Produce an exhibition that will lead visitors, particularly 140,000 school children each year, to explore and understand modern audio technology. The exhibition capitalizes on the great popularity of recorded music (every student seems to carry a Walkman tape or disc player), to encourage hands-on exploration of audio technologies from microphones to compact disc players. Further visitor inquiry, using a computer-based system developed by the Hall of Science, will encourage an understanding of the underlying principles. The prototype of this "Science Link" system, now in use, has already drawn replication inquiries from 84 science-technology centers, educational institutions, and advertising agencies. Develop additional exhibit techniques that will allow the hands-on investigation of phenomena that cannot be directly observed. Techniques linking computer simulations directly to the physical exhibits will encourage investigation of phenomena that cannot be directly observed. While contemporary electronic technology has become more and more pervasive, its inner workings have become less and less accessible to the layman. In addressing audio technology as typical of this challenge, the project will have applications to many fundamental and applied topics, and will find wide use in science centers and other settings.
"Human +" is a collaboration among the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI), NSF Quality of Life Technology Engineering Research Center (QoLT ERC) of the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI), and the Institute for Learning Innovation. The project will engage engineers, educators, designers, and people with disabilities in a process of participatory design to create a 2,500 square foot traveling exhibition entitled "Human +". The STEM content is engineering, specifically the extraordinary technological advances being made to enhance human abilities. The project is making three significant contributions to the Informal Science Education (ISE) field: 1) It is a model of close integration of an NSF-funded engineering research center into an ISE project. (2) It engages people with disabilities, both as participants and audiences. (3) It broadens engagement with engineering as a participatory, creative, and socially important ISE undertaking. Project deliverables are: (1) a model for participatory design of ISE activities to generate innovation among engineers, people with disabilities, ISE professionals, and designers; and 2) a 2,500 square-foot traveling exhibition engaging the public in the science, technology, and social issues of human enhancement. Front-end evaluation will be conducted by OMSI to explore pre-existing knowledge and attitudes, integrating significant numbers of people with disabilities including veterans, young people, and older people. Formative evaluation will likewise be integrated with the participatory design process, with prototypes being tested both by audiences and by the core "Human +" participatory design team. Summative evaluation by Institute for Learning Innovation will address both the effectiveness of the participatory design process and the effectiveness of the exhibition in addressing the National Academy for Engineering goals for public understanding of engineering as a creative and socially engaged field. An estimated 700,000 visitors will experience the "Human +" exhibition at OMSI and NYSCI. In addition, OMSI will tour the exhibition through its extensive and diverse network of science centers, with 24 science centers having expressed interest as potential host sites. The Science Friday webcast/podcast will reach an estimated 1.3 million listeners. Public audiences will engage in the topic of engineering and better understand its importance to human existence through experiencing one compelling research area. The project team will work with the Veterans Administration and DARPA to engage veterans with disabilities both as participants and as audiences. The exhibit with its human-focused content will also stimulate interest among older adults and promote the engineering field to groups underrepresented in engineering such as people with disabilities, girls, and minority youth. The project places cutting-edge technology and engineering practice in a profoundly personal context. "Human +" will contribute to the empowerment of the great majority of people who have, or will have, disabilities during their lifetime and for those of us who care for people with disabilities.
This planning effort, a collaboration of teams at the University of Maryland, Cornell University, Carnegie Mellon University and the Sciencenter of Ithaca, deals with the development and testing of a unique methodology for educating youth in computer programming. Through a mobile robot that is cleverly disguised as a small animal, participants will learn to manipulate the system by physically moving it as well as setting variables via electronic buttons thereby learning programming and design. The eventual use of this system and methodology is in museum exhibits so preliminary survey data will be gathered from various venues that presently use less capable devices. Iterative testing will be done at the Sciencenter in its exhibits.
