The Smithsonian Institution's Office of Environmental Awareness, National Museum of Natural History, and Traveling Exhibition Service are developing a major traveling exhibition, Ocean Planet, that will heighten public awareness of the need for ocean conservation. Ocean Planet will show how our lives are connected to the seas, illustrate the rapidly mounting problems threatening coastlines and open oceans, and feature promising efforts to manage oceans and oceanic resources in a sustainable manner. The exhibition and its accompanying programs will introduce the American public to the science underlying ocean conservation, including the fields of biogeochemistry, economics, fisheries biology, geology, marine anthropology, marine biology, and oceanography. Evaluation studies conducted before, during, and after exhibition development will help make the exhibition and programs more responsive to its audience. Following a six-month showing in the National Museum of Natural History, and modifications based on visitor studies, Ocean Planet will visit eight American cities, introducing millions of museum, aquarium, and science center visitors to environmental issues affecting oceans. The exhibition will be accompanied by an extensive program of educational materials and activities outside of the host site. A program of education grants to the venues on the national tour will encourage collaboration with local educational institutions and community groups. We request $951,050 from the National Science Foundation's Informal Science Education Program to Support exhibition research, designs, evaluation, fabrication, and the development of accompanying educational materials. The additional $3,000,000 needed complete the project will be raised from corporate sources, private foundations, and the Smithsonian Institution.
The goal of the three-year Science Education Enrichment Program is to provide 720 Puerto Ricans, six to fourteen years of age, with exploratory learning opportunities to observe, judge, and value scientific experiences. The program will be administered by the Agricultural Extension Service of the University of Puerto Rico. The 4-H curriculum will be strengthened by incorporating interactive learning in six science components: Composting as a Means to Conserve the Environment: The Role of Soil and Water in Protecting Life; Food Discoveries: Starchy (Farinaceous) Vegetables: From Field to Market; Getting to Know about Insects; and Hurricanes and Earthquakes: Events Requiring Disaster Mitigation. Extension Specialists in the subject matter and a research scientist from the Experiment Station will supervise groups of 10-20 children at 63 sites in sessions lasting from six months to a year. Trained volunteers and teen leaders will also participate. A distinguished group of external advisors will serve on an Advisory Committee to provide recommendations on scientific accuracy and future development. Three implementation phases ate planned. In Phase I a draft of a unique Puerto Rican science curriculum model for the Extension Service will be prepared. The skills and knowledge of component directors will be enhanced through collaboration with local and mainland groups to leverage resources for special training on exploratory approaches to learning science. In Phase II the curriculum will be tested and refined. Resources will be mobilized for exploratory science activities. A pilot session will be held for 80 youth. During Phase III all components will be operational. Approximately 640 youth will participate in 58 science session. A dissemination plan will allow for the curriculum materials to be distributed to groups in Puerto Rico and the mainland. The current level of effort will be continued and plans will be made for expansion to other sites. Institutional commitments to the development of this project include an in-kind contribution amounting to approximately 22 percent of the total project amount. In addition to creating an interest in science, the outcomes of the program will seek to build self confidence in science exploration, promote critical thinking, and develop knowledge in youth about career options in the agricultural sciences.
Oscar Muniz-TorresYamil QuijanoAgenol GonzalezPedro VelezOsvaldo Cotte
This exhibit will integrate graphics, artifacts, highly interactive electro-mechanical demonstration devices together with state of the art interactive educational computer technology to demonstrate how probability shapes nature. It will draw its examples from a variety of scientific fields including physics, chemistry, earth sciences, and biology. It is planned as a permanent addition to the Museum's exhibition program, but will be designed to facilitate easy reproduction for individual copies or for circulation as a travelling exhibit. Millions of visitors--families, teachers, children form diverse communities--will gain a first hand aesthetic appreciation of the pattern finding process of scientific investigation as well as a better understanding of the usefulness of mathematics in explaining how the natural world works.
H. Eugene StanleyDouglas SmithEdwin Taylor
As the world's largest single-dish radio telescope, Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico attracts thousands of visitors each year, of all ages and from many countries. Pride in the Observatory has caused local Puerto Rican organizations to contribute the funds necessary for the construction of the new Arecibo Observatory Visitor and Educational Facility. Cornell University, in behalf of the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, is requesting $774,463 form the NSF-ISE over a two year period to develop and implement the exhibits and educational programs which will give life to the Educational Facility. Within the facility, we propose establishing an educational program centered on the theme "More Than Meets the Eye", which will reflect the general idea that we can study our world with tools which extend our direct sensory experience. The proposed program will explore the unseen sky and, in particular, the objects that fall under the scrutiny of a radio telescope. Specifically, the program will introduce the visitors to the electromagnetic spectrum as a means of exploration, will offer a framework of basic astronomy and atmospheric science, and will provide understanding of the function and operation of the Arecibo radio telescope. Some of Arecibo's most exciting new discoveries in the fields of radio astronomy, solar system radar astronomy and astomospheric science will be presented so that visitors can experience the dynamic nature of science.
