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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Media and Technology
Following their experience with the 2003 NSF-funded conference, "Best Practices in Science Exhibition Development," the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) is creating for informal science education practitioners a dynamic online system, "ExFiles," for contributing to, using and conducting communications about a database on exhibitions. At least 1,000 practitioners are expected to use the site over the course of the three-year project, which will be sustained by ASTC after the grant period. The website is being populated initially with a set of at least 40 exhibitions representing a variety of scientific domains, sizes and interpretive and design strategies. Promotion of the site is being assisted by several associations: National Association of Museum Exhibitions, Association of Children's Museums, American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta, American Zoo and Aquarium Association and the European Network of Science Centres and Museums.
TEAM MEMBERS: Wendy Pollock Wendy Hancock Kathleen McLean
resource project Public Programs
The Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), in collaboration with the Yale Project on Climate Change and the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, is conducting a three-year project whose goal is to build the capacity of twelve science centers as well as of twelve NSF-funded Long-term Ecological Research Centers (LTER) for the purpose of engaging the public in climate change science. The twelve sites span the USA from the east coast to Hawaii. The goal of these simultaneous projects is to illustrate local indicators of global change. Additional partners include ScienCentral, Inc. (TV media producers), the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, the American Geophysical Union, NOAA, Natural History magazine, and a national board of advisors. Deliverables include: (1) twelve local demonstration projects with launch programs, exhibits/programs, TV spots, citizen science activities, and an interactive map illustrating the work of the twelve sites, (2) professional development for informal STEM education professionals and LTER research faculty, (3) a national survey to assess the USA population's climate literacy, and (4) a culminating workshop for the ISE field, a permanent resource database, and a final publication. Evaluation processes are being conducted by David Heil & Associates.
TEAM MEMBERS: Walter Staveloz Rick Bonney Anthony Leiserowitz
resource project Media and Technology
Open Exhibits has released a suite of open source multitouch-enabled exhibit modules and templates with the goal of transforming the way in which museum professionals and other informal educators assemble interactive computer-based exhibits for use in museums and other informal settings. Ideum Inc., proposes a full-scale development project that will develop, test, and disseminate a free suite of original, multitouch-enabled, open source exhibit software that will transform the ability of science museum professionals to assemble interactive computer-based exhibits for use in museums and on the Web. The project offers a novel approach to exhibit development that enhances the interoperability of science content and computer-based exhibit authoring tools to promote cyber-learning in informal settings. Open Exhibits will fulfill the need for a shared platform for interactive computer-based exhibits, driven by the exponential growth of cyber-learning and the need to streamline resources and investment in the exhibit development field. There has been a rapid rise in the development and use of open source software, but few of these technologies have been designed specifically to meet the needs of the ISE field, and few have been applied directly to enhancing the visitor experience. Open Exhibits will provide a model that promotes the sharing of technology, provides access to high-quality flexible tools to develop interactive computer-based exhibits, and strengthens cyber-infrastructure for the ISE field. It will also make interactive and new media technologies more accessible for small and rural museums with limited funding. The project will develop a library of extensible software modules for all major platforms that exhibit developers can configure in specific ways. These modules (developed using the popular Adobe Flash and Flex authoring tools) will be configured as three flexible templates that have broad application across the ISE field: 1) a current science news aggregator, 2) a timeline-based exhibit, and 3) a collections viewer. The templates will also be available in the form of universal modules that more advanced users can mix and match to build customized exhibits, allowing for modification that will yield further advancements to the software. Ideum will work closely with three partner museums: The Don Harrington Discovery Center (Amarillo, TX), Maxwell Museum of Anthropology (Albuquerque, NM), and New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science (Albuquerque, NM) which represent a broad range of STEM topical areas, and the content that they develop will show the breadth of possibilities of the software modules and templates. Other deliverables include a mini-summit to convene museum and technology experts; user support strategies; and a community of practice centered around that will standardize interoperability and design principles and serve as a hub for user support, prototype downloads, and as an exhibit showcase.