Building on their successful traveling exhibition and Web site, "Invention at Play," funded by the NSF Informal Science Education Program, the Smithsonian's Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation (National Museum of American History) in collaboration with Smithsonian Affiliates around the country developed "Places of Invention" (POI). Major deliverables included an interactive 3,300 square-foot permanent exhibition at NMAH and a Web site that focus on practicing inventive skill-building and illustrating the ways that place and social collaboration shape the creative process. The POI exhibition features six stories about "hot spots" of American invention from the mid-19th century to the present, each providing hands-on experiences that relate to particular "21st Century skills" and to the social, psychological, and spatial dimensions of invention, science, and engineering. The project also intends to establish a new model for the co-creation of exhibition content among NMAH visitors, Web site users, Lemelson Center staff, and 12 partnering Smithsonian Affiliate museums through an Interactive Map. Here both in-gallery and online visitors can explore stories and videos produced by NMAH and Smithsonian Affiliate staff (and their community partners) and also share stories of their own communities as “places of invention.”
This project will produce 90-second science news stories for commercial local newscasts and science center exhibits, and determine how they change engagement with and interest in science by general audiences. Each video news story will reach approximately 2.1 million viewers that tune in to a local ABC or NBC affiliate newscast. The evaluation will study the cumulative impact of repeated exposure to these broadcast news segments. In addition ScienCentral will partner with the Maryland Science Center to investigate the use of the videos in exhibits using hand-held devices and showing them on large screens. The project deliverables include two hundred and twenty 90-second video news stories over 3 years aired by ABC and NBC affiliates; complimentary web stories with links to additional resources; evaluations of both the broadcast videos and their use in a science center. The project will also evaluate the partnership between ScienCentral and the Maryland Science Center to guide future expansion of video programming.
The University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies and the Museum of Science, Boston will create life-sized, 3-D Virtual Humans that will interact with visitors as interpretive guides and learning facilitators at science exhibits. Through the use of advanced artificial intelligence and intelligent tutoring techniques, Virtual Humans will provide a highly responsive functionality in their dialogue interpretation that will generate sophisticated interaction with visitors about the STEM content related to the exhibit. The project exemplifies how the confluence of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and education can creatively and collaboratively advance new tools and learning processes. The Virtual Human project will begin to present to the visitor a compelling, real life, interactive example of the future and of the related convergence of various interdisciplinary trends in technology, such as natural language voice recognition, mixed reality environments, para-holographic display, visitor recognition and prior activity recall, artificial intelligence, and other interdisciplinary trends. The 3-D, life-sized Virtual Humans will serve as museum educators in four capacities: 1) as a natural language dialogue-based interactive guide that can suggest exhibits to explore in specific galleries and answer questions about particular STEM content areas, such as computer science; 2) as a coach to help visitors understand and use particular interactive exhibits; 3) be the core focus of the Science behind the Virtual Humans exhibit; and 4) serve as an ongoing research effort to improve human and virtual human interactions at increasingly sophisticated levels of complexity. The deliverables will be designed to build upon visitor experiences and stimulate inquiry. A living lab enables visitors to become part of the research and development process. The project website will introduce visitors to the technologies used to build virtual humans and the research behind their implementation. The site will be augmented with videos and simulations and will generate user created content on virtual human characters. Project evaluation and research will collect language and behavioral data from visitors to inform the improvement of the virtual guide throughout the duration of the grant and to develop a database that directly supports other intelligent systems, and new interface design and development that will have broad impact across multiple fields.
William SwartoutDavid TraumJacquelyn MorieDiane PiepolH. Chad Lane
The Tech Museum of Innovation will fabricate, install, and evaluate a 6,800 square foot exhibition. Through approximately 66 interactive exhibit experiences, visitors will discover how basic science is applied in practical, real-life circumstances for the design and engineering of advanced technologies. An array of educational programs has been designed to appeal to a diverse audience with a variety of interests and learning styles. Demonstrations, hands-on activities, and interviews (online and/or multimedia) with nationally recognized innovators will highlight innovation as a complex process involving careful preparation, use of the scientific method, the ability to problem solve and make connections, and luck.
