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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Media and Technology
Purpose: The United States (U.S.) has traditionally produced the world’s top research scientists and engineers, leading to breakthrough advances in science and technology. Despite the importance of STEM careers, many U.S. students are not graduating with strong STEM knowledge, skills or interests, and the percentage of students prepared for or pursuing STEM degrees or careers is declining. Research shows that the decreased interest in STEM typically begins in the middle school years, pose significant academic and social challenges for students. This project will develop a web-based game teach 6th to 8th students key scientific inquiry skills, along with the academic mindsets and learning strategies to facilitate engagement and effective science learning.

Project Activities: The researchers will create a prototype by mapping key Next Generation Science Standards and learning goals with concepts and content, and producing a game design document. Following completion of the prototype, the researchers will finalize the server architecture, create the core code systems, concept art, and develop a prototype in order to simulate the final user experience. Iterative refinements will be conducted as needed at major production milestones until the game is fully functional. Once development is complete, the research team will assess the usability and feasibility, fidelity of implementation, and the promise of the game to improve outcomes in a pilot study. In this study, 200 students in 10 classes will participate, with 5 of the classrooms randomly assigned to use the game and 5 who will proceed as normal. All students will complete pre- and post- program surveys assessing their academic mindsets, learning strategies, and science skills.

Product: This project will develop SciSkillQuest, a web-based multiplayer game intended to teach middle school students scientific inquiry skills and to foster academic growth mindsets in science. Students will pursue quests, employing inquiry skills to navigate and succeed in the game, including Questioning, Modeling, Investigating, Analyzing, Computing, Explaining, Arguing, and Informing. The game will include different paths to a solution, role playing elements, immersive narratives, challenge-based progressions, and peer collaboration to engage players. The growth mindset message — that ability and skill are developed through effort and learning — will be introduced and reinforced through feedback by embedded in-game characters. The games will be supplemental to the curriculum but will also be designed to be integrated within instructional practice. The game will be available for mobile devices as well as web browsers.
TEAM MEMBERS: Lisa Sorich Blackwell
resource project Media and Technology
This pathways project would refine and test a game based on the Kinect technology gaming tool to teach seismology concepts in an informal education setting and how they apply to phenomenon in other STEM fields. The game will be developed as a companion tool to the "Quake Catcher Network" a low-cost network of seismic sensors in schools, homes and offices world-wide and tie-ins with seismology programs such as the great California ShakeOut with a participant base of 8.6 million. The project design would select three new learning modules, chosen by a group of scientists and educators, to incorporate into the game and evaluate player experience and knowledge gain. The activities will be conducted at a partner test site, an aquarium, frequented by area youth 8 - 12 years old. The focus of the effort is to add to the knowledge of how gaming can be used effectively in informal learning environments The game places the player as a scientist, allowing the player to make decisions about seismic station deployment strategies following an earthquake, installing the sensors and monitoring incoming data. The game has levels of difficulty and players accrue points by acting swiftly and correctly. Learning goals for the project include making abstract math concepts understandable; involve participants in data collection and the process of scientific investigation, plus demonstrate how scientists and mathematicians use tools of their fields to address real-world issues.
TEAM MEMBERS: Deborah Kilb
resource project Media and Technology
The University of Southern California (USC) will build on prior work to test a robust model for assessing player content engagement and social interactions within an augmented reality game (ARG). In partnership with No Mimes Media, USC will use machine learning algorithms to make automated player inferences to customize game play. The content focus of the game will span a range of STEM disciplines, with a special emphasis on earth science content and scientific investigation & experimentation reasoning. High school youth from underserved communities in Los Angeles will be recruited to participate in the endeavor. This pathways project will use various "rabbit hole" techniques to attract freshmen and sophomore students from partner charter schools to the online game. The rabbit hole strategies may include cryptic posters, inquisitive signs, & SQR codes strategically placed in plain and open view of the target group. The game will be fully accessible to the target group online. During the ARG experience, youth players will encounter STEM concepts and scientific problems. Antagonistic characters will promulgate scientific misconceptions and nonscientific reasoning and challenge players to employ their scientific knowledge and skills to level-up, gain badges, and move through the game. As game play persists, machine learning algorithms will gather data on the players learning competencies and social interactions within the game. These data will be aggregated and analyzed to assess learning and interactions within the ARG environment. Additional analyses will be conducted by the mixed methods approach the external evaluation group, CRESST, will employ for the project formative and summative evaluations. Approximately 300 youth, within the target grade levels, are expected to participate in the gaming experience. However, given that access to the game and assessment tools will expand beyond the target group, the potential reach of the project could be much greater. Further, the stated aim of the project is not only to produce a scalable model for broad implementation but it also endeavors to provide puppetmasters with research and assessment tools to create more individualized experiences and improved learning outcomes for players within ARG environments.
TEAM MEMBERS: Yu-Han Chang Jihie Kim Rajiv Maheswaran
resource research Media and Technology
Despite the potential of augmented reality (AR) in enabling students to construct new understanding, little is known about how the processes and interactions with the multimedia lead to increased learning. This study seeks to explore the affordances of an AR tool on learning that is focused on the science concept of magnets and magnetic fields. Seventy students in grades 5 through 7 participated in the study in a non- AR or AR condition. Findings showed that students in the AR condition interacted with the magnets significantly longer and demonstrated higher amounts of teamwork. In interviews
TEAM MEMBERS: Susan Yoon Joyce Wang
resource project Media and Technology
Living Liquid is a full-scale development project that will develop and research a new genre of science exhibit that engage visitors in inquiry with large scientific datasets through interactive visualizations. Building on findings from a prior pathways project, Living Liquid will develop three interactive visualizations on a multi-touch Viz Table with a tangible user interface. Each visualization will support visitors in the exploration of a dataset provided by the project’s science partners: 1) Plankton Patterns will show how the ocean is defined by regions of microscopic life using data from the MIT Darwin Project; 2) Ocean Tracks will reveal the “highways” large marine creatures travel with data from the TOPP project at Stanford University; and 3) Genetic Rhythms will follow the activity of marine creatures’ genes in response to environmental conditions based on data from the Center for Microbial Oceanography Research and Education (C-MORE). Through an iterative process of collaborative research and development among museum professionals, educational researchers, computer scientists, marine biologists, data artists and interaction designers, this project seeks to: (1) Advance public understanding of ocean ecosystems and large data inquiry skills through the development of a Viz Table. (2) Advance STEM professionals’ knowledge of how to engage the public in inquiry with visualizations through an educational research study. (3) Increase the capacity of STEM professionals (both ISE developers and research scientists) to develop visualizations through a collaborative development process that includes graduate student training and residencies.
TEAM MEMBERS: Jennifer Frazier Joyce Ma Kwan-Liu Ma
resource project Media and Technology
LOOP is a new multiplatform, environmental project designed to help young children, ages 6-8, explore ecosystems and understand the science and systems of the natural world. Built upon a curriculum that moves beyond the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), the goal is to help lay the foundation for a lifelong interest in the science of sustainability. Deliverables include: a 20-episode television series with animated stories and live-action segments which feature families and children; an online game to immerse players in the same ecosystems seen on television; Loop Live Missions (outdoor science activities); and an afterschool/camp curriculum designed to get children and families outside to explore natural systems. Promotion of LOOP's educational resources will be undertaken through a partner network including the U.S. Forest Service, Children & Nature Network, National Recreation and Park Association, American Camp Association, National Summer Learning Association, Girl Scouts of the USA, and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. LOOP is produced by WGBH in Boston and intended for national distribution on PBS. The project design creates an "interactive learning loop" which cycles between the television series, the Website, and outdoor science activities. The intended impacts are to: (1) deliver educational media to the target audience that increases their understanding of science and sustainability issues; (2) model and teach science concepts and scientific habits of mind; and (3) connect children and their families to the natural world. Concord Evaluation Group will be responsible for conducting formative and summative evaluation of the project. The summative evaluation is designed to measure project impacts with respect to change in behavior and attitudes, as well as science learning. The results of the evaluation will inform the curriculum for the current and future seasons of LOOP and contribute to the growing knowledge base of how media can effectively promote and teach substantive science to the young.
TEAM MEMBERS: Marisa Wolsky Kate Taylor
resource project Media and Technology
Dinosaur Island is a 3D computer simulation with herds of sauropods and ceratopsians, flocks of pteranodons, hunting packs of carnivores and authentic plants and trees from over 65 million years ago all controlled by the user. You can think of Dinosaur Island as a digital terrarium in which a balance between the species and their diets must be maintained or the ecosystem will collapse. It is up to the user to determine how many and what kinds of dinosaurs and plants populate the island. Start off simple with just a few sauropods and some plants; but you better make sure that those big plant-eaters have the right food to eat. Did you know that many of the plants from the Jurassic were poisonous? You also need to make sure that there are some carnivores around to keep those sauropod herds in check; otherwise they will quickly outstrip their food supplies. Dinosaur Island is an Adventