Tinkering activities designed for parents and children can foster spatial thinking, which benefits spatial skill development (Ramey et al., 2020). During tinkering activities, families may be challenged to use tools and materials to solve open-ended problems (Bevan, 2017). The problems specified by different tinkering challenges can highlight intrinsic or extrinsic spatial information (Chatterjee, 2008; Mix et al., 2018). In this project we asked, how does the spatial information highlighted by a tinkering challenge affect the quality of families’ spatial thinking?
Naomi PolinskyElena FiegenKaitlyn HurkaCatherine HadenDavid Uttal
The tinkering process of making, testing, and iteratively redesigning projects can teach children about engineering concepts (Marcus et al., 2021; NGSS, 2013), but there is variability in how tinkering programs are designed. Storytelling may make children’s learning experiences personally meaningful and narratively organized, thereby supporting memory (Bruner, 1996). We designed multiple story-based tinkering programs and examined how the types of story characters and goals introduced in the tinkering programs would relate to the content of families’ talk in post-tinkering reflections.
In this project, we asked whether storytelling during tinkering might support children’s engagement in STEM and how that may differ across boys and girls. According to Bruner (1996), stories can help children to organize experiences by adding coherence, increasing understanding, and facilitating learning. We observed associations between story and STEM in two contexts: home and museum exhibit.
Given the important role of autonomy support in children’s motivation and learning, this study asked whether parents’ use of autonomy supportive language (vs. controlling language) was associated with children’s engagement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in a bi-directional manner during an at-home tinkering activity.
This summary brief captures highlights from the second year of the NSF-funded WaterMarks project. The technical evaluation report for this same project period can be found on the main project page. The purpose of this document is to communicate key updates (as observed by the evaluation team) in a less technical way with the many different audiences who have an interest in keeping up with WaterMarks.
This poster from the 2023 ASTC conference provides and overview of research from the NSF funded Designing Our Tomorrow project. This research study examined storytelling approaches used by caregivers and educators to communicate to other caregiver and educators that the engineering practices exercised at DOT exhibits are usefully relevant to problem-solving in their day-to-day lives and within their communities.
In this collaborative project, a university research lab and children's science museum work together to design, implement, study, and revise a week-long data science camp for middle school age students, data science learning assessment items and a facilitator training curriculum.
This project will enhance understanding of how practitioners and researchers can and should form equitable partnerships in service of supporting lifelong STEM learning in informal learning environments.
Elysa CorinDaniel AguirreDeborah SiegelAshanti Davis
This is the evaluation report for the second year of the NSF-funded WaterMarks project. It reflects a current summary of available evidence about the intended outcomes of program activities to date, as well as commentary on how the project is using (or could use) this information moving forward.
Arecibo C3 will serve as a collaborative hub for STEM discovery and exploration by building upon existing programs and opportunities established at the Arecibo site by previous NSF programs, while also creating new STEM education, research, and outreach programs and initiatives. The goals for the Center are to (1) promote STEM education, learning, and teaching; (2) support fundamental and applied STEM and STEM education research; (3) broaden participation in STEM; and (4) build and strengthen collaborations and partnerships.
Jose Agosto RiveraJoseph Carroll-MirandaJaime Abreu RamosAmilcar VelezJason WilliamsCristina Fernandez-MarcoWanda Diaz MercedAnuchka RamosPatricia Ordonez
This Partnership Development & Planning project seeks to foster respectful, reciprocal, and lasting partnerships at Grand Canyon among members of the Traditionally Associated Tribes, the Grand Canyon Trust, Interpretive Park Rangers, and Grand Canyon geoscientists. With multiple layers of Tribal oversight, the project will use the four Rs of Indigenous research (reciprocity, relevance, respect, and responsibility) and a Dine analytical model to support relationship and trust building activities (e.g., site visits, story circles, a workshop) and co-development.
Steven SemkenKarletta Chief Laura CrosseyKarl Karlstrom
Through this year-long workshop series, three primary goals will be accomplished: a) understand what it means to build and foster ethical community partnerships between museums, local communities, and researchers; b) create the foundation for relationship building between participating partners for continued networking and collaboration beyond the workshop series; and c) create a generative collaborative space for sharing, exploring, and developing ideas on what it means to design, enact, and study culturally sustaining STEM youth programs in museums.