The Shape of Life is a major new documentary series that will take viewers on a journey to explore the kingdom of animals through the blueprints or body plans that shape every species alive today. Each episode will incorporate current advances in genetics, developmental biology, and evaluation, presenting them in a manner that is accessible to the lay audience. The series has been developed by the Sea Studios Foundation and is a co-production of Sea Studios Foundation and National Geographic Television. The eight, one-hour television programs will be supported by a consortium of informal science institutions that will implement ancillary programs in partner museums, zoos, and aquaria and by outreach materials, including print and a web site. Mark Shelley, President of Sea Studios, and Nancy Burnett, CEO of the Sea Studios Foundation, will be co-Executive Producers of the series. Chuck Baxter, Professor of Biology at Stanford University, will be the Science Content Director. Science advisors include: Richard C. Brusca, Marine Biology Graduate Program, University of Charleston; Mimi Koehl, Department of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley; Jane Lubchenko, Department of Zoology, Oregon State University; Rudolf A. Raff, Indiana Molecular Biology Institute; and Dennis Willows, Director, Friday Harbor Marine Station, University of Washington.
Commercial television is a powerful medium that has rarely succeeded in bringing scientific and technological information to its vast viewing public. For approximately eight years Don Herbert and his series "HOW ABOUT..." has brought science news to millions of viewers across the country. This series is carried on over 150 commercial TV stations in 80% of the major markets. The objectives of the program are to further the public's understanding and appreciation of the importance of science, technology and medical research to our way of life. Research Communications Ltd. will conduct a two-tiered study to determine the impact and effectiveness of these news inserts. A telephone survey will be conducted with station managers and news directors to document the decision-making process. The second step involves a series of focus groups with home viewers to determine the effectiveness of the series. Viewers will be asked a series of questions as well as responding to sample news segments. The research firm and Prinicpal Investigator have extensive experience in the media research area. This project of $27,700 is a modest evaluation investment which could provide clues and insights in mapping further commercial media strategies.
KCTS has received support for the production and outreach for the second season of 'Bill Nye the Science Guy.' Each program in the 39 program series will focus on a single science theme developed around two or three learning outcomes and is presented with a fast and colorful pace and style suited for today's generation of nine and ten year old viewers. The host, Bill Nye, joins viewers and guests as they explore science topics in his laboratories and in field locations. Children also will perform on-camera experiments in a home setting. In most shows, guest scientists and celebrities, selected to ensure a diverse representation, will be featured. Segments in the programs include: 'Check it Out' a small experiment performed in the lab or at home by child actors. 'Try This at Home' an experiment viewers may attempt at home after receiving instructions on the air. 'Way Cool Scientist' a scientist demonstrating his or her work as it relates to the topic of the program. 'Music Video Parody' video tailored to popular music genres such as rap or 'grunge' or pop music. 'Consider the Following' Bill presents a concept to the viewer in a one on one segment. 'Big Demonstration' Bill, in the laboratory, uses equipment to demonstrate an element of the theme. 'Celebrity Cameos' featuring both teen and adult celebrities with a high recognition factor. 'Fake commercials' like the music videos, humor ous parodies of advertising. Outreach for the second season will include a quarterly newsletter to be mailed to viewers homes. This eight page newsletter will include regular columns such as 'Ask Bill' and 'Try this at Home.' It will be designed to appeal to children ages 8 to 12 and will contain a column for parents. During the second season, at-home science kits will again be available to viewers. These free kits will enable children and their families to perform scientific experiments together at home. The video series will be produced by McKenna/Gottlieb Producers Inc. and KCTS Television and will be syndicated for broadcast by Buena Vista Television (the syndication division of Disney Productions). The second season also will be broadcast daily on PBS. This will give the series a presence on both public broadcasting and on commercial television in many markets. Buena Vista Television will provide $3,000,000 toward the production budget and PBS will provide $2,000,000 for production. KCTS is seeking a corporate underwriter to provide $1,000,000 for additional outreach and promotion. Elizabeth Brock of KCTS will be Executive in Charge of the project. Bill Nye is the principal science writer for the series as well as host of the series. The series producers will be Erren Gottlieb and James E. McKenna. These four people will serve as Co-PI's of the project. The advisory committee consists of scientists, science educators, evaluators, and curriculum developers. Members include: H. Prentice Baptiste, Arthur B. Ellis, Caroline Herzenberg, Gilbert S. Omenn, Senta A. Raizen, Matthew H. Schneps, Paul H. Williams, Carole Ann Kubota, and Sally Luttrell-Montes.
