The Hansen Planetarium proposes the creation, writing, and production of a 50-minute star theatre program, Cosmic Catastrophes: A Planet At Risk?, aimed at informally educating over a million individuals regarding the vulnerability of our Earth. The further production of four interactive exhibits is planned to accompany the program. This program will be marketed and distributed at a nominal charge to 250 national planetariums, with 50 additional production packets planned for loan. In this fashion, top-quality, accurate, and timely science education can be guaranteed to a large selection of audiences. Scientific research tells us that catastrophes of global and interplanetary proportions have happened in the past, there is evidence that they could occur in the present, and they pose an imminent danger in the future. The utilization of expert consultants, in conjunction with Hansen Planetarium staff, will insure this program presents the most current information available about these cosmic catastrophes. Its interactive format is designed to stimulate a proactive approach to problem solution on the part of the audience, especially in reference to ecological or environmental issues. The star show format, with its dynamic special effects, will make scientific theories surrounding cosmic catastrophes accessible and excitiong.
William Miles, an award winning Black documentary filmmaker, will collaborate with WNET, New York to produce "Black Stars In Orbit," an hour-long television documentary for PBS broadcast on black astronauts and black Americans' contributions to America's space program. The program will utilize personal interviews with archival footage, family photographs, and news headlines to profile such individuals as Edward Dwight, Jr., Guion Bluford, Jr., Ronald McNair, Frederick Gregory, Patricia Cowings-Johnson and Robert Shurney. Videotape copies of the program will be made available for use by national organizations concerned with encouraging black youth in science and engineering. This film project has a substantial opportunity to reinforce science and engineering role models for black youth. Approximately 50% of the $450,000 project budget will be provided by NSF.
First Light is a one-hour documentary to be shown nationally on WGBH-TV's NOVA science series. It tells the extraordinary story behind the building of the Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain in southern California. The film also documents a research effort at the frontiers of astronomy that has pushed the Hale beyond anything its builders had imagined: The attempt to find and map the edge of the known universe. It follows astronomers Maarten Schmidt, James Gunn and Don Schneider as they search for distant quasars. This team recently detected a quasar that is by far the most distant object yet found in the universe; its discovery may challenge our current understanding of cosmic evolution. The documentary is based on the award winning book First Light: The Search for the Edge of the Universe by Richard Preston. After broadcast, the program will have wide educational distribution in secondary schools and colleges.
Eclipse| is a one-hour program within the prime-time series NOVA, to be broadcast nationally during the 1991-92 season on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). The program will document the total eclipse of the sun that takes place on July 11, 1991, and the research performed at the observatories located atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii. The program will trace three narrative lines. The first will be that of the eclipse itself and its importance for ongoing scientific investigation of the solar corona and solar physics. The second will be that of ongoing problems in understanding the sun, especially the issue of solar variability. The third will place this eclipse within the history of eclipse science. The passage of an eclipse over a major observatory complex is a unique occurrence -- it has never happened before, and will not happen again for several generations. The four minutes of totality will allow solar astronomers to turn deep space instruments on the sun for the first time. At the same moment, however, this eclipse marks what many observers feel is the end of a 130 year research program. Eclipse| will provide its audience with a portrait of a spectacular natural phenomenon and of scientists attempting in real-time to tease new knowledge out of the sun. In addition to its broadcast, Eclipse| will be seen in an estimated 70-90,000 classrooms over a seven year period.
WQED/Pittsburgh plans to produce SPACE AGE, a major eight-hour prime time PBS television series on space sciences for airing in 1992, coinciding with the Columbus Quincentennial Celebration and the inauguration of the International Space Year (ISY). Produced in association with the National Academy of Sciences, the $7.2 million series will comprehensively document the extensive influence of space activity from scientific, technological, economic and social perspectives. International co-operation and co- production support from several nations will insure that topics are treated globally, rather than nationally. WQED will develop collateral educational materials and a trade book for popular audiences; eight years of off air taping rights for pre-college teachers will be provided. The series should be viewed by more than seven to twelve million viewers on 320 PBS stations. NSF support will amount to approximately 9% of the $7.2 million project total.
The Interactive Video Science Consortium is a non-profit group of fifteen science centers and museums that proposes to develop interactive video exhibits about Earth and Planetary sciences with two purposes in mind. One, the video exhibits on the two subject areas will serve as educational vehicles for four million visitors, representing the combined audiences of the fifteen participating museums. Two, through extensive testing and visitor research during the development process the consortium members will enlarge understanding of the appropriate and effective uses of the interactive video medium in science museums. Consortium members will fund the costs of conducting research on the subject matter and producing the first two discs. The request to the National Science Foundation is for the systematic analysis of the effectiveness of this type of program and of the educational impact of the medium in science museums.
COSMIC VOYAGE will be the first film in IMAX to survey the whole universe. Its main objective is to convey to a broad museum audience the enormous range of space and time scales spanned by the universe, and to locate our familiar human place in this context. The film's centerpiece will be a continuous "cosmic zoom" extending from the largest observable structure of the universe down to the subnuclear realm, a guided tour across some 42 orders of magnitude. This will be followed by a similar excursion through the dimension of time, from the first instant of the Big Bang to the present day some 15 billion years later. The film will take special care to explain the utility and importance of "orders of magnitude". It will indicate the observational basis underlying our description of the physical world. The narrative will emphasize the continuity as well as the open- ended nature of the scientific enterprise over a wide range of disciplines (cosmology, high-energy physics, astronomy, geology, chemistry and biology), and it will integrate the whole into a coherent picture of the universe. COSMIC VOYAGE will communicate this material in ways that are scientifically accurate and instructive, as well as visually absorbing and entertaining. The overall aim is to produce an unparalleled film about the universe that is both beautiful and powerful.
Bayley SilleckJeffrey MarvinSteven SoterEric ChalssonMartin Harwit
The Hansen Planetarium proposes the creation, writing, and production of a 50-minute star theater program, From The Earth To The Stars, and educational chart aimed at informally educating over a million individuals regarding the exploration of our planet, the planets of our solar system, and the stars beyond. The further production of three interactive exhibits is planned to accompany the program. This program will be marketed and distributed at a nominal charge to 250 national planetariums, with 50 additional production packets planned for loan. In this fashion, top-quality, accurate, and timely science education can be guaranteed to a large selection of audiences. In America today there is growing awareness and concern surrounding the serious deficit our society will soon experience in the fields of science and technology. The Hansen Planetarium's goal is to stimulate learning and interest in astronomy and other sciences for students of all ages across the country. Exploration is, perhaps, the human activity in western culture which can most provoke debate, excite intense interest and stimulate scientific and cultural growth. The utilization of expert consultants, in conjunction with Hansen Planetarium staff, will insure this program presents the most current information available about the past, present, and future of exploration. Its interactive format is designed to stimulate a proactive approach to problem solution on the part of the audience as a stimulus to the learning process. The star show format, with its dynamic special effects, will enhance the learning of science in America today.