics of effective informal science learning environments across a range of outcome measures, the study will achieve broader impacts by assisting practitioners, policymakers and researchers in directing their efforts towards realizing the potential of informal science education for advancing public science literacy.
TEAM MEMBERS: Heidi Schweingruber C. Jean Moon