Elizabeth BrockWilliam NyeJames McKennaErren Gottlieb
The Smithsonian Associates Program at the Smithsonian Institution has a unique, one-time only opportunity to test the potential of producing a very low cost, but high quality science program featuring an outstanding and widely recognized scientist. The program will be an edited hour from an hour and a half interview that Timothy Ferris will have with Stephen J. Gould before a live audience on November 7, 1997. If successful, the program will be broadcast in prime time by PBS and would serve as a prototype for additional programs other eminent scientists. During the requested Small Grant for Exploratory Research phase, the Smithsonian will: * Determine if a viable hour-long program can be derived from a live interview that is only an hour and a half in duration. This 1 to 1.5 ratio of finished program material to the total footage shot is very economical but also is much lower than most television programs which have a ratio of 1 to 3 and up. * Test how to take advantage of Dr. Ferris' talents in a video interview format. While Ferris has interviewed many scientists for print media, this will be his first interview for this kind of broadcast medium. * Assess how successful Ferris is in conducting a live interview so that difficult scientific concepts will be accessible to a lay audience. This interview with Dr. Gould also will provide a rare opportunity to investigate emerging research areas that are likely to be of lasting interest and to present them to the public. The Smithsonian Associates will assess the effectiveness of this approach in two ways. First, a group of five scientists and informal science education experts will review a rough cut of the program to determine if a program can be produced in this manner and effectively convey complex science to a lay audience. Possible members of this group include Bruce Alberts (National Academy of Science), Paula Apsell (WGBH), Robert Hazen (George Mason University), Mary Jane McKinven (PBS), and Maxine Singer (Carnegie Institute). The second gauge of effectiveness will be the acceptance of the program for prime time distribution by PBS and the public reaction to the program. Timothy Ferris is a generalist scholar who has taught in five disciplines - astronomy, English, history, journalism, and philosophy at four universities. He currently is emeritus professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He has received the American Institute of Physics prize, the American Association for the Advancement of Science prize, the Klumpke-Roberts prize, and a Guggenheim Fellowship. The television producer will be Catherine Tatge who has produced a wide range of programming for PBS and for CBS Cable. Her productions include Playing With Fire: The Tenth Van Cliburn Piano Competition and the feature film of the New York City Ballet version of The Nutcracker. She was commissioned by the Congress of the United States to direct and produce an historical overview of the U.S. Congress. The PI for the project will be Mara Mayor, Director of The Smithsonian Associates and former Director of the Annenberg/CPB Project which supports the creation of educational resources for a variety of media.
Screenscope, Inc. is producing three annual "state of the environment" reports. The reports will consist of a yearly, ninety-minute, prime-time public television program and an extensive outreach initiative to engage families and the public in a variety of educational activities. The television programs will: Present an up-to-date "state of the environment" assessment of ecosystem performance and human health; Feature the year's most important environmental incidents; Highlight the year's most cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs and research dealing with environmental issues; Focus on community programs that have helped improve the quality of the environment over the past year. The outreach initiative will include: A Citizen Science Project with strong emphasis on family participation; Neighborhood workshops and coalitions organized by local PBS stations in association with the American Association for Advancement of Science and the World Resources Institute; An interactive web component including real-time environmental satellite data and visualizations; Local and national media events featuring the yearly release of a "State of the Environment" report; Partnerships will be developed with environmental organizations to help promote and implement the initiative's informal education activities. The project will be under the direction of Marilyn and Hal Weiner with the television programs being produced by their company, Screenscope. Anthony Janetos, Vice President and Chief of Programs at the World Resources Institute will have oversight responsibility for the science information presented in the Annual Report. Project advisors include: Bonnie Cohen, former Under Secretary of State for Management and Board member of CARE; Chet Cooper, former Deputy Director, Emerging Technologies, Battelle/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Robert Fri, Senior Fellow Emeritus at Resources for the Future and former Director of the National Museum of Natural History; Edward Frieman, Director Emeritus at of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Vice Chancellor of the University of California; Nay Htun, Dean of the University of Peace and former Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations Development Programme; Thomas Lovejoy, Science Advisor to the World Bank and the UN Foundation; Jessica Tuchman Mathews, President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Per Pinstrup-Andersen, Director-General, International Food Policy Research Institute; Maurice Strong, Chairman, Earth council and former Secretary-General of the United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. There also will be science advisors for each of the individual episodes.
