Over a period of three years, Wisconsin Public Television is producing the science strand in the television series, Get Real!. This series, which is broadcast on all public television stations and many commercial stations in Wisconsin, presents children involved in and succeeding at a variety of activities. The youth hosts introduce kids as heroes, problem-solvers, thinkers, learners, and helpers. These stories present role models to help enhance self-image and the sense of worth. The science strand runs through each of the programs, delivering science as an integral ingredient of the wide-ranging vignettes which are directly relevant to the audiences' world and interests. The series is designed for at-home viewing. However, to ensure that the science strand works within the context of the science curriculum used in Wisconsin public schools, the project has developed partnerships with The Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters through its Center for the Advancement of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (CASE) and the Wisconsin Elementary and Middles Level Science Teachers (WEST) association. This request is support continued production of the science strand, expand outreach, and to extend carriage into neighboring states. Wisconsin Public Television has made a commitment to include the science strand as a regular part of the series and is developing a business plan to develop a steady source of revenue to support its production. Therefore, this request is for declining support over the three years of the grant.
SOUNDPRINT, the weekly half-hour, nationally heard public radio documentary series proposes SOUNDPRINT EXPLORES SCIENCE, five programs that will make science more understandable and accessible to general audiences, with secondary use in instructional settings. SOUNDPRINT proposes three different treatments of science: 1) Programs that profile scientists and the life of a scientist; 2) A comprehensive examination of a long-term science project; and 3) Explorations of issues on the frontiers of science. Two programs will profile scientists to illustrate what it is like to live the life of a scientist, how she/he became interested in a particular subject, why it is important, current research on the subject and scientific method. One program will trace, over time, a scientific project: it will be recorded over time and presented in a compressed half hour. Listeners will learn about the scientific method, share in the human interest and suspense. Two programs will bring listeners the latest thinking on a subject from individuals working on a scientific frontier and present it in an engaging, understandable manner. SOUNDPRINT has a successful track record of initial science programming within the on-going series. SOUNDPRINT documentaries combine journalistic excellence, personal storytelling and state-of- the-art audio production to create compelling programs which present issues and ideas in an accessible, memorable way. Distributed by the American Public Radio Network, SOUNDPRINT reaches over 300,000 listeners each week; cassette copies of program reach a broad post-broadcast audience in schools, libraries, community centers, youth centers, colleges and informal sharing by listeners.
With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Public Radio (NPR) will provide five years of operation of NPR's Science Unit to provide science and technology news and information on NPR's MORNING EDITION, ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, and WEEKEND EDITION shows. Prior NSF support has allowed NPR to create stable, sustained in-depth science coverage on the national network of 335 local public radio stations. More than 9,000,000 people a month, or 2.5% of the U.S. population each week, listen to NPR's news magazines. Science coverage includes 400-500 science stories each year. NPR's News and Information Service is widely acclaimed; awards have included the Alfred I. DuPont Columbia University Journalism Award, and the Science Unit's staff's Westinghouse-AAAS Science Journalism Award and the National Association of Science Writers' Science in Society Award. With this five year award, NPR will consolidate the gains that have been made, continuing to provide the coverage that has earned their reputation, while moving towards financial independence from NSF. A FY87 30 month award of $574,449 and, subject to the availability of funds, following 12 month awards of $240,698 in FY89, $210,939 in FY90, and $180,623 in FY91 are recommended.
National Geographic Television requests $1,121,583 (35%) of a total project budget of $3,192,249, to produce a documentary series in 13 half-hour and one hour-long special, "Facing the Wild: The Crittercam Chronicles," with associated informal science education materials and programs. This project will feature the natural histories of some of the Earth's most enigmatic and charismatic marine species, highlight the groundbreaking technology employed to study these extraordinary creatures and celebrate the scientists who devote their lives to understanding marine creatures. The project's goals include: to educate audiences about the vital importance of the world's oceans to the health of the planet; to celebrate the ingenuity of novel technology developed for science and exploration; to illustrate that many tantalizing mysteries remain yet unsolved and a great deal of exciting science and exploration has yet to be done; to provide viewers with scientific role models and help motivate them to pursue careers in science. Employing cutting-edge remote imaging tools, including "crittercam", and National Geographic's trademark storytelling, Facing the Wild's strong conservation message is designed to appeal to a national and global audience. A robust web site, virtual teacher workshops and Student Ocean Conferences will augment the impact of the series.
