Glaciers: A Chronology of Climate Change is a CRPA project that seeks to explain the historical cycling of glaciers in the context of climate change. By using chemical isotopes (Beryllium 10), the age of rocks that have been covered with glacier ice and exposed to sunlight later can be determined fairly accurately. Through this method, the glaciation cycles have been determined for the last 70,000 years. In collaboration between the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University and the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), this project is designed to impact adult audiences, youth in grades 6th-12th, and teachers writ large. The research results shall be expressed via an eight-minute high definition film for large screen viewing in the \"Science Bulletins\" section of the AMNH and the affiliated museums. A rigorous front-end evaluation will be used to inform the presentation and assess audience impact. Subsequent formative evaluations are designed to measure the learning impact of the film and the retention of longer term concepts. It is anticipated that more than 700,000 individuals will have access to current, scientifically accurate data and related information on glaciation cycles and climate change through the educational film and website. Materials will be easily accessible to teachers and the film will be closed captioned in both English and Spanish.
Joerg SchaeferGeorge DentonMichael Kaplan
The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) will partner with the City of Portland's Office of Sustainable Development, Metro Regional Government, Portland Community College, Verde, and the Coalition for a Livable Future, to create a series of informal science education experiences on the theme of Sustainability. For this project, sustainability is defined in terms of a triple bottom line of economic, social, and environmental needs. The project responds to calls for broad environmental education of the public in response to environmental crises (such as climate change), and specific research suggesting that even museums that do provide information about such issues rarely help their visitors learn to make the comparisons necessary to make more sustainable choices. For the public audience, the project team will create a 1,500 sq. ft. bilingual (Spanish/English) exhibition to encourage the public to develop skills in making personal choices that affect the sustainability of their community. They will also create 25-40 bilingual cell phone tags that will provide listeners who dial the phone numbers with information, personal perspectives, current STEM research, invitations to contribute ideas or vote on issues, interactive phone-based activities, and links to websites, all in service of helping them make intentional and informed personal decisions on sustainability. The cell phone tags will be located at approximately 100 locations in the Portland area, including predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods, public transit locations, public works, and community projects. The team will also create a bilingual website and will offer quarterly bilingual events at the museum on the topic of sustainable living. For the professional audience, the team will create a set of tools and indicators for assessing the sustainability of exhibit-development processes, using the triple bottom line of financial, environmental, and social impacts. For example, a Green Exhibit Guide will provide resources and a checklist for exhibit development projects, and will propose field-wide standards analogous to the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system for green buildings. Regional workshops will engage exhibit developers, designers, fabricators, and administrators in using the tools in their own institutions. The project will create a coordinated set of resources to inform the public about the science of sustainability and to engage them in making informed choices in their daily lives, both in the museum and beyond. The topic of sustainability is timely and important, and the use of cell phones as a mobile technology linked to web resources and an exhibition constitute an innovative synergy of media to create impacts on a city-wide scale. The project serves underrepresented Hispanic audiences through its creation of bilingual materials, placement of cell phone tags, and community involvement in the development process. Finally, the project advances the ISE field in proposing and broadly disseminating a set of standards for green exhibit design, along with developing resources and tools for assessing sustainability. Created in collaboration with other organizations, this work has the potential to reduce the environmental impact of museums while providing highly visible examples of sustainable practices for visitors.
"Genes to Ecosystems" is a Communicating Research to Public Audiences (CRPA) proposal based upon the Dr. Thomas Whitham's NSF funded research (#0425908 "Frontiers in Integrative Biological Research (FBIR): Ecological Genomics and Heritability: Consequences of Extended Phenotypes"). "Genes to Ecosystems" has two main educational objectives: to introduce a wide sector of the public to new ways of looking at ecosystems, and to show how science happens, with practical outcomes that are meaningful to the public. The CRPA request will support the production of a one-hour documentary film, podcasts, a stand-alone DVD, and radio segments for "Earth Notes." These deliverables are targeted to informal learners and public television viewers in the western United States. The documentary will follow a research project begun in 1982 which demonstrates how genetic variation within a foundation species--in this case cottonwood trees--impacts community members ranging from microbes to mega-fauna. The concept of genes-to-ecosystems has introduced new ways of understanding ecosystems which have practical implications for conserving biodiversity, ecological restoration, coping with climate change, and other public policy issues. The project will be managed by the PI, Dr. Thomas Whitham, and co-PI, Daniel Boone, both at Northern Arizona University.