LIVING ON EARTH is a new weekly National Public Radio newsmagazine about the people and politics of environmental change. It goes beyond the ecological segments on NPR's ALL THINGS CONSIDERED and MORNING EDITION to meet the growing demand for consistent, high quality, balanced and in-depth coverage of the environment, and scientific discoveries and advancements relevant to the rapidly changing ecology of our planet. Audience research consistently shows that information about the environment is a priority to a broad majority of public radio listeners, and these listeners are twice as likely as all adults to take personal and political action in relation to environmental concerns. With the premiere of Living On Earth in April 1991, public radio in the U.S. began serving its national audience with its first journalistically strong environmental show, Living On Earth. Each week's edition of Living On Earth begins with a one minute billboard, followed by a five minute newscast summarizing national and world ecological and scientific developments. The newscast includes modular breaks so that stations can insert two minutes of local environmental news. The balance of each program is devoted to a theme, with produced reports followed by a five minute newscast summarizing national and world ecological and scientific developments. The newscast includes modular breaks so that stations can insert two minutes of local environmental news. The balance of each program is devoted to a theme, with produced reports followed by interviews, commentaries, and occasional humor. From time to time the show is devoted to a full-length documentary or debate special. Standards of thoroughness, fairness, and excellence result in shows that stimulate as well as inform. Distributed by National Public Radio, the program is available to more than 400 NPR stations in the U.S. Already 160 of those stations have signed up to air the program. Many environmental issues -- sustainable energy, population, biological degradation, sustainable economic development and pollution, for example -- are of global concern and cut across political, racial and cultural boundaries. Material and information for Living On Earth is obtained from diverse producers and will be exchanged with public radio services around the world.
MacGillivray Freeman Films, in collaboration with Texas A&M University's Marine Mammal Research Program, Mote Marine Laboratory, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, ASPIRA Association, Inc, and Media Education Consultants, is producing a 40 minute, large format film on wild dolphins. The film will feature the research being done by two scientists: Dr. Kathleen Dudzinski, a young marine scientist investigating dolphin communication and social systems, and Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez, a young Hispanic Ph.D. researching dolphin behavior and ecology. The film will inform the audiences about the methods, tools and significance of dolphin research and immerse them in on-going scientific investigations of wild dolphins in their natural habitat. The film will be supported by teacher's guides, a Science Career Exploration Unit for Hispanic youth distributed through ASPIRA, a School Trip Package for distribution to 11,000 teachers, and a Museum Educator Kit. The project also will provide theaters with 2,000 free passes for minority and low-income outreach programs. Greg MacGillivray, President of MacGillivray Freeman Films will be Executive Producer/Co-Producer/Co-Director/Co-Director of Photography. The other Co-Producer will be Alec Lorimore, Vice President for Film Production and Development at MacGillivray Freeman Films. The Co-Director/Co-Director of Photography will be Bob Talbot, an independent marine photographer. Dr. Bernd Wursig, Professor of Marine Mammalogy, Director of the Marine Mammal research Program, and Co-Director of the Institute of Marine Life Science at Texas A&M University will serve as the chief content advisor. Other science advisors include Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez, Kathleen Dudzinski, Randy Wells, Peter Tyack, and the staff scientists from the Mote Marine Laboratory. Informal science education and outreach advisors include Raylene Decatur, David Ellis, Freda Nicholson, Simone Bloom-Nathan, and Hilda Crespo. Project evaluation will be conducted by Barbara Flagg.