TEAM MEMBERS: Jim Spadaccini Kathryn Haley Goldman Jennifer Borland
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The National Resource Center of the 122 Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes (OLLIs), in collaboration with the Exploratorium and three regional OLLI sites at California State University-East Bay, University of South Florida, and University of Missouri-Columbia, explored, via this planning grant, a variety of scenarios for engaging target audiences of "third age" (50+) participants in informal STEM learning activities. Six collaborative partnerships between OLLIs and science centers in Maine, Virginia, California, Oregon, Montana and Pennsylvania were given $1000 each to create, test, and evaluate a STEM program/activity. The collaborative projects supported by the planning grant engaged 1186 older adults in ISE activities. Data collected from the partnership projects, and from national surveys of OLLIs and science centers, from a literature search, and from a CAISE Forum discussion were used to develop a full scale proposal to NSF in 2010 to fund a national Science Education Center for the Third Age. That proposal was declined but has been significantly reworked based on reviewer feedback and further efforts of the planning team and was submitted in its new form for the January 11, 2012 ISE deadline. This new project would be a largely virtual national Center based at the University of Southern Maine. The project would include creation of an interactive website, 30 funded OLLI/ Science Center collaborative partnerships nationwide ($10,000 each to create new ISE activities for older learners), and 3 regional/national summits to share results.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kali Lightfoot Bette Felton Aracelis Rogers Lucille Salerno
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The University of Minnesota and the University of Florida are collaborating on the creation of a Master Naturalist Program for adults that will serve as a model for nationnwide dissemination. This program, which builds on the existing Florida Master Naturalist Program, will provide intensive 40-hour training sessions in ecology, natural/cultural history and the environment for volunteers in Minnesota. Participants will then complete 40 hours of supervised volunteer service at local natural history centers while volunteers in both Florida and Minnesota will have the option of participating in advanced training workshops. Staff members at informal science education institutions and natural history centers take part in train-the-trainer workshops to assist with dissemination. Deliverables include three training modules (Big Woods, Big Rivers; Prairies and Potholes; North Woods, Great Lakes), advanced training workshops, local Master Naturalist Chapters, annual conferences, training materials and workshops for Master Naturalist Instructors, and a project website. It is anticipated that this project will result in the implementation of 64 Master Naturalist workshops, directly reaching 1,280 volunteers, while 750 participants are anticipated for advanced training workshops. It is estimated that 130 staff will participate as Master Naturalist Instructors. Indirect impacts will be realized as volunteers contribute more than 51,000 hours in service to nature centers and informal science institutions interacting with public audiences while conducting natural history activities. Strategic impact will be realized in the outcomes of the comprehensive evaluation plan that will assess immediate and longitudinal impacts on public and professional audiences.
TEAM MEMBERS: Robert Blair Martin Main Amy Rager Karen Oberhauser
resource project Public Programs
The University of California-Davis and its collaborators are identifying and testing strategies for implementing a model citizen science program that links the statewide Master Naturalist program with local citizen science projects that engage the public in environmental scientific research. The goals of the project are to develop a mechanism for broadening the reach of master naturalist and citizen science programs, and measure the impact of these programs on participants' science learning and environmental stewardship behavior. The project is (1) implementing strategies for engaging underserved audiences (young adults and communities of color) and enhancing learning for seniors in the California Naturalist program, (2) developing and testing a citizen science training module, (3) establishing two regional volunteer naturalist networks in Northern California that have links to local citizen science projects, and (4) developing web tools for use by program providers and naturalists to connect to projects and promote science learning. Project deliverables include training sessions, support services, network coordination, web tools, research on impacts on science learning, and participant tracking. By bringing together young and older adults to learn together, merging these audiences will result in the formation of a diverse corps of citizen naturalists who participate in ecological monitoring of local natural areas and conduct land stewardship activities. The project's findings will help program administrators scale-up the approach statewide and across the nation.
