Overall, film viewers and Web site visitors responded positively to the project. Audiences of the film said they were encouraged by and learned the most about the personal stories of amateur astronomers contributing to scientific discovery and were impressed with the visuals presented in the film. Web site visitors consistently liked the design of the site and particularly enjoyed images and tools for viewing the night sky. Study participants said they would encourage further development of the project. They said that while the current design may exclude those who do not already have an
The Space Science Institute (SSI) contracted with Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to evaluate its traveling exhibition Giant Worlds. The evaluation documents the scope of Giant Worlds' impact and effectiveness for its target audience, children 8 to 13 years. Other specific objectives were to investigate how children interact with visitors and staff, to understand whether children felt like scientists or explorers, and to understand the extent to which children learned the exhibition's big ideas, such as giant planets were instrumental in the formation of Earth. Data were collected from
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.Space Science Institute