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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Media and Technology
Dr. Lenore Blum and associates at Mills College plan to explore the use of an interactive videodisc environment for elementary education in mathematics using existing materials from SQUARE ONE TV. The project will use a prototype interactive computer learning system that uses icons embedded within an exploratory environment to allow learners to select their own activities. The system allows videodisc materials to be easily combined within an interactive computer environment and includes browsing, lesson selection, open exploration, practice problems, and extended activities keyed to the SQUARE ONE TV material. They will produce a videodisc with source materials provided by Children's Television Workshop, design the interactive environment, and evaluate its effectiveness with trial groups of teachers, students, and others in formal and informal settings. This modest proposal will extend the range of utilization of SQUARE ONE TV and provide valuable information on its potential use in non-broadcast settings.
resource project Public Programs
Plantations, the botanical garden and arboretum of Cornell University, is developing a model program of informal education for elementary (K-5) school children. Project LEAP, Learning About Plants, will integrate the academic resources of Cornell University and the informal setting of its botanic gardens with the teaching of mathematics and science in local elementary schools. The project contains five components: 1) a conceptually-based curriculum of biology, ecology and agriculture which will include some components of SCIS (Science Curriculum Improvement Study) and OBIS (Outdoor Biology Instructional Strategies); 2) a teacher training workshop to stimulate curriculum integration and modification; 3) multiple two-year visits between Plantations and local schools providing children with direct experience with plants and animals; 4) a quantitative program of curriculum development and evaluation based on learning theory; and 5) a plan for dissemination of the structure and instructional contents of this program. Because children will experience LEAP over a period of years, the complex and meaningful learning of concepts in science will be achieved in the earliest years of a child's education. Because LEAP is being designed to become a model program applicable to many institutions of informal education, two publications will be produced: a notebook which describes the overall structure of the program, and a handbook for teachers which presents the individual lessons of the curriculum and the theoretical background supporting the choice of curriculum material. The notebook will distinguish those elements of the program peculiar to Cornell and Plantations, and mechanisms through which the program can be adapted to other institutions. The project is being split-funded by the Instructional Materials Development and Informal Science Education Programs.
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This project will test an instructional strategy designed to increase the pool of minority students who are successful in their study of algebra and higher mathematics courses. Since 1979, the Comprehensive Math and Science Program at Columbia University has been developing an instructional model designed to give all entering ninth grade students the opportunity to work to their highest level of capacity in mathematics. Key features of the model are a zero-based start, which makes no assumptions on students' prior mathematics background, and a complementary curriculum, which provides a set of parallel, interlocking mathematics courses that substantially increases the rate of mathematics instruction over a four semester period. Preliminary tests of the model in New York City schools have yielded encouraging results. In the current project, the instructional materials will be completed and the model will be extensively tested in New York City and in Fulton County, Georgia. The testing will be accompanied by the development of an apprenticeship model for teacher training, which will pair new teachers with experienced teachers in the interlocking courses of the program.
TEAM MEMBERS: Gilbert Lopez
resource project Media and Technology
Maryland Instructional Television, in conjunction with the National Science Teachers Association, will use the expertise of scientists and educators and the medium of television to create an exciting science video series for children ages four through seven. The activities of the project include the identification of content, design of instructional video and ancillary print materials, and formative evaluation. Fifteen video programs will be developed, each containing two or three separate sub-programs. These will be supplemented by teacher and parent guides which will suggest activities designed to expand upon the material covered in the program. The series content and materials will explore everyday events in the lives of young children and will integrate science and mathematics concepts, skills and application into a variety of curricular areas. The companion activities will make use of objects already in the child's world or easily accessible in the home. This project is funded jointly with the Instructional Materials Development Program.
TEAM MEMBERS: Frank Batavick Helenmarie Hofman
resource project Exhibitions
The Franklin Institute Science Museum, a major American Science Center serving more than 700,000 individuals annually, proposes to create a 3,700 square foot permanent exhibition that will promote public interest in and understanding of the concepts and principles of mathematics in concrete, tangible form. The exhibition will consist of five clusters of hands-on devices, interactive computer programs, models, and text on the themes of Geometry; Symmetry; Chance, Probability and Randomness; Series, Sequences and Limits; and "Modern Math"--Fractals, Knots and Braids and Topology. Museum staff will utilize several mathematicians as advisors and design participants and will develop adjunct educational materials for use by teachers, students, and family members. They will disseminate exhibition techniques and content by providing six collaborating museums with selected copies of exhibit devices and hardware for their use in developing temporary or permanent mathematics exhibits. Staff of the six museums will join advisors for a design conference during exhibition planning, and will provide evaluation reports on their use of the exhibit materials. Knowledge of mathematics is not only necessary for everyday life; it is central to public understanding of science and engineering, and a key to continued participation in science and engineering, and a key to continued participation in science education in high school and college. Increasing national interest improvement in the mathematical ability of americans at all levels, pre-college and college, make this proposed exhibition particularly timely.
TEAM MEMBERS: Daniel Goldwater
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The middle school years are critical in determining a student's success and continued participation in mathematics. This proposal involves the expansion of MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) model to the junior high/middle school population in the State of Washington. The project will focus on updating and revitalizing middle school mathematics curriculum, the goal being to increase minority student enrollment in algebra in the ninth grade. The MESA model also recognizes the need for teacher support and provides teacher seminars on a regular basis. Additionally, the expansion of the statewide Pre- College Center at the University of Washington will include the coordination of a statewide program at the junior high/middle school level. The MESA model is based on a partnership between industry and educators--a cooperative effort involving scientists on loan from industry, educators at the university level and educators at the secondary school levels working together to develop curricula that will stimulate student interest and achievement in mathematics and science. The staff for the project is well qualified with experience in the MESA program and in curriculum development and teacher training. The proposal addresses a clear need for improving minority mathematics education in middle/junior high schools and promises to have an impact throughout the nation for all students by serving as a model academic program. The project goals are consistent with the Instructional Materials guidelines. Therefore, an award is recommended.
