This project is a full-scale development project that builds upon a pilot program funded by the NSF in 2007 (LEAP into Science/Pilot), developed by The Franklin Institute (FI) in collaboration with The Free Library of Philadelphia. By connecting children’s literature and hands-on science activities in out-of-school settings, LEAP/Pilot has promoted student and family engagement in science and literacy in Philadelphia for over six years. In 2011, a cohort of ten national sites joined the initiative to pilot LEAP into Science resources in multiple out-of-school time contexts and within unique institutional partnerships. The 10 sites, consisting of 27 institutional partnerships representing a diverse group of organizations (museums, libraries, K-12 school districts, universities, and public media). Through continued collaboration in Philadelphia and with these national cohort sites, LEAP into Science: Engaging Diverse Community Partners in Science and Literacy is leveraging the relationships, experiences, and resources initiated in LEAP /Pilot to address the needs of new audiences, meet partners’ requests for enhanced professional development, and study the efficacy of this program in different out-of-school time structures and populations across the country. The result will be an adaptable program that more effectively reaches diverse audiences in science and literacy through community partners, as well as a stronger understanding of implementation for improved sustainability.
This paper provides a brief overview of the ideas and principles underlying the connected learning movement, highlighting examples of how libraries are boosting 21st-century learning and promoting community development by partnering with a range of organisations and individuals to incorporate connected opportunities into their programmes. The connected learning movement supports interest-driven, peer-supported, and academically oriented learning for youth by promoting the core values of equity, participation, and social connection. By connecting formal and informal learning organisations with
In recent years, many technological interventions have surfaced, such as virtual worlds, games, and digital labs, that aspire to link young people's interest in media technology and social networks to learning about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) areas. Despite the tremendous interest surrounding young people and STEM education, the role of school libraries in these initiatives is rarely examined. In this article, we outline a sociocultural approach to explore how school library programs can play a critical role in STEM education and articulate the need for research that
Mega SubramaniamJune AhnKenneth FleischmannAllison Druin
This paper examines the changing roles of public libraries in their communities especially the impact that science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs are having on how libraries perceive their evolving mission. Survey results will be presented that show an overwhelming interest by librarians and their libraries in hosting STEM exhibitions and programs. Several successful STEM library programs will illustrate the diversity of approaches that have been implemented including the NSF-funded STAR Library Education Network project (STAR_NET).
The public library as a venue for learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is seen as having great potential for implementing informal STEM education. There are 17,000 public library locations in all 50 states; at that scale they can provide citizens in each community opportunities to engage in lifelong STEM learning. With such broad reach at a local level, public libraries are an exciting prospect for engaging the Nation in STEM learning. Broadly, the question that this paper seeks to address is, in what ways do libraries support the development of STEM learning? To
Many libraries are now providing innovative science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) activities in their youth programs, including interactive exhibitions and hands-on workshops. What started some years ago as independent experiments has become a national movement. More and more libraries are responding to the need to increase science literacy and support 21st Century skills, such as critical thinking, by adding to STEM programs for patrons of all ages, from pre-school to adults. With the introduction of STEM into the library’s traditional programming, librarians need to evaluate the
The article discusses the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: Information, Technology and Scientific Literacy (STEM-ALL) for ALl Learners project of Emporia State University, Kansas. The project is an interdisciplinary program for teaching information, technology and scientific-literacy that brings STEM content into Master of Library Science curriculum. It aims to create an Information, Technology and Scientific Literacy Certificate for educators to earn across degree programs.
The article focuses on the establishment of the YOUMedia Network at Saint Public Library in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The digital learning laboratory operates within the guidelines of Hanging Out, Messing Around and Geeking Out (HOMAGO) which provides teenagers access to technology and art such as sewing machines, makerspace, and recording studios. The library partnered with Parks and Recreation Department, Saint Paul Neighborhood Network and the Science Museum of Minnesota's Youth Science Center.
The article presents the makerspaces in libraries where informal, collaborative learning can occur through hands-on creation using any combination of technology, industrial arts and fine arts not readily available for home use. It cites the underlying goal of a makerspace to encourage innovation and creativity via the use of technology and offer a place where everything can be nurtured. It notes a growing interest in design thinking afforded by makerspaces.
The article offers the authors' insights on a two-event in the Faculty of Information's symposium series at the iSchool @ Toronto on Creative Making in Libraries and Museums. Topics discussed include museums and cultural libraries, the development of makerspaces in a library and use of three-dimensional (3D) printing, and the open source, portable digital file distribution tool LibraryBox. The symposium featured librarian Jason Griffey, professor Matt Ratto, and MakerKids founder Andy Forest.
Educational makerspaces (EM) and maker education (ME) have the potential to revolutionize the way we approach teaching and learning. The maker movement in education is built upon the foundation of constructionism, which is the philosophy of hands-on learning through building things. Constructionism, in turn, is the application of constructivist learning principles to a hands-on learning environment. Thus maker education is a branch of constructivist philosophy that views learning as a highly personal endeavor requiring the student, rather than the teacher, to initiate the learning process. In
R. Steven KurtiDebby KurtiLaura Fleming