Greg MarshallKeenan SmartBarbara Flagg
The long-running and highly successful National Public Radio series "Science Friday" is venturing in new directions. Given that basic research underlies all of the technological advances influencing our world and that tax dollars pay for that research, the public needs to be informed about the basics of research. To address this need for public education, "Science Friday" will examine the importance of research as a theme underlying all science and technology changes by: Finding the research roots at the bottom of each story; Exploring the cooperation among corporations, private institutions, and research foundations and illuminating how each plays a role in the research process; Following the research "bumps" along the road to illustrate that research success depends upon failures -- not all research produces positive results; Illuminating the barriers to successful research; Helping listeners understand the thought process of researchers; Scaling the "ivory tower" by enabling listeners to question and talk directly with researchers; and Helping listeners understand the role of basic research in policy-making. Ira Flatow, the host, will take "Science Friday" on the road and produce programs in Oklahoma, Iowa, Michigan, Massachusetts, Arizona and other locations. He also will visit schools and universities and will speak at public events. NPR also will reactivate the "Science Friday Kids Connection" which will take each week's program and its guest scientists directly into classrooms across the country.
The ZOOM children's television series, which reaches over 5.4 million children each week, teaches viewers the scientific processes as well as delivering science and mathematics content. The outreach materials and activities provide viewers with opportunities to explore, experiment and share their creativity. WGBH is requesting $1,303,776 of a total budget of $3,977,936 to produce 20 new shows for the ZOOM series. There also will be a new ZOOM campaign, the ZOOMsci Club, which will provide a unique way for kids to deepen their science and math knowledge while engaged in ZOOM's hands-on activities. The campaign includes: the new television programs, new print materials and outreach activities, and a new area of the ZOOM website that includes an on-line forum for kids to share results of their experimentation. ZOOM has been chosen by PBS as the first children's "local/national" show. This PBS initiative capitalizes on the strength of local public television stations and provides the opportunity for stations to customize ZOOM to serve the needs of their local markets. The stations can produce and insert segments that honor local kids for their volunteer activities and feature local kids answering questions. Stations also can localize outreach activities, producing their own local ZOOM websites and launching ZOOM Into Action campaigns to motivate kids to volunteer.
Education Development Center (EDC) is developing and implementing a three-year project to promote the informal learning of key basic mathematical concepts and skills among undereducated adults throughout the country. The effort will be part of EDC's Adult Literacy Media Alliance (ALMA). The principal components of the project will be: Ten new, half-hour episodes of the television series, TV411, which is currently carried by approximately 100 public television stations. The new programs will shift the emphasis of the series from reading literacy to mathematics skills. In addition to covering a broad array of mathematical concepts, procedures and vocabulary, the programs will have an explicit focus on problem-solving strategies and attitudes about mathematics. A multi-level national outreach and marketing campaign to attract viewers and users to the materials and to increase carriage of the series. An in-depth implementation effort will be conducted with outreach partners is six large metropolitan areas. EDC will adapt the outreach, marketing and promotion aspects of this focused effort so that it can be used by all television stations that commit to carry the series. Formative and summative evaluation to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the materials and to inform the understanding of the impact on viewers and users of these types of materials.
PEEP and the Big Wide World, produced by WGBH, is an award-winning daily half-hour math and science television series for 3-5 year old children, complemented by an outreach campaign designed to encourage greater family involvement in children's math and science exploration. PEEP's three intended impacts are to: (1) empower families to feel more equipped, more confident, and more inclined to facilitate science and math exploration with their preschoolers; (2) engage preschoolers in science explorations that promote positive attitudes and inquiry skills; and (3) provide project partners with appropriate educational resources for both the English- and Spanish-speaking families they serve. The project's deliverables include: - Ten new animated PEEP stories in Spanish and English, which will introduce a new bilingual character to bring to life PEEP's science and math-based curriculum for Spanish speakers; - Ten new live-action segments in Spanish and English, which will show children, their siblings, parents, and grandparents actively engaging in "Anywhere Math and Science"; - Collaborations with the project's long-standing partners (National Head Start Association, National Education Association, and National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies) and with new groups that specialize in delivering science content and messaging directly to Latino families (Self-Reliance Foundation, National Latino Children's Institute, and Hispanic Communications Network).