TEAM MEMBERS: Thomas Stoebe Patricia MacGowan
resource project Public Programs
The Girls Clubs of America (GCA) plans to develop over a three year period informal science learning activities to increase the participation of women aged 14-18 in mathematics and science. These materials are part of an overall program, "Operation SMART," that is a major national commitment by the Girls Clubs of America to include science and mathematics education as a major component of GCA activities at all age levels. Prior projects have developed and implemented successful materials directed at elementary and middle school girls; the present project extends this effort into the critically important high school age years. The materials will be developed by project staff in association with developers at the Educational Development Center (EDC), piloted and tested in four Girls Clubs sites along with training chapters nationwide. A publisher will be identified for national distribution and sales of activity materials sets and a book-length publication designed for use by education programs of other youth-serving organizations. A partnership with the Business and Professional Women's Association (BPW/USA) and its 3400 local chapters and with the AAAS Linkages Project will create many non-Girls Club sites. Dissemination to other youth- serving organizations will be carried out through the National Collaboration for Youth. As a result, Operation SMART's high school age materials should reach several hundred thousand young women. Foundations and businesses will provide substantial additional project support; approximately 51% of the total $ l.4 million project budget is requested from NSF.
TEAM MEMBERS: ellen wahl Jane Quinn
resource project Public Programs
The Franklin Institute Science Museum will, over a three year period, develop a regional Girl Scout leader training programthat provides science education experiences for Girl Scouts. The Girl Scout Council of Greater Philadelphia and the Washington Rock, NJ Council will be primary partners and the source of volunteer leaders and the target audience of member girls. Science Education kits will be developed and tested for Brownies and Juniors, training materials for staff trainers and volunteer leaders developed, leaders trained, and several support mechanisms developed. Program materials are designed for continued use by the Girl Scouts; more than 2,000 leaders will be trained and 20,000 girls will participate in project activities during the three year period. This project is directed at the substantial under representation of women in many science and engineering fields by working with girls in informal settings to overcome patterns of science and mathematics avoidance. Replication and dissemination will be undertaken both within the Girl Scout Council system and among museums, youth organizations, and other informal educators. The proposers are contributing nearly $250,000 in resources to the project; NSF support will be 55% of the project total.
resource project Media and Technology
Children's Television Workshop (CTW) will produce two additional seasons of SQUARE ONE TV, a daily series of mathematics for children aged 8-12. The first season of 75 half-hour shows premiered on public television stations in January 1987. The second and third seasons will each consist of 65 programs to capitalize on the success of Season I and compound its educational utility. SQUARE ONE TV has three goals: to promote positive attitudes toward, and enthusiasm for, mathematics; to encourage the use and application of problem solving processes; and to present sound mathematical content in an interesting, accessible and meaningful manner. Based on preliminary research results, the series appears to be meeting these goals. The series has attracted a substantial audience from throughout the country during its initial season, and a very positive reception from mathematicians, parents, teachers, and the press. Most importantly, the target-aged children are enjoying and learning from the series. The goals and content for additional seasons will basically remain the same, with refinements made as research results are assembled and digested by in house staff in conjunction with mathematics advisors. Production plans will take advantage of the learning experiences acquired from Season I. The additional seasons of SQUARE ONE TV will be supported by a full range of promotion, community outreach activities and school services, including teacher's guides. Season II should be ready to air in September 1988. The highly skilled production team responsible for season I remains in place: Dave Connell, Vice President and Executive Producer, CTW; Dr. Keith Mielke, Vice President for Research, CTW; Dr. Joel Schneider, Content Director, SQUARE ONE TV; and Bettina Peel, Director of Research, SQUARE ONE TV. An 18 member National Advisory Board is chaired by Dr. Gerald Lesser, Bigelow Professor of Education and Developmental Psychology at Harvard, and more than 15 additional distinguished mathematicians, scientists, and educators serve as project consultants. With the addition of SQUARE ONE TV to the existing 3-2-1 Contact science series, america's children now have a full hour a day of math and science learning opportunity at home. Continued development of SQUARE ONE TV mathematics programs is essential to sustain our national commitment for improved mathematics and scientific literacy for our young. An award of an additional $3,000,000 for FY87 and $3,000,000 for FY88 is recommended.
TEAM MEMBERS: David Connell Keith Mielke Bettina Peel Joel Schneider
resource project Exhibitions
The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, with partial support from NSF, will develop science, mathematics, and technology components for a new, permanent 17,000 square foot exhibition on the Pacific. Broad in scope and dramatic in its impact, this exhibition will cut across many fields and disciplines in presenting a coherent, integrated view of the Pacific regions. Topics from anthropology, geology, biology and geography will be combined using collections, reconstructed objects, large scale models, and interactive components in this landmark exhibition. The project will make extensive use of leading researchers, educators, and an evaluation consultant, and will utilize a variety of prototyping and formative exhibit development techniques. The science, mathematics and technology portion will cost $ 1.9 million, of which approximately one third is requested from NSF. The complete 17,000 square foot exhibition will cost $ 3.3 million and will be seen by at least 10 million adults and children over its 20 year life.
TEAM MEMBERS: Michael Spock Phyllis Rabineau