TEAM MEMBERS: Heidi Ballard Adina Merenlender Rick Bonney
resource project Media and Technology
The DISCUSS (NSF-ISE 0946691) project enabled the White Oak Institute to address a key problem facing the science museum field – the need for open-access specifications for digital technologies that can transform the capacities of museum giant screen (GS) theaters from analog to digital, as analog film becomes obsolete. DIGSS (the “Digital Immersive Giant Screen Specifications”) is an open-access, field-based set of specifications, modeled on the Digital Cinema Initiative (DCI) that converted commercial cinema from film to digital. DIGSS addresses the superior image, theater geometry and size needed for museum-quality immersive learning. Until DIGSS, there were no digital specs to address museums’ unique need for a truly immersive learning experience. As of April, 2012, DIGSS was officially transferred to the Giant Screen Cinema Association (GSCA), whose Technical Committee took over its stewardship. At least one system supplier now offers 3D and 2D giant screen digital projection systems designed specifically for DIGSS. The Peoria Riverfront Museum (opened October, 2012) included the first new DIGSS-compliant digital GS Theater (3D flat, 70’ x 52’ screen). The DISCUSS Colloquium (June 14-16, 2010, Marblehead, MA) convened experts in digital technologies, theater geometry, network economics, learning evaluation and museum leadership to develop initial consensus, resulting in the first draft of DIGSS (DIGSS 1.0). The specifications were then refined by professional comment on the DISCUSS wiki. The White Oak Institute partnered with key professional associations (GSCA, ASTC, IPS and IMERSA) to communicate DIGSS to their professional members, inviting field-wide input and review. DISCUSS collateral outcomes include: a bibliography of articles and publications related to giant screen theaters and films; a literature review of GS learning outcomes; a snapshot of the global GS theater network as of May 2010; an economic survey reporting on attendance, revenues, expenses and more; several scenarios calculating the network size needed to support the desired number of annual films; and a logic rationale that can serve as a research framework. These and other outcomes are integrated into the DISCUSS Proceedings, available with DIGSS 1.0 at
TEAM MEMBERS: John Jacobsen Beatrice Stahl
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) will create a 5,000 sq ft traveling exhibition designed to engage families with children ages 10-14 with concepts of algebra. Access Algebra will increase visitor awareness of the role of algebra in everyday life and help them to develop algebraic thinking skills. This exhibition will travel to 21 science centers, reaching some 3.5 million visitors on its national tour. It will be accompanied by an Educator's Guide, Family Guide, and complementary web activities. Access Algebra incorporates testing and implementation of an innovative model for professional development for museum exhibit, program, and interpretive staff. It links the exhibition tour to training at each venue designed to increase knowledge of algebra concepts and to develop facilitation skills in family math learning. The package includes workshops, training DVD, printed guide, Math Toolkit, and website support. Project partners include TERC, Oregon State University College of Education (OSU), and Blazer Boys & Girls Club (BBGC). The BBGC members will participate in exhibit development over an extended (12-week) period, helping to create an exhibition that will engage a target audience of underserved low-income youth. The strategic impact of Access Algebra derives from the development and testing of effective strategies for engaging audiences in exhibit-based informal math learning, along with increasing the capacity of the field for facilitating these kinds of experiences through a new model for professional development.