Dan WodarcykJon BetthauserEmily RoutmanSusan WagemanWayne LaBar
The Exploratorium will develop a 6000 sq. f.t exhibit Seeing: The Interaction of Physiology, Culture, and Technology . As the first exhibit and program development project of their multiyear initiative "Refocusing on the Floor," this permanent exhibit will consist of approximately 60 new and redesigned exhibits organized into six sections: Seeing Central, Light and Images, Process of Seeing, Seeing Things Differently, Extending Our Vision, and Deconstructing What We See. Visitors will develop their skills at seeing, noticing, and visual thinking, will become more conscious of visual information in daily life, be exposed to current research on vision and visual cognition, be given opportunities to investigate the social and cultural influences on seeing, and be lead to the realization that seeing, interpreting, and understanding visual information are basic to the conduct of science. New partnerships will be developed with community-based organizations that will promote new audiences for the Exploratorium as well as enhance the viewpoints of the participating staff members. The activities will address the National Science Standards in terms of the process skills that are identified and will reintroduce visual thinking skills into the activities linking the exhibit with the formal education's curriculum. Additional workshops and professional dissemination activities will be included in the overall project.
With this planning grant, the staff of the Bucks County Historical Society will work with a group of museum professionals and community representatives to develop plans for interactive exhibits that have science and math content that will be placed in an outdoor park. They want visitors to learn about the science, history, and aesthetics of early American hand tools and technology by experiencing various hands-on activities. The planning activities will include meetings of the planning committees, front-end evaluation, and the testing of some prototype activities. At the end of the twelve month planing period they will have 1) a better understanding of their audience and their knowledge of the science and technology to be presented in the exhibit, 2) a schematic design for the activities to be included in the park, 3) plans for complementary educational activities, and 4) results of prototype testing of selected activities.
The Louisville Science Center will develop "'The World We Create' -- a Traveling Exhibit." This project will develop two traveling version exhibitions (approximately 2,500 sq. ft. each) based on the programs of the highly successful permanent 12,500 sq. ft. exhibition "The World We Create," funded by NSF. One exhibit copy will travel nationally to small and medium-sized science centers throughout the United States over a three-year period, filling a need for quality traveling exhibits and reaching an audience of 300,000 to 500,000 people. The second exhibit copy will travel to rural areas of Kentucky to be hosted by schools, public libraries or community colleges, reaching an audience of 150,000 to 200,000 students and adults.
Theresa MatteiGail BeckerNancy Potoczak
The New York Hall of Science is in the process of designing and constructing a 50,000 sq. ft. facility addition. This project, which could also be called project BUILD: Building Underway-Informal Learning Design, will take advantage of the inherent teaching and learning opportunities in science and engineering found in an authentic, real-time setting. A portable exhibit unit, fashioned after a construction-site fence with peepholes, will highlight aspects of technology, math, engineering, and materials sciences found in the building trades and architecture. Each peephole will display an artifact, text, image or interactive for the visitor and have specific learning outcomes defined during the development of the exhibit. Associated programing, in the form of Explainer demostrations, workshops, lectures, building trades career days, design, and hard hat tours will be created for three distinct audiences -- families, adolescents 11-14 (middle-school) and young adults 15-18 (high school). The exhibit and programs will evolve and amend themselves in tandem with the changeable timetables and nature of construction. Finally, a guidebook written on "how to" replicate these learning experiences, construct the exhibit fence for other venues, and partner with architects and tradespeople will be available to the wider museum and informal learning community.
The National Science Outreach Network will provide school children, teachers, and the general public with highly accessible interactive exhibits dealing with popular topics in science and technology. The network, initiated as a partnership between regional science centers and public libraries, will be modeled after the highly successful statewide Oregon Library Exhibits Network established in 1987. Through this smaller network, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, a nationally recognized pioneer in science exhibitry and outreach programming, circulates small hands-on exhibits to rural population centers through installations in public libraries, where school groups and families have free and convenient access. This national dissemination project will be initiated in five regional sites across the country (Colorado, Minnesota, New York, Tennessee, and Oregon) to further establish the model in rural, inner-urban, economically disadvantaged, and culturally diverse regions. With support from both the NSF and the regional networks, The National Science Outreach Network will design and duplicate six exhibits for circulation to dozens of local communities in each designated region. Over the next seven years, over six million individuals, many of whom do not currently frequent a local science center, will be introduced to popular science in a non-threatening, resource- rich setting. This will encourage further exploration and possible future visits to an accessible science center, and ultimately establish an ever-expanding network of museum and non-museum partners providing science and technology learning opportunities to millions of individuals each year.