The National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation [NNOCCI] is a Community of Practice [CoP] dedicated to advancing the conversation on climate change, based on the principle that wide-scale training with proven communication techniques can change the national discourse around climate change to be more productive, creative, and solutions-focused.
NNOCCI CoP is a network of individuals and organizations in formal and informal education, the social sciences, climate sciences, and public policy. By 2018, the community represented more than 184 institutions in 38 states, and over
The Implementation Manual is a practical guide for organizations planning to implement Portal to the Public. It represents the experiences of Portal to the Public sites and is supported by research and evaluation results. The seven chapters in the manual are designed around the main components of the Portal to the Public guiding framework. The chapters guide you through the process of developing successful conversation-based public programs featuring scientists.
Chapter 1: The Guiding Framework
Chapter 2: Conceptual Planning
Chapter 3: Partnership and Relationship Building