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resource evaluation Media and Technology
For the NSF ISE QUEST Regional Hub Collaborative project, KQED's QUEST series Executive Producer Sue Ellen McCann assembled teams from six public media organizations around the country. The project was founded on two deceptively straightforward goals: the adaptation of a successful multi-media production model and the creation of a content-sharing collaborative. Yet, when one dissects the elements required to achieve these goals, a complex set of questions emerges. These questions uncover how and why public media organizations create 21st Century STEM content, and the answers to these complex
TEAM MEMBERS: Elizabeth Bandy Saul Rockman Shirin Panahandeh KQED
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Goodman Research Group, Inc. (GRG) conducted a summative national field test study of the PEEP Explorer's Guide in early childhood education (ECE) classrooms. Participating teachers used four-to-six Explorer's Guide Units with their students over the course of one school year. GRG assessed changes in teachers' science-teaching practices after using the PEEP Explorer's Guide over an extended period of time and examined potential barriers to using the PEEP Explorer's Guide throughout the course of a school year. The evaluation sought to measure the following professional audience impacts and
TEAM MEMBERS: Elizabeth Bachrach WGBH Colleen Manning Kate Parkinson Irene Goodman
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Media MashUp (MMU) was an IMLS funded project (LG-07-08-0113 ) designed to help libraries build capacity for offering computer-based programs for youth. These programs were designed to help foster 21st Century literacy skills. The program focused on the Scratch programming language (, but also used other creative freeware programs (i.e., Audacity, Picasa, SAM animation, ArtRage). MMU was a partnership among six library systems from around the country and The Science Museum of Minnesota. Three staff members from each library participated in the program: two librarians or
TEAM MEMBERS: Molly Phipps Hennepin County Library
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The Media MashUp project is funded by the IMLS (Grant LG-07-08-0113 ) to build capacity at libraries for computer-based programs for youth that help build 21st Century literacy skills. Twenty first Century literacy skills include interactive engagement with technology, collaboration and team problem solving, taking initiative and managing time and the use of higher level processing skills ( This project uses the Scratch programming platform ( developed at MIT to help foster youth's 21st Century literacy skills. The professional audience
TEAM MEMBERS: Molly Phipps Hennepin County Library
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Knight Williams Research Communications (Knight Williams, Inc), an independent evaluation firm specializing in the development and evaluation of science education media, conducted the summative evaluation for Ice Stories. The evaluation focused on the extent to which the project achieved the goals described in the Exploratorium's grant to the National Science Foundation (NSF) Arctic Research and Education, Antarctic Coordination and Information program within the Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL). The NSF DRL program provided funding for both the project
TEAM MEMBERS: Valerie Knight-Williams Exploratorium Divan Williams Christina Meyers Ora Grinberg Tal Sraboyants Eveen Chan David Tower
resource evaluation Media and Technology
ExhibitFiles is an online community for exhibit practitioners developed by the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The website provides an infrastructure for sharing and building knowledge about exhibition development and design practices. After testing, the site officially opened on April 23, 2007. Influenced by learning theories such a Wenger's community of practice (1998) and Web 2.0 concepts, the project team incorporated site features and management strategies to develop and extend the professional networks and the
TEAM MEMBERS: Carey Tisdal Association of Science-Technology Centers
resource evaluation Media and Technology
User Experience Research Consulting (UXR) conducted a summative evaluation of the NSF-ISE funded project, STEPS (Science Theater Education Programming System). The STEPS project brought together a network of informal science educators and contractors to create an interactive museum theater authoring and presentation system to increase educational capacity for small and large museums across the country. The software package includes an authoring tool for the creation of multimedia science theater productions; a presentation player for displaying the shows to audiences in museum theaters
TEAM MEMBERS: Jes A. Koepfler University of Colorado, Denver
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In October 2009, the Tennessee Aquarium began an ambitious program, Connecting Tennessee to the World Ocean (CTWO), funded by a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. CTWO consists of several individual projects, all intended to increase the ocean literacy of Aquarium audiences and to promote their adoption of an ocean stewardship ethic. This formative evaluation report summarizes the extent to which the Aquarium has made progress toward these goals in the first year of the project and provides an information base for identifying opportunities to strengthen
TEAM MEMBERS: Christopher Horne Tennessee Aquarium
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Goodman Research Group, Inc. conducted a comprehensive multi-method external evaluation of the first season of the Design Squad TV series and outreach initiative. The broad evaluation goals were to: assess the extent to which children's knowledge, interest, and awareness of engineering increased as a result of watching the Design Squad series, document the implementation of community events resulting form the November 2006 Engineering Summit, and assess the effectiveness of the Afterschool Educators Guide with leaders and students.
TEAM MEMBERS: Peggy Vaughan Emilee Pressman Irene Goodman WGBH
resource evaluation Media and Technology
KQED's QUEST is a multi-year, multiple-media project seeking to influence the Bay Area's discussions about and activities related to science, the environment, and nature, with a particularly local focus. Rockman et al (REA), a San Francisco-based research and evaluation organization, conducted an evaluation of QUEST programming and activities over the course of several years. The evaluation examined general QUEST audiences, formal and informal educators' use of QUEST, and KQED's development and maintenance of a partnership among a number of Bay Area science and environmental organizations. The
TEAM MEMBERS: Elizabeth Bandy Monnette Fung KQED Northern California Public Media
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The Citizen Science Central site developed by CLO clearly meets its goal of providing guidance and resources to individuals and organizations engaged in, or interested in undertaking, citizen science, volunteer monitoring, or participatory action research initiatives. The site embodies the ideas and insights generated by the Citizen Science Toolkit conference. In terms of the evaluation objectives, the evidence from the user surveys show that the site meets both of the standards listed below. Ease of use, sufficiency, and appropriateness of Citizen Science Central content Quality and
TEAM MEMBERS: Stephanie Thompson Cornell University
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The ASTA Group, LLC (ASTA) received EAGER funding (National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant No. 094077) to conduct comprehensive planning for a National Initiative on Cyberlearning in K-12 Education. To ensure success, ASTA invited a diverse group of experts and stakeholders to participate in the planning process. Planning tasks included individual meetings and combined planning sessions. The planning process culminated with a 1-day workshop to synergize the preliminary information collected. ASTA produced a Summary Report synthesizing participants' ideas and recommendations to guide the
TEAM MEMBERS: Timothy Buehner