The Change (working title) is a film project with supporting website and resource materials to document how climate change is impacting indigenous peoples in the most climate sensitive regions, and how anthropologists, environmental scientists, engineers, and others are working with these communities to help mitigate the effects. The documentary features Dr. Susie Crate, an NSF-funded anthropologist, and her bi-national teenage daughter Katie, whose father is from Siberia. The Viliui Sahka in Siberia, Alaska Natives in Nome, and South Pacific Islanders on Tuvalu are the communities portrayed in the film. The Change is a Full-Scale Development project produced by Ironbound Films. Outreach partners include the Center for Climate Change Communication (4C) at George Mason University, the Global Climate Adaptation Partnership (GCAP), the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA), the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC), and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP). Ironbound Films has designed this project to build upon its successful prior documentary work, The Linguists. Deliverables include a documentary for limited theatrical release and television and Internet broadcast along with an interactive website, curriculum guide, a shorter classroom version of the film, and a robust outreach strategy in collaboration with project partners. One of the components of the outreach in conjunction with SfAA will be to create the first social networking site around climate change adaptation. Another in conjunction with GCAP is to create a series of four virtual climate change tours for Google Maps and Earth applications. SmartStart Educational Consulting Services will conduct front-end, formative, and summative evaluations. The real-life characters and communities featured in the film will illustrate how climate change is affecting people today in various parts of the world. The project gives voice to anthropologists who have been working to understand climate change as a cultural phenomenon, a perspective rarely showcased in the media. Anthropologists have expressed the need for an effective means to share this work and its results with the public. The story is based on contemporary climate science and anthropology, but features the personal perspective of the bi-national teenage daughter, and is intended to appeal to an audience not typically drawn to a climate change documentary, especially the young or underserved. An aggressive, targeted marketing and outreach campaign reflects the film's innovative approach.
In this full-scale research and development project, Oregon State University (OSU), Oregon Sea Grant (OSG) and the Hatfield Marine Science Center Visitors Center (HMSCVC) is designing, developing, implementing, researching and evaluating a cyberlaboratory in a museum setting. The cyberlaboratory will provide three earth and marine science learning experiences with research and evaluation interwoven with visitor experiences. The research platform will focus on: 1) a climate change exhibit that will enable research on identity, values and opinion; 2) a wave tank exhibit that will enable research on group dynamics and problem solving in interactive engineering challenges; and 3) remote sensing exhibits that will enable research on visitor interactions through the use of real data and simulations. This project will provide the informal science educaton community with a suite of tools to evaluate learning experiences with emerging technologies using an iterative process. The team will also make available to the informal science community their answers to the following research questions: For the climate change exhibit, "To what extent does customizing content delivery based on real-time visitor input promote learning?" For the wave tank exhibit, "To what extent do opportunities to reflect on and share experiences promote STEM reasoning processes at a build-and-test exhibit?" For the data-sensing exhibit, "Can visitors' abilities to explain or use visualizations be improved by shaping their visual searches of images?" Mixed-methods using interviews, surveys, behavioral instruments, and participant observations will be used to evaluate the overall program. Approximately 60-100 informal science education professionals will discuss and test the viability of the exhibit's evaluation tools. More than 150,000 visitors, along with community members and local middle and high school students, will have the opportunity to participate in the learning experiences at the HMSCVC. This work contributes to the fields of cyberlearning and informal science education. This project provides the informal science education field with important knowledge about learning, customized content delivery and evaluation tools that are used in informal science settings.
This project identifies TV meteorologists as a potentially important source of informal science education on the topic of climate change. These professionals are a well-respected source of scientific information in their local communities, yet rarely address climate change in their weather broadcasts. Proposers will conduct a series of studies that explore both mechanisms and obstacles to using TV broadcasts as effective informal communication vehicles for scientific information about climate change. In Study 1, they will identify methods already in use by "early adopters," compare them to best explanatory practices in informal science education, and make recommendations to improve practice. In Study 2, they will survey meteorologists and their news directors to determine their motivations and needs for information and materials regarding climate change. Based on their findings, and informed by prior work, they will develop a set of educational materials, principally a set of 30-second segments that can serve as a resource for TV meteorologists nation-wide. In Study 3, they will conduct a quasi-experimental evaluation of the materials with a TV station in Columbia, South Carolina to determine their impact on viewers. The core project team includes experts in science communication and education, physical oceanography, broadcast meteorology, and media effects evaluation, and the advisory board includes the Vice President of Programs at the National Environmental Education Foundation and the Chief Meteorologist at The Weather Channel. Dissemination mechanisms will include a range of publications and presentations for the research findings, and a website for the sharing of materials used by the early adopters. Overall, the project will advance the informal science education field's understanding of both effective explanatory practices in broadcast media and the motivations and practices of an understudied group of professionals. It will investigate an innovative means of increasing public awareness and understanding of important topics in climate change, and as well as creating a set of video-clips and related materials based on careful study and best practices.