KCTS is producing Sci-Squad, a national weekly science education television series for children ages 8 to 10. The thirteen half-hour programs in the series will show a team of kids, the Sci-Squad, who use inquire and collaboration to seek the solution to a science problem. The team is led by Howzit, a young woman computer whiz. Working cooperatively the team investigates each scientific subject through a combination of first-hand experimentation, Internet surfing, field research, and visits to real-world scientists. Each of the characters models a different mode of science inquiry in search to a question the team receives at the beginning of each program. Youth who view the programs will be encouraged to follow along with the Sci-Squad and will be challenged to observe, measure, think critically, analyze results, and devise further experiments. Outreach materials to support science activities by viewers include an Explorer's Guide for youth, a Parents Guide, and a Guide for Teachers. There also will be collaborations with science and youth serving organizations such as Boys & Girls Club of America, Family Math, GEMS, Science Linkages in the Community, the National Science Teachers Association, the National PTA, and, for the Hispanic population, ASPIRA and the National Council of La Raza. Bill Jersey, President of Quest Productions, will be the Senior Producer, Director, and Co-Project Director. The creator of the project and Co-Project Director is Pierre Valette, a producer and writer of documentaries for Quest Productions and previously an Associate Producer in Children's Programming at WGBH. Elizabeth Brock will be the Executive-in-Charge of Production for KCTS. The Senior Science Consultant is Ted Ansbacher who previously was Director of Exhibits at the New York Hall of Science and Director of Education/Senior Scientist at The Chicago Museum of Science.
Bill JerseyPierre ValetteElizabeth BrockJeff GentesBarbara Flagg
Twin Cities Public Television (KCTA) is producing and evaluating a pilot for a new science series for children ages 8-12 to be produced in conjunction with Miami University of Ohio and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). Called Dragonfly, the pilot will be based on the children's magazine of the same name and will consist of segments presented by children that document their own science investigations and presentations by professional scientists of work in related fields. Each program will include two or more presentations by children, one or two presentations by scientists, a science challenge to be resolved within the show, one or two hands-on activities to engage viewers at home, and a presentation of children's artwork or poem in which they express their impressions of science and nature. The series would be coordinated with the Dragonfly magazine and with a parallel program, Dragonfly Quest, an Internet and youth-based activity pilot endeavor funded under another grant. The Executive Producer would be Richard Hudson, who has previously served as Executive Producer for Newton's Apple, a series also produced by KCTA. Chris Myers, of Miami University and creator of the magazine, will have primary responsibility for the science content, and Phyllis Marcuccio at the NSTA will be responsible for the coordination between the television project and the magazine, which is published by NSTA. The producers will work with an advisory committee that includes Gerald Wheeler, Lawrence Lowery, Joan McShane, Hardy Eshbaugh, Shawn Carlson, Kenneth Phillips, Milton Chen, James Steinbach, and Cheryl Gotthelf.
Twin Cities Public TV is producing 13 half-hour programs of a new science show for children to be on public television. The show would be based on the children's magazine, "Dragonfly," and would present children doing science experiments that they developed and planned themselves. From time to time, the children would be joined by adult scientists who tell of their own research, their discoveries, and their love of science. The goals of the project are to foster in children a greater interest in science and the process of scientific inquiry; demonstrate the parallels between children's scientific explorations and the research conducted by professional scientists; and feature and promote science projects involving under-represented communities, particularly ethnic minorities and girls. Outreach for the project will include a monthly "Young Investigator's Field Book," a Dragonfly TV teachers' companion multi-page insert that will be integrated into the NSTA grade school and middle school journals for teachers, and a Dragonfly TV website. The project also will establish community outreach partnerships with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and the 4-H National Science and Technology Network.
The Consumers Union of U.S., Inc. will produce four half-hour television specials which focus on kids testing and evaluating popular products. This "real world" approach can motivate children to learn science and mathematics concepts and to develop problem-solving skills in the process of tackling everyday consumer problems. The approach is particularly effective with youth who are not print-oriented, who watch a lot of television, and who may find "formal" science and mathematics inaccessible. Outreach materials for viewers and for use in formal classes will extent the impact of the project. The PI and Project Director will be Joyce Newman, Director of Consumer Reports TV. Susan Markowitz, who produced the successful pilot program will be Producer and Edward Groth, a biologist who serves as Consumers Union Associate Technical Director for Public Service Projects, will be the Senior Science Advisor. Susan Isenberg will be a major science education advisor. Ms. Isenberg is an IBM Education Fellow and consultant to a number of New York and New Jersey school districts. She has a B.S. in Science Education, an M.S. in Education, and has been a teacher for 25 years. This core group will work closely with in-house scientists and education experts as well as with an advisory committee established for the project.
Joyce NewmanEdward GrothSusan Markowitz