In the provision of networked services for museums, the term 'openness' crops up in a variety of contexts including open standards and open source software. In addition, the Web 2.0 environment has led to increased interest in open content and in the use of freely available networked applications which may be regarded as open services. This focus on openness for the developer or service provider can be complemented with a culture of openness which encourages the users to actively engage with services and generate their own content. It can be difficult to argue against the benefits which
The Science and Technology Museum from Catalunya (mNACTEC) has developed a virtual exhibition from the documents and objects used for the exhibition "Experimental Physics Laboratory of the Mentor Alsina". The main objective of the virtual exhibition is complementary to the current exhibition. Provide information, list of objects and operating proposal that could be difficult to develop in an exhibition in which dominates the environmental sense. The virtual exhibition offers information on all objects of the early twentieth century that form the collection of laboratory and interactive
Joan MunozSantiago VallmitjanaJaume ValentinesStefano D'Argenio
The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), as an active cultural promoter, implemented a virtual museum system in order to help and develop expression related to art, science and humanities. The UNAM's cultural heritage is, as in many other universities, a vast number of different kinds of objects, ranging from painting and sculpture to numismatics and architecture, from traditional art to modern multimedia-based exhibits to Scientific Collections. It is impossible to exhibit it all in a single place in an orderly fashion. The Virtual Museum of the University's Cultural Heritage
Francisco CaviedesEsther de la HerranAndrea VitelaA. Libia CervantesJose MondragonAlma RangelJose SilvaIldiko PelczerFrancisco SalgadoAdidier Perez-GomezCarolina Flores-IllescasJose CasillasGraciela de la TorreJorge ReynosoRafael SamanoJulia MolinarJose Manuel MaganaAlejandrina EscuderoAriadna Patino
In 2006 the Coalition for Science After School, under a subcontract from SEDL as part of their U.S. Department of Education grant, began an investigation of the potential of out-of-school time programs as a network of early support for advanced STEM coursework, including Advanced Placement courses and their prerequisites. This undertaking responded to research findings that math and science are "critical filters," that continuation in STEM education and careers depends on opting for sequential and rigorous courses, and that young people need messages and preparation that encouraged them to
The Coalition for Science After SchoolPatricia McClureAlberto RodriguezFrancena CummingsKaren FalkenbergErrin M. McComb
In 2006 the Coalition for Science After School, under a subcontract from SEDL as part of their U.S. Department of Education grant, began an investigation of the potential of out-of-school time programs as a network of early support for advanced STEM coursework, including Advanced Placement courses and their prerequisites. This undertaking responded to research findings that math and science are "critical filters," that continuation in STEM education and careers depends on opting for sequential and rigorous courses, and that young people need messages and preparation that encouraged them to
The Coalition for Science After SchoolLynn Dierking
In 2006 the Coalition for Science After School, under a subcontract from SEDL as part of their U.S. Department of Education grant, began an investigation of the potential of out-of-school time programs as a network of early support for advanced STEM coursework, including Advanced Placement courses and their prerequisites. This undertaking responded to research findings that math and science are "critical filters," that continuation in STEM education and careers depends on opting for sequential and rigorous courses, and that young people need messages and preparation that encouraged them to
The Coalition for Science After SchoolYolanda S. George
In 2006 the Coalition for Science After School, under a subcontract from SEDL as part of their U.S. Department of Education grant, began an investigation of the potential of out-of-school time programs as a network of early support for advanced STEM coursework, including Advanced Placement courses and their prerequisites. This undertaking responded to research findings that math and science are "critical filters," that continuation in STEM education and careers depends on opting for sequential and rigorous courses, and that young people need messages and preparation that encouraged them to
The Coalition for Science After SchoolNicole YohalemAndrew Shouse
The Coalition for Science After School was initiated through two NSF-funded meetings in 2004 and 2005 that brought science education and out-of-school time leaders together to explore strategies for further merging the two fields. Through the second conference, held in Marina del Ray, CA, a blueprint for CSAS was designed and finalized. Under the leadership of an eight-member Executive Committee, an expanded 20-member Steering Committee, and acting director Bronwyn Bevan, CSAS was launched with 40 members. The meeting report, A Blueprint for Action (2007), laid out CSAS priorities and
The Coalition for Science After SchoolThe Coalition for Science After School
In 2008 the Coalition for Science After School and Afterschool Alliance published an issue brief on STEM in out-of-school time, "Afterschool programs: At the STEM of Learning."
The Coalition for Science After SchoolThe Afterschool Alliance
In 2009 the Coalition for Science After School hosted the First National Conference on Science and Technology in Out-of-School Time. Funded by the Noyce Foundation, with additional support from Science Chicago, the Motorola Foundation, and the United States Department of Education, the meeting took place in Chicago, IL and resulted in a 2009 report, "A Watershed Moment."
The Coalition for Science After SchoolThe Coalition for Science After SchoolProject Exploration
During 2008, CSAS worked to document the key projects, resources and people working to incorporate STEM learning opportunities as part of out-of-school time programs. This work resulted in the formation of three communities of practice: Staff Capacity and Professional Development, Development of STEM Learning Activities, and Programs and Program Improvement. The purpose of these communities of practice was to strengthen the intellectual foundation of out-of-school time STEM education, and provide the professionals who serve the out-of-school time field with common concepts, models and
The Coalition for Science After SchoolThe Coalition for Science After School
In preparation for its sunset of operations, the Coalition for Science After School Steering Committee decided to organize a Summit, Passing the Torch: Advancing Opportunity for Quality Science Learning. The meeting took place in March 2014, hosted by the Exploratorium in San Francisco. An invited group of sixty leaders came together from across the STEM education, youth development, and out-of-school time communities to assess the accomplishments, challenges, gaps, and essential resources needed to provide quality STEM learning opportunities for all youth, and to pass the torch for making
The Coalition for Science After SchoolKaren Stratvert