resource project Public Programs
The Institute for Learning Innovation, in collaboration with Mary Miss Studio and the Institute for Urban Design, is conducting an exploratory research and development project on sustainable practices related to the built infrastructure of New York City. The work will (1) pilot test and study new interpretive strategies for urban "place-based" public learning experiences that focus pedestrians' attention on a city's ecology and existing built sustainability infrastructure; (2) engage urban design professionals and STEM researchers to explore how these new strategies have the potential to transform how urban design fields inform, dialog and interact with the public about sustainable urban design and planning; and (3) assess the effectiveness of these public interpretation programs on STEM learning beyond traditional Informal Science Learning Environments (ISEs) such as science museums. Project participants also include faculty from the City College of NY Graduate Program in Urban Design, STEM faculty from Columbia University, and staff of the Provisions Library in Washington, D.C. The project is an early phase of the "City as Living Laboratory" initiative that can leverage the Rockefeller Foundation-funded Urban Design Week program in New York City scheduled to occur September 15 - 20, 2011. This request to NSF adds an additional track to the process to specifically focus on STEM learning and urban sustainability. From the promotional materials: "The Institute for Urban Design is currently preparing for the first annual Urban Design Week, a public festival created to engage New Yorkers in the fascinating and complex issues of the public realm and celebrate the city's exceptional urbanity. Through a rich roster of charettes, summits, installations, film screenings, exhibitions, and tours, Urban Design Week will draw in citizens from every borough and walk of life and highlight the idea that cities are made by collective effort, and that each of us can be a part of that great endeavor." The project goal is to generate new models for public engagement with science in the city environment and to explore how urban designers and planners, as they design for sustainability, can more effectively collaborate with STEM researchers and with the public. The project has both research and programmatic deliverables. Research activities include: Public Audiences: observational study of pedestrians in the installation environment; intercept surveys of the public about their experiences with the streetscape installations. Professional Audiences: pre-installation surveys on the role of public space science interpretation for altering public discourse about urban planning and sustainable cities; focus group assessment of professionals\' experiences with observing public interactions with the installations; online delayed- post experience survey on learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, attitude, motivation and anticipated impacts on professional practices; analysis of blog postings and public media surrounding the installation; survey of attendees at an ISE forum on the project, its goals, outcomes and potential for future developments. Programmatic deliverables include: a workshop that engages urban design students in the development of experimental streetscape installations; a pilot installation on streets in the City College of NY (consistent with approvals already received by NYC Dept. of Transportation); a City as Living Laboratory art-science workshop for Urban Design Week professionals to highlight possible benefits of inter-disciplinary collaboration; a panel discussion around new forms of citizen engagement through a "city as a science learning environment"; a forum specifically for ISE professionals to explore the research findings and potential for use as a strategy to increase science learning in city places.
TEAM MEMBERS: John Fraser William Solecki Jessica Luke Mary Miss
resource project Public Programs
Through programs (including small group conversations, citizen conferences, and public forums) an interactive exhibition, and two research studies that address issues that are fundamental to establishing museums as places of public dialogue and deliberation, this project engages the general public, policymakers, and caregivers in deliberations around the latest early childhood development (ECD) research. It also builds on an increased understanding of the importance of ECD to expand civic engagement around this urgent social issue. The overall goal of the project is to help audiences understand child development, how environment and experiences impact development, and what we as a society can do to support our youngest citizens. Specifically, audiences explore: How the brain develops from birth until kindergarten (or age five); how a child's environment and experiences sculpt the brain, with some experiences enhancing the child's self-control and learning, and other experiences that actually impede development; and what the project audiences can do to ensure that all children have a strong foundation to learn and thrive.
TEAM MEMBERS: Laurie Fink Sara Benning Kirsten Ellenbogen Karen Cadigan Amy Susman-Stillman Sara Langworthy
resource project Media and Technology
TERC is partnering with the Toxics Action Center to enhance the capacity of environmental organizations to teach mathematical literacy skills to low-income citizens, mostly women of color. Secondary collaborators include four environmental organizations around the country. The project is (1) developing math- and statistics-rich educational materials that help non-scientists interpret environmental test results, (2) developing training materials that help environmental organization personnel provide quantitative literacy training to citizens, (3) helping environmental organizations institutionalize project resources, and (4) evaluating the impact of project activities on environmental organizers, community members, and the general public. Project deliverables include bilingual, print- and web-based instructional materials (including videos) for environmental organizations to use with staff and community members; training sessions to create a cadre of environmental organization leaders who can conduct environment-focused, math training workshops; a communications toolkit for dissemination to journalists who cover environmental issues; and a resource-rich project web site.