"Living on the Edge" will be the name of an exhibit in three editions that will explore multiple edges of boundaries between land and sea, air and sea, ocean bottom and overlying water, and differing water masses. Scientists have become increasingly fascinated by the study of these edges or fronts because of the new understanding it provides regarding such basic principles as the productivity of coast waters, migrations and feeding patterns of marine life, upwelling and downwelling, chlorophyll dynamics, and water quality issues, for example. The educational objectives are to bring an understanding of coastal ocean science and its social implications to broad audiences in museums and aquaria. It will consist of eight mulit-faceted interactive activity centers totally approximately 1500 square feet. Two editions of the exhibit will become part of the permanent displays at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography and the Museum of Science in Boston. The third will be a traveling version; the management of which will be handled by the Association of Science and Technology Centers. It will go to 12-15 venues during its three-year tour schedule. It is estimated that a total of 2.5 million will experience this exhibit. A suite of materials will be developed for use by formal educators with all three of the exhibits. These materials will include teacher training materials, exhibit-related modules for on-site interpretive programs, and traveling kits for in-class presentations.
The Children's Museum is requesting $910,088 from the National Science Foundation to create an exhibition to go in an Urban Environmental Center to be built on a barge anchored in Fort Point Channel, a 500-foot-wide Boston Harbor waterway in front of the Museum. Our goal is to create exhibits which broaden public access to the process of science while extending each person's awareness of an engagement in this particular waterfront environment. Barge exhibits are focused on water, which has universal appeal to children and is the central feature of our location; atmosphere -- birds, sun, solar radiation, shadow, light refraction and diffraction, heat, wind, and clouds; built environment -- architecture, engineering, buildings, technology -- and their relationship to living things. We will provide a wide menu of entry-level approaches to the environment that are not given in school. The exhibits will take a visitor from where s/he is at the beginning of the visit to a new level of curiosity and concern. Through observation and direct experimentation, children will see what varies with the tides, what flows into the Channel from street run-off, where different creatures nest, what is emitted into the atmosphere from cars and buildings, and many other things. Some exhibits invite a playful experience, involving the senses and whole body; others offer a more focused exploration to uncover principles of a phenomenon. All encourage practice in such scientific processes as observing, collecting, recording, and comparing data.
Signe HansonDorothy MerrillDiane Willow
The Museums of the Rockies will develop a 2450 sq. ft. exhibit titled Landforms/Lifeforms and complementary educational materials including teacher enhancement activities, outreach trunks, and other programming. The exhibit will serve as the pivotal experience for visitors as they engage the museum's theme One Place Through All Of Time and it serve to introduce all other permanent exhibit galleries. Using the important and spectacular geological and paleontological resources of the region and the museum's collections, the exhibit will bring to life the concept of the evolution and diversification of life in response to changing geological conditions from the Precambrian to the end of the Mesozoic. Visitors will experience the Northern Rocky Mountain Region and the life supported by that region over time. Critical thinking skills of visitors will be stimulated with the purpose of enhancing their overall science literacy. The exhibit is designed to promote adult-child interaction. Special attention is being given to attracting a rural audience. Complementary programming aimed at K-12 students and teachers will be developed. The content of these activities will address the goals set forth in Montana's systemic initiative and the Systemic Teacher Excellence Preparation program. The educational materials will also be shared with member museums in the Mid-Continent University Natural History Museum Consortium.
Arthur WolfShelly WhitmanBeth MerrickBonnie Sachatello-SawyerSharon Horrigan
The Space Science Institute of Boulder, Colorado in partnership with the Franklin Institute Science Museum and the Electric Producers Research Institute will develop a 3000 sq. ft. traveling exhibit entitled Electric Space: Exploring Our Plasma Universe. Visitors to the exhibit will be introduced to the physics of the sun and the polar aurora. They will learn about the effect solar variability has on technology and humans working in space. The exhibit is divided into seven sections: Space is Not Empty; SkyWatchers; Plasma: the Fourth State of Matter; The Dynamic Sun; Planet Earth: a Great Magnet; Reaching Toward the Starts: the Heliosphere; and The Cosmic Connection. Its design is guided by the desire to create a total immersion environment that will allow visitors to explore the many realm of the plasma university from Earth's upper atmosphere to distant galaxies. It is the developers intention to demystify science by concentrating on process rather than facts, to create a stimulating informal learning environment, to reach a diverse audience, to motivate young people to pursue science as an interest and a career, and to have the exhibit serve as an interface between the scientific community and the general public. In addition to the exhibit, supplemental curriculum modules using an inquiry-based approach will be developed in cooperation with the Science Discovery Project at the University of Colorado. These materials will provide teachers, students, and parents the opportunity to explore the concepts presented in the exhibit. An extensive evaluation plan will be carried. The exhibit will open at the Maryland Science Center the summer of 1995. It will then travel to nine major US cities reaching an estimated two million adults and children who represent a great diversity of ages and education an ethnic backgrounds.