Twin Cities Public Television is producing a new national initiative, the "Science Center Showcase" (SCS) for DragonflyTV, the weekly science television series targeted at children ages 9-12. The initiative will entail six new episodes presenting children engaged in inquiry-based investigations, on-location in science centers across America. The series presents authentic inquiry-based investigations, created by and for children. The programs focus on children doing their own scientific investigations and sharing the excitement that comes from making their own discoveries. Each investigation will demonstrate the direct connection between learning experiences in science centers and the application of those lessons in everyday experience. The SCS will involve ten or more science center partners, and be coordinated with the assistance of lead partners, ASTC and the Science Museum of Minnesota. Multimedia Research and RMC Research will conduct formative and summative evaluations, respectively. The SCS model combines DragonflyTV's unique strengths in media with the rich resources of the nation's science centers. For informal science professionals, the SCS will define new ways media and museum professionals can work together and learn from each other. It will also provide new opportunities for partnerships and collaboration between public television stations and science centers across the country. For the television audience, the programs will demonstrate the richness and variety of sciences experiences for kids in science centers and beyond. Through new collaborative efforts with ASTC, the Science Museum of Minnesota, and other science centers, the DragonflyTV's "Science Center Showcase" project has the potential to communicate to a national television audience the richness and variety of engaging opportunities for authentic STEM inquiry that are available for young people at science centers across the country. The project also has the potential to a) contribute to research into how knowledge is transferred from science centers to experiences in the natural world, and b) educate exhibit developers and television professionals in new approaches to informal science education.
The Land Information Access Association seeks funds to support planning activities related to "Listening to the River," a project that will ultimately result in a new model for engaging teens and adults in environmental activities that can be transferred to other community groups and institutions. This long-term project focuses on an environmentally and regionally meaningful topic (i.e. watersheds), brings together teens and adults in scientific discovery, transforms these explorations into radio segments and creates a children's museum exhibit. Planning grant activities include: (1) a program summit to build new partnerships with informal-learning organizations and reinforce existing community networks; (2) assessment of the potential for a scalable, model project; and (3) focus and refinement of program goals and objectives.
The Exploratorium is developing the pilot for a Saturday morning science-oriented, live-action, film and animation, national network television series for teens aged 13 to 17. The half-hour show will present everyday science and the process of problem solving in a fast-paced, hip, and challenge-oriented format. Two teams, each of three teenagers, will compete in a series of challenges which require the application of common sense knowledge, observation, experimentation, and problem-solving strategies useful in science. The object is to demonstrate that real-world problem solving makes use of many skills and may have more than one solution. The Exploratorium will administer the project and will be responsible for the science content. Production will be done by Colossal Pictures, a San Francisco production studio experienced in animation and youth-oriented programming.
The Get Real! science strand will model and reinforce positive attitudes towards,and involve in, science and technology. It will seek to affirm for children the value of their ideas, and the importance of asking Why? It will tell stories about kids involved in science-related activities (such as science camps, inventors' fairs and wildlife rehabilitation programs), and connect science concepts to children's known experiences and activities. These ideas are basic to constructivism-that people grow based on what they already understand, adding levels of knowledge-and are central to Get Real! It will enforce viewers' active connection to the science content by making suggestions for projects to get involved with, and by encouraging children to discuss and question their knowledge of science and the world around them. We will also direct students to appropriate informal science education organizations (such as science centers and zoos) and to their teachers, for further discussion and information. (Teachers guides will be developed as part of this project.)
The Maryland Science Center is producing a 40-minute large format film about the discovery and scientific interpretation of dinosaurs based on fossil finds from the Gobi Desert. The film will follow the summer 2004 expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) and the Mongolian Academy of Science led by paleontologists Dr. Michael Novacek and Dr. Mark Norell. It will present the scientific evidence for how we know what we know about dinosaurs and will examine such questions as what types of dinosaurs roamed the Gobi, what their environment was like, and what they tell us about the evolution of life on Earth. Greg Andorfer will be Executive Producer. The film will be produced by David Clark and co-directed by Clark and Bayley Silleck.
Gregory AndorferDavid ClarkJames O'LearyBayley SilleckMichael Novacek