TEAM MEMBERS: Martha Merson Mary Jane Schmitt
resource project Media and Technology
Situated within the framework of their NSF funded sociolinguistic research, partnering institutions, Gallaudet University and the University of California-Davis, will develop and broadly disseminate a 2-hour DVD that builds knowledge and fosters community awareness, among informal and formal audiences, about the scientific structure and history of American Sign Language (ASL), with an emphasis on Black American Sign Language. Through this Communicating Research to Public Audiences (CRPA) grant, the DVD and its existing companion guidebook will: (a) link ASL to current empirical research; (b) describe the complexities of the science of language development (written and spoken); (c) detail the evolution of Black American Sign Language; (d) provide strong evidence that sociolinguistic variations and dialects are not unique to spoken languages; and (e) foster related discussions in formal and informal settings. The project will involve ASL interpreters and hearing, hearing impaired and deaf local community members, students, and teachers; ranging in age (adolescents to seniors), geographic location within the United States, and socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds. Informal settings such as local community, resource and cultural centers will participate in project dissemination efforts and activities. Formal settings such as postsecondary linguistics courses, deaf studies courses, interpreter training courses, and professional workshops will also serve as secondary venues for project dissemination activities. The research design, videotaped data clips and findings from the seminal sociolinguistic research involving data from 22 study groups at six different sites will be encapsulated and made accessible via the primary deliverable, a 2 hour DVD. Designed for various audiences, the DVD will present the socio-historical significance of the research, data collection and methods employed, and data clips of participants narrating their life experiences. Phonological variables, syntactic & discourse variables, contact phenomena, and lexical variations will also be discussed and illustrated in the DVD. Targeted public and professional audiences will be recruited to receive the DVD, the companion guide book, and other project resources. Project deliverables include a 2 hour DVD, training materials, workshops, and web site enhancements. Through active dissemination efforts, the project intends to reach approximately 29,000 people. The project should: (a) increase knowledge and awareness about the scientific structure and history of ASL, and (b) provide greater access to content- including STEM content-through a broader understanding of geographical and social factors that influence non-spoken language variations, particularly Black ASL. A mixed methods evaluation study will be employed to monitor all aspects of the DVD and training materials development, refinement, and implementation. Focus groups will be conducted and questionnaires will be distributed to collect data and determine the extent to which the project has effectively met its primary goal to share and disseminate its research findings more broadly to public audiences, with a special emphasis on informal audiences and organizations. The project will address a need in the field for research about the scientific structure, history, and socio-cultural factors influencing variations in non-spoken languages, particularly in Black ASL. Broad dissemination of this research could raise public awareness about ASL variations thereby, providing interpreters and a sizable portion of the deaf and hearing communities with valuable insights on ASL that could improve content accessibility among deaf and hearing impaired individuals. The project also highlights an important, overlooked component of American history. In addition, this project would further the ISE program's efforts to diversify its portfolio with respect to content (science of language; linguistics) and target populations (deaf, African-American). The original NSF funded scientific research project and the proposed dissemination efforts, also support ISE's commitment to fund projects with an aim to communicate NSF funded research to informal audiences and within informal settings. With an anticipated reach of 29,000 people, the project?s website, local community events, and linkages with ISE organizations such as The Department of African American Studies Afro-American Studies Resource Center at Howard University in Washington, DC; The Stiles African American Heritage Center in Denver; and The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem, NY and professional organizations such as the Gallaudet University Press and the National Association of Black Deaf Advocates (NBDA); will provide multiple opportunities for public engagement in the research and cross-disciplinary, cultural discussions about this work within the context of informal and formal education.
TEAM MEMBERS: Ceil Lucas Carolyn McCaskill