There is no formula for starting a science center. Science centers are as variable as the communities that surround them and the people who plan them. They may be of modest or monumental proportions and grow at different rates and in a variety of ways. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify a number of common themes and dimensions that appear to be critical to their success.
The ASPIRA Association, Inc., proposes to develop a national applicable model of community-based model to increase the number of Latino middle-school youths with adequate preparation in math and science education. Latino community-based organizations are uniquely capable of reaching youth that are often difficult to reach by non-Latino organizations. The importance of out-of-school informal science experiences for young people to reinforce their interest in science and mathematics is of interest to the National Science Foundation, and to the ASPIRA Association. However, not enough is known about what works in informal science in the Latino community and with the Latino students. The ASPIRA Association is requesting support from the National Science Foundation to undertake a project to answer the following question: How can informal science programs have a greater impact on Latino middle school youth in science and mathematics? The perceived benefits of the project are: Identification of exemplary informal science education efforts undertaken by organizations in working with Latino youths. Identification of effective curriculum models in informal science education for reaching Latino youths. Identification of characteristics of successful programs. Encouraging partnerships among CBOs, educators, schools and family. Identification of supplemental resources for supporting informal science education programs. ASPIRA is the only national nonprofit organization devoted to serving Puerto Rican and other Latino youth through leadership development and education. With a thirty-one year old track record of proven effectiveness, ASPIRA's work with Latino youths is based on the belief that all youths can succeed.
The Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia, PA requests NSF support for a three-year model program entitled "Partnerships for Acheiving Careers in Technology and Science" (PACTS). Building upon a successful pilot project involving African-American students and mentors, PACTS aims to foster positive attitudes about science careers and increase students leadership skills and self-estee. Through bi-weekly hands-on science workshops with African-American Scientists as mentors, students will strengthen their understanding of science concepts and enhance their critical thinking skills. On alternate Saturdays, students will participate in college/career workshops. PACTS students will also have the opportunity to tutor younger students, visit science laboratories, and serve as science museum demonstrators. Additional support and encouragment will be provided through a network of community resources involving partnerships among scientists, professional associations, community centers, corporations and a science center. The PACTS model will be disseminated nationally through museum conferences, the national networks of professional associations and corporations, and presentations by PACTS staff to interested organizations in other cities.
Green City Data is an after-school community service project. Teams of secondary students are trained to inventory urban natural areas selected by regional resource planning agencies to supplement their own data collection efforts. Representatives from seven agencies and educational institutions initiated this project to support development of a system of greenspaces within the Portland, Oregon/Vancouver, Washington metropolitan area. This consortium includes expertise in resource management, geography, biology, computer telecommunications, science education and community coordination. These and other community professionals tech students and volunteer team leaders (teachers or other adults) the basics of habitat identification and mapping in the context of regional planning. ***
Gail WhitneyMichael HouckJames GillenJoseph PoracskyEllen Lanier-Phelps
A three-year project, Science Experiences and Resources for Informal Education Settings (SERIES), involves collaboration between the 4-H Youth Development Program, practicing scientists, science education centers, and community service agencies to provide community-based science experiences for youth. Goals for national dissemination of the SERIES project are: 1) Increase the quality and quantity of science experiences for youth as leaders and as learners; 2) For youth to actively experience how science concepts and processes relate to their everyday lives; 3) Provide opportunities for youth to take positive leadership roles in their homes and communities; and 4) Provide opportunities for youth to investigate educational and career possibilities in science and technology through a scientist mentor relationship. SERIES builds upon the materials, and instructional/coaching model successfully developed and tested during the Califronia SERIES Project. National dissemination by 4-H assures SERIES availability to the 5,100,000 youth currently enrolled in 4-H. Expected outcomes of SERIES are: 1) Refine and produce final versions in English and Spanish of four SERIES community service science units; 2) Develop two new units; 3) Development of an "inquiry coaching" module for adult volunteers; 4) Develop and asses apprentice-like mentoring experiences for SERIES teens to work directly with scientists; and 5) Establish four SERIES regional dissemination centers, working collaboratively with 4-H, science centers and other youth serving agencies to provide national dissemination of the SERIES program model to 28 states.
Richard PonzioLaurel DeanHerbert Thier
New and developing science centers make up a significant percentage of ASTC membership. They often have limited funds, facilities, exhibits, education programs and experience developing and operating a science center. These institutions desire ready-to-use exhibits, demonstrations and education materials, as well as management workshops concerning the basic operation of a science center. This project proposes the formation of a Science Carnival Consortia, a partnership of the Pacific Science Center and five to eight new and developing science centers. Building on the success of the Pacific Science Center's Science Carnival, Consortia members: (1) Obtain twenty to forty Science Carnival exhibits (2) Obtain six ready-to-use demonstrations (3) Obtain supplementary education materials (4) Obtain appropriate training regarding the implementation and maintenance of the above items (5) Participate in a week long management workshop at the Pacific Science Center (6) Receive ongoing consultation with Pacific Science Center Staff (7) Participate in three annual meetings of Consortia members The project also produces a Science Carnival "cookbook" which provides instructional for fabricating and maintaining all exhibits in Science Carnival, plus scripts and material lists for each demonstration, and enrichment class. The project also evaluates the success of this model for serving other new and developing science centers.
The objective of this project is to provide a complete package of KIDSPACE hands-on science experiences to small and developing science centers across the country through the National KIDSPACE Partnership Program. This project will allow twelve (12) selected science centers to implement a complete, proven education package geared toward young children at a fraction of the cost of starting one from scratch. This project will provide comprehensive training to a large core of educators within the science center field, and will support continued research into the informal science education of young children through an original Research Study and the formation of a national User's Group. Best of all, this project will generate a wellspring of invaluable science-play connections for hundreds of thousands of children to tale with them into adulthood.
