Saturday, March 6, 2010, Marshall Barnes did an experiment in blending art and science. At an art opening at the Ekklesia Gallery in Columbus, OH, he showcased, for the first time, the original video footage from an experiment in physics that conducted during New Year's eve of that year. The experiment was to determine what would happen if an attempt were made to produce a "wall of light" that would stand in free space and consist of a number particular properties produced by a proprietary technology that Marshall had developed. Small experiments had already been conducted that produced the visible effect of an area of free standing light produced by the reflection of a strobe from a wall. The New Year's Eve test was to see if a wall of light could be produced that would fill a space in a room and have a number of particular "interesting" attributes.
An evaluation of the Natural History Museum of Utah'(NHMU) "Trailhead to Utah" digital guide carried out by Frankly Green & Webb in March of 2014. The "Trailhead" is a digital ecosystem at the Natural History Museum of Utah consisting of touchscreen kiosks, a mobile guide, and a web portal for post-visit exploration. Since launching, the Trailhead to Utah system has suffered from low usage. NHMU wanted to understand why the service (in particular its mobile/smartphone element) was underused, and how it could be changed to offer a better visitor experience. In scoping the project, one key
Natural History Museum of UtahBecky MenloveLindsey GreenPaul Tourle
A report on a visitor study about three digital "talk-back stations" located in exhibitions at the Natural History Museum of Utah (NMHU). In multiple locations in the Museum, non-digital visitor participation/visitor content contribution opportunities are offered with great success using sticky notes and guest-book formatted writing opportunities. However, it quickly became apparent that the Canyon Kiosks, Life Talkback and Land Talkback experiences were not meeting their original objectives. The aim of this research was to identify the issues impacting their success and subsequently develop
Natural History Museum of UtahBecky MenloveLindsey GreenAlyson Webb