The University of California, Davis will use this planning grant "Planning an Informal Science Education Program at the University of California, Davis" to redefine its relationship with and responsibilities toward the public. Outreach for them is being viewed as a interaction between public needs and interests and the university. Leadership will be provided by a committee of university faculty and an advisory board consisting of external university museum and science education professsionals will meet with project directors twice during the year. Together they will examine the regional science education needs, the existing public education activities at UCD, and investigate the potential for establishing a comprehensive informal science program. Among other things this will include the coalescing of various scientific collections (geology, entomology, anthropology, the botanical and arboretum collections) and their respective independent educational programming into a regional science education network. Advisors will include members of the UCD faculty and administrators as well as individuals representing external university museum and science education experts.
Scholastic Productions is producing thirteen additional episodes for the third season of the fully animated, half-hour television series, "The Magic School Bus." The series, which is targeted at 6-9 year olds, is designed to motivate children's interest in science, to introduce science concepts and ideas, and to inspire positive attitudes towards science and education in students and teachers. The series is unique to science educational television because it breaks the science gender barrier, showcases both education and science, and, through the use of animation which enables the series to transport children to places they literally could not go, presents content in a unique way. Season III topics include: spiders, the Arctic, light, color, the moon, structures, and sound. Outreach activities will include and expand upon those offered for Seasons I and II. During Season III, special emphasis will be placed on reaching families. The project also will use America On-line to promote the series and to communicate the value in and the methods for encouraging children's interest in science. The same basic administrative, content, and production staff will continue with the project. Management and editorial control will be the responsibility of Jane Startz, Executive Vice President of Scholastic Productions. Cheryl Gotthelf, Executive Director of Special Projects for Scholastic Productions will oversee series distribution and utilization, print, research, public relations, promotion, and community and museum outreach. Science content will continue to be supervised by Michael Templeton with the assistance of an Associate Science Content Director, Fran Nankin. Kristin Martin will remain in charge of series production.
KCTS Television is producing 20 new programs for the third season of "Bill Nye the Science Guy." The series, which has received an enthusiastic public response, will continue to be on PBS stations during the week and syndicated to commercial stations on weekends. The twenty topics for Season range from earth science, to physical science, to life science, to technology and include programs on such diverse subjects as spiders, time, life cycles, inventions, flowers, architecture, computers, probability, invertebrates, and forensics. Outreach activities for the third season are designed an emphasis on reaching out to new audiences, especially girls and children of color. The Season III outreach components consist of: o "The Big News of Science" - a newsletter distributed through youth serving organizations as well as being mailed directly to viewers at home o An at-home science kit - an easy to use kit that enables children and their families to perform science experiments together at home. Two-thirds of the kits to be distributed directly to youth and one-third will be distributed to children participating in afterschool and community programs. o Teacher's Kit - to be distributed to fourth grade teachers nationwide. o Special appearances - As Bill Nye's schedule permits, he will present a live, traveling science demonstration show in selected urban communities. The programs will be based at science museums, community centers, or similar venues and will include an explanation about the science content of the series, and demonstrations of science experiments where children are invited to participate. o A PBS station outreach kit - This material will provide PBS outreach and education staff with programs, tips for developing local science outreach projects, and a list of informal science resources. The staffing for Season III will remain basically the same as it has been for Seasons I and II. Bill Nye will remain as Chief Writer and Host, Elizabeth Brock will continue as Executive Producer, and James McKenna and Erren Gottlieb will remain the series producers.
Elizabeth BrockJames McKennaErren GottliebWilliam Nye
The Arizona Mineral Museum and the Flandrau Science Center at the University of Arizona will use this planning grant to develop a new interpretive exhibit "Minerals, Mining, and Mexico: A Cultural Bridge to Science." The University of Arizona Mineral Museum is about to receive the Miguel Romero mineral collection which is one of the most complete collections of Mexican minerals that exists. It contains over 8500 specimens and this collection plus their present collection will bring into being one of the finest regional mineral collections available. With it they will develop exhibits and programming that explore minerals and mining of Mexico and the southwestern U.S. With this planning grant, they will explore the exhibition and programming opportunities to realize their vision of creating a "living and engaging museum that promotes an understanding of basic science principles and an appreciation for the beauty and economic importance of minerals in the context of the historical and cultural perspective of the New World." The planning activities will include meetings of the advisory committee, visits to other museums, and development of two prototype exhibits. At the end of the twelve-month planning period they will have an overall script for the exhibit and recommendations for individual exhibit units, a traveling exhibit version, and curriculum materials for use by formal educators.