"The Connecticut Museum Collaborative for Science Education" is teacher enhancement program that will serve approximately 5,000 middle school teachers (and their students) from throughout Connecticut over a three-year program period. The proposed program has been developed cooperatively by four of Connecticut's Science Museums and Centers (The Discovery Museum, The Maritime Center at Norwalk, Mystic Marinelife Aquarium, and Talcott Mountain Science Center), in consultation with the school districts they serve and the Connecticut Academy for Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology, the State's leadership organization solely devoted to enhancing education in mathematics, science, and technology. The Collaborative seeks to enliven and enhance the teaching of science, mathematics, and technology by drawing upon the resources of Connecticut's science-rich institutions and related businesses and industry. The proposed project will provide direct services to a core group of 72 middle school teachers and their students in eight urban and suburban school districts at the four participating museums and in their classrooms, as well as teacher training, curriculum development, and networking activities. Larger numbers of teachers and their students will be served through a planned series of interactive video teleconferences. A theme-based approach will be followed in which the unifying theme of "Earth Resource Monitoring" will serve to connect the activities at the four cooperating museums. The central concept of the project is collaboration among museums throughout the state to provide a bridge between science-rich institutions and the schools for teacher enhancement, curriculum improvement, and student enrichment. Special program components involve the participation of business and industry through "Video Field Trips", and parents through a "Family Science" activity. The involvement of the Connecticut Academy for Education in Mathematics, Science and Technolo gy as a member of the "Connecticut Collaborative" provides a direct link for integration of project activities into Connecticut's NSF-funded Statewide Systemic Initiative.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science, in collaboration with the Association of Science-Technology Centers and several science centers, has requested $837,958 in NSF support of a project to make science museums more accessible to minority groups. In the project, AAAS and ASTC propose to provide technical assistance and staff training to science museums on equity issues, with emphases on institutional self- assessment, developing effective science education programs reaching minority audiences, and working effectively with community organizations and other institutions serving minority groups. Several museum sites will be involved initially in the development of the four program components: 1. development of guidelines for an equity self-assessment in museums; 2. science equity training for all museum staff; 3. the development of relationships between museums and community groups and schools and colleges and universities that serve minorities; and 4. a national effort to create awareness among minority groups of employment opportunities in science museums. Additional dissemination will be provided through training workshops and sessions at museum conferences. A "how-to" guide and video will be developed for museums on conducting an equity self-assessment.
This proposal calls for development, over five years, of a national, interactive, telecommunications-supported Network of 85 or more affiliated neighborhood technology learning centers in inner cities and other impoverished areas, for the purpose of attracting, and then nurturing underserved peoples' active involvement with math, science, and technology. Network affiliates will provide informal opportunities for disadvantaged minority young people and their families and friends to get access to, and learn to use, the most powerful tool for personal empowerment yet known, to engage in explorations designed to increase awareness of their ability to do math and science and of the potential for careers in these areas, and, through telecommunications, to involve themselves with distant peer groups in collaborative investigations. Such opportunities present attractive and cost-effective alternatives to the dead ends that street life, drugs, incarceration, and/or welfare offer. Success in achieving these goals depends, however, on the availability of continuing programmatic and staff development assistance, and on the ability of Network members to engage, not as disparate entities, but as a mutually supportive community, in this momentous task. Proposed Network services include (in addition to telecommunications linkages) the identification, development, and dissemination of technology-mediated math and science activities appropriate to community education, consultative planning and technical assistance, staff development workshops, the development of a resource database, and an annual all-affiliates meeting -- all these to be accompanied by systematized self-assessment procedures. Also included is the development of a Network infrastructure to support continued existence of the Network beyond the grant period.
The National Science Outreach Network will provide school children, teachers, and the general public with highly accessible interactive exhibits dealing with popular topics in science and technology. The network, initiated as a partnership between regional science centers and public libraries, will be modeled after the highly successful statewide Oregon Library Exhibits Network established in 1987. Through this smaller network, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, a nationally recognized pioneer in science exhibitry and outreach programming, circulates small hands-on exhibits to rural population centers through installations in public libraries, where school groups and families have free and convenient access. This national dissemination project will be initiated in five regional sites across the country (Colorado, Minnesota, New York, Tennessee, and Oregon) to further establish the model in rural, inner-urban, economically disadvantaged, and culturally diverse regions. With support from both the NSF and the regional networks, The National Science Outreach Network will design and duplicate six exhibits for circulation to dozens of local communities in each designated region. Over the next seven years, over six million individuals, many of whom do not currently frequent a local science center, will be introduced to popular science in a non-threatening, resource- rich setting. This will encourage further exploration and possible future visits to an accessible science center, and ultimately establish an ever-expanding network of museum and non-museum partners providing science and technology learning opportunities to millions of individuals each year.
The Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia, PA., acting as administrative coordinator for the Issues Laboratory Collaborative (ILC), requests NSF support for five science museums over a three year period to investigate the effectiveness of museum-based programs about controversial issues in science and technology; to develop, test, refine, and disseminate ten educational programs on science issues; and to establish a permanent Science Issues Network that will disseminate materials and methods to all U.S. science museums engaged in issues programs. This project has been formulated for re-submission to the National Science Foundation with guidance from a distinguished panel of scientists who will assist in program development. Approximately two million people will be directly served by ILC programs and exhibits during the three-year period.
Roree Iris-WilliamsMinda BorunAnn Mintz