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Community Repository Search Results

resource evaluation Media and Technology
Goodman Research Group, Inc. (GRG) conducted a summative evaluation of the first season of NOVA scienceNOW, the PBS series that explores cutting-edge scientific and technological innovation in real time. The evaluation included two primary components: 1) an evaluation of the television series, and 2) an evaluation of the outreach, which consisted of a companion website and a series of Science Cafes hosted around the country. GRG's evaluation was designed to assess the project's effectiveness in meeting its overall goal of engaging a variety of audiences more deeply with scientific research in
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Goodman Research Group, Inc. (GRG) conducted a comprehensive multi-method external evaluation of the Design Squad PBS television series and its outreach initiative. Design Squad is a live-action reality television series for 9-12 years-olds that aims to provide hands-on experiences and positive images of engineering through design competitions. The broad evaluation goals were to: 1) assess the extent to which children's knowledge, interest, and awareness of engineering increased as a result of watching the Design Squad series, 2) document the implementation of the community events resulting
TEAM MEMBERS: Peggy Vaughan Elizabeth Bachrach Margaret Tiedemann Irene F Goodman WGBH
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In MIT’s NSF-funded Terrascope Youth Radio (TYR) program, urban youth, many from groups historically underrepresented in the sciences, worked as paid interns who received training in radio production, reporting and writing stories with scientific content and audio storytelling to create environmentally oriented audio pieces that were engaging and relevant to their own and their peers’ lives. Teen interns participated between July 2008 and Autumn 2012. TYR’s goals were to improve a broad audience of teens’ engagement with, knowledge of, and attitudes about science, technology, engineering, and
TEAM MEMBERS: Karen Gareis Massachusetts Institute of Technology Karina Lin Irene F Goodman
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The 2010 Cyberchase Summer Challenge Outreach initiative was designed to allow local public television stations to develop community-appropriate outreach plans as part of a unique summer launch of a new season of shows for a PBS children's television program. The Cyberchase Summer Challenge was a national initiative; eight stations were selected for a pilot study of best practices related to summer programming. Grantee stations were provided modest funding and material support. RMC's evaluation focused on understanding how public television stations and their outreach partners can build
TEAM MEMBERS: Alice Apley Wendy Graham Elizabeth Goldman Thirteen/WNET New York
resource project Public Programs
The Westside Science Club (WSSC) is an out-of-school time opportunity that brings participant-directed STEM activities to under-resourced late-elementary and middle school students in low-income housing units in Los Angeles. WSSC and CCI Solar began a collaboration in 2012 with funding from the NSF to connect research scientists from Caltech with the underserved youth in the club. Another community partner, Wildwood School, provided high school students to act as near-peer mentors for the club members. CCI Solar's research on the efficient and economical conversion of solar energy into stored chemical fuel provides an entry point for informal science education activities designed to introduce pre-high school participants to basic chemistry and related STEM concepts such as physics and plant biology. Activities were largely student driven, though lessons were developed by the team of facilitators including the club's founder Ben Dickow, Wildwood teacher Levi Simons, and students, post-docs, and staff from Caltech. Each lesson was tied to CCI Solar's research through a mind-map of related chemistry concepts. The activities were mostly intended to be "maker-type" experiences that allowed the club members to follow their own interests and questions. Caltech students and postdocs from CCI Solar helped deliver activities while honing their science communication skills with the young WSSC audience. The team is currently adapting the model of this successful collaboration to develop another science club in a different Los Angeles community. Two-years of lessons developed from this project, an evaluation of the project by Kimberly Burtnyk of Science for Society, and a model on how to replicate such a program are available in the project final report below. This was a two-year pilot program that was completed in July 2014.
TEAM MEMBERS: California Institute of Technology Center for Chemical Innovation Carolyn Patterson Siddharth Dasgupta Michelle Hansen Benjamin Dickow
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The Sharing the Universe (STU) project was funded by NSF in 2007 to develop and make available resources and supports to deepen and broaden the education and public outreach (EPO) of amateur astronomy clubs who are members of the Night Sky Network. To achieve this goal, the project funded a development group: the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, and a research group: Institute for Learning Innovation. These two groups were to work as partners, both to study the barriers and challenges that existed for amateur astronomy clubs to educational outreach, and to apply what was learned from those
TEAM MEMBERS: Pam Castori Mark St. John
resource research Community Outreach Programs
The 2012 Science Festival Alliance Annual Report is now available. This first-of-its-kind document provides a snapshot of activity for the SFA and its members in 2012, and it paints quite a striking picture. With 13 SFA member festivals (membership has grown since!) reporting on the over 1,600 events they produced in 2012 the numbers add up quickly. How many of these events drew more that 1,000 visitors? What percent of attendees gave the events evaluated positive ratings? Read on to find out, and notice that certain sections of the report, such as our list of a few festival news stories, are
resource research Media and Technology
Poster on NSF DRL-1114690 (Spy Hounds) presented at the 2012 ISE PI Meeting.
resource research Media and Technology
Poster on NSF DRL-1114515 (LOOP Production Season One) presented at the 2012 ISE PI Meeting.
TEAM MEMBERS: Marisa Wolsky
resource research Media and Technology
Poster on NSF DRL-1010900 (Peep and The Big Wide World Season Five) presented at the 2012 ISE PI Meeting.
resource research Media and Technology
Poster on NSF DRL-0917495 (Design Squad Nation) presented at the 2012 ISE PI Meeting.
TEAM MEMBERS: Marisa Wolsky
resource research Community Outreach Programs
Poster on NSF grant DRL-1114467 (""Collaborative Research: Full Scale Development: Native Universe - Indigenous Voice in Science Museums"") from the 2012 ISE PI Meeting.
TEAM MEMBERS: Nancy Maryboy