The Nexus of Energy, Water, and Climate: From Understanding to Action (Café +) project will develop and test two interactive board game concepts focused on energy, water, and climate with youth and adults from four highly diverse communities in New Mexico. The four primary goals of the project are to: (a) develop, play test, and implement two board, card, or other non-electronic games grounded in energy, water, and climate content at four project sites, (b) identify the key characteristics of the games that maximize problem solving while stimulating interest, engagement, and learning, (c) explore the implications of game playing on dialog, learning, and Café+ satisfaction for youth and adult participants, and (d) evaluate the viability of this model for full scale implementation throughout the existing Café Scientifique program, from which this project is based. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, PNM Resources, Scott Balaban Games Design, the Los Alamos County Utilities Department, and a host of advisors and consultants from a broad range of organizations and institutions will collaborate to develop, test, and implement the Café+ games model. The primary deliverables include: (a) two non-electronic multiage commercial quality games focused on energy, water, and climate content, (b) a comprehensive pilot study examining the impact, effectiveness, and viability of the Café+ model with the target audiences, and (c) formative and summative evaluations of the games implementation model. A significant outcome of Café+ is that New Mexico youth and adults, from diverse backgrounds, will learn relevant science content through the development and testing of engaging, innovative commercial quality games. Over 250 youth and adults will benefit directly from their participation in the pilot study. They will not only learn important science content while working collaboratively in groups (youth only and youth/adult groups), but they will also participate in an authentic scientific process experience as playtesters. In this role, youth and adults will experience critical science concepts such as trial and error and refinement. Further, the games will be made publicly available and implemented across the entire Café Scientifique program (n=960 youth). The evaluation study will employ a mixed methods approach to examine project implementation, effectiveness, and impacts. Focus groups, observations, and surveys will be employed to assess a number of variables such as (but not limited to): content knowledge and learning, interest, engagement, game features, game play processes, gaming obstacles and challenges, participant interactions, and motivation. Embedded assessment opportunities will also examine participants\' decision making abilities, analytical skills, and ability to transfer knowledge gained to real world situations as they navigate through the games. Data collected at the youth-only pilot test sites will be used in a comparative analysis of similar variables tracked at the youth and adult sites. Formative approaches will provide iterative, ongoing opportunities for programmatic and game refinement and adjustments. The formative and summative evaluations will endeavor to document critical data and findings needed to assess the viability of Café+ as a full scale development project, with additional games and project sites across the country. The Café+ project would add to the limited literature base on learning and science engagement of youth within Science Café settings in the 21st century. More critically, this pilot study could contribute to the dearth of current research on the impact of non-electronic game play can have on youth only groups and youth/adult groups working collaboratively to make important scientific decisions within Science Café settings. This comparative data could prove significant for other program models interested in implementing similar youth and adult game based program. Further, the relevance of the content could potentially spark youths' interest not only in pursuing courses and careers in STEM, but it could also motivate youth and adult participants to become more involved in civic engagement activities occurring within and beyond their local communities.
The purpose of this integrated cross media project is to build public knowledge and curiosity about energy science and policy, to encourage audience confidence in its abilities to understand energy related science, and to stimulate exchange between community-based experts. The deliverables include five hour-long radio programs focusing on the interconnected nature of waterways, climate systems, and energy sources; a digital journalism and social network site focusing on energy topics; partner-driven outreach with universities and local public radio stations; and a training workshop for ethnic media partners. The project targets public radio listeners, ethnic media readers, local urban and rural communities, and Internet users. Partner organizations include New American Media, a consortium of ethnic media producers, the University of Texas at Austin (which will provide content expertise as well as outreach assistance), local public radio stations, and scientific organizations. Intended impacts on the general audience include building their knowledge and interest in energy science and policy, and influencing their confidence in understanding energy science, technology and engineering, as well as empowering them to voice their opinions in energy policy discussions and to make changes in their lives that will support a sustainable energy future. It is estimated that five million people will access the radio programs and web content over the sustained life of the project. Professional audience impacts include building science journalism capacity and reciprocal relationships between general and ethnic news media, as well as stimulating exchange between subject experts (e.g., water engineers and geoscientists) and community experts (e.g., community organizers and backyard gardeners) who can inform energy reporting and open new areas of discussion in the energy debate. The evaluation plan uses both quantitative and qualitative data collection and quasi-experimental designs to examine the impact of this project on both public and professional audiences.
WGBH is producing the fifth and sixth seasons of NOVA scienceNOW, a multimedia project that addresses a wide array of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects via multiple platforms. They include national PBS broadcast, the PBS web site, and innovative outreach activities such as an expanded Science Café initiative. Hosted by astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Season Five will air in 2010; Season Six in 2011. The focus is "stories of transformative research," e.g., nanotechnology, stem cells, quantum computing, as well as clean energy, and climate change. Project goals are to "produce a lasting impact on Americans' appreciation for and understanding of current scientific research," and to encourage an interest in STEM careers among younger viewers. Building upon solid prior work, the proposed project is finding new ways to interweave the television show, web materials, and Science Cafés to provide multiple entry points and pathways for the audience. For example, they will produce 32 web-only scientist profiles supported by a blog and social media tools, and then train these scientists as presenters for the Science Cafés. NOVA is planning a new strategy to maximize carriage and increase audience for the six new programs per year; the programs will run consecutively in the NOVA Wednesday evening primetime slot during the summer. During Season Three, over 2.7 million television viewers per week tuned in NOVA scienceNow, with 62,000 unique visitors to the web site per month and 75 active Science Cafés across the country. The expanded Science Café initiative is designed to become self-sustaining beyond the grant period through new partnerships with groups such as the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the American Chemical Society, and the Coalition for the Public Understanding of Science. The project will also collaborate with the Association of Science-Technology Centers and science centers around the country to host Science Cafés featuring scientists profiled on the web. Goodman Research Group will assess the reach and effectiveness of Seasons Five and Six. The focal/primary evaluation activity is a viewing and engagement study on the influence of viewing the series along with accessing and participating actively with the increased web and outreach offerings. This study will comprise web-based surveys with adaptive branching patterns, which will include data collection from a variety of participants and will focus on participants? use of the series, website, and outreach. The summative evaluation will measure how the project is reaching these audience segments, while also meeting the overall goals of increasing public understanding of science and engagement in science-related activities.
WGBH is shooting some test footage for a science series on fire. This Small Grant for Exploratory Research will enable the producers to film a major controlled burn, called Frostfire, in the forests north of Fairbanks, Alaska. This is the only opportunity to film this 2,200 acre burn that has been set to examine the ecological consequences of fire on land and in the air. Researchers have been studying the hydrology, climate and ecosystem of this watershed since 1969, and the fire will be a continuation of that research, aiming to extend the understanding of the effects of this type of disturbance in many areas, including global warming, permafrost vulnerability, vegetation patterns and variables, and fire and smoke plume behaviors. This SGER also will enable WGBH to examine how the television series can best present this kind of major fire in the series. While there have been images of mass fire presented on television before, filmmakers have almost always come to a large fire that is already in progress. Being involved in the planning and initial phases of the Frostfire effort will enable WGBH to test the extent to which it is possible, by taking advantage of the scientists' planning and by careful placement of cameras, to record a fire in a new and meaningful way. The production team also will be able to experiment with and establish the best ways to track a fire. This knowledge can then be applied to future filming of wildfires.
The SOUNDPRINT Media Center is producing a series of radio documentaries entitled 'Science and Technology on SOUNDPRINT,' a set of related educational and outreach materials, and multimedia non-broadcast applications. The project will include 16 original science documentaries and 21 programs repackaged as special broadcasts distributed to over 200 public radio stations in the United States, reaching over 750,000 listeners, and ten countries around the world. The programs also will be distributed on Internet Talk Radio. The 16 new Programs will be grouped around three themes: 'The Butterfly Effect' which will bring large scientific concepts describing global change to a more human level, 'Technology and Culture' which will consider the implications of technology, and 'The Consequences of Science' which will look at the broad implications of scientific research. The Executive Producer for the project is Moira Rankin. Neenah Ellis will serve as Senior Producer and will work directly with independent producers in story and script development. The Science Editors will be Ann Finkbeiner, a freelance science writer, and Barbara Culliton, Deputy Editor of 'Nature.'
National Wildlife Federation is requesting a planning grant to support the development of a six-part television mini-series called "Springwatch USA" and related educational materials. "Springwatch" will focus on phenology and engage viewers to report their findings of specific natural phenomena, via the web. The goal is to educate children, families and self-appointed citizen naturalists of all ages on the core science concepts associated with phenology and ecology and the hallmark animal and plant responses to the seasonal transition from winter to spring. A second goal is to familiarize the American public with broader, cutting-edge concepts of how longer term changes in climate may also be significantly shifting some of the accepted norms for the progression of spring in North America. The proposed planning phase will include: audience research, meetings of science and education advisors, development of episode plans, conceptual design of field identification and educational materials as well as the protocols that will serve to standardize the data and make it useful for scientific, education and interpretive purposes. National Wildlife Federation will be collaborating with Animal Planet and Painless Productions to create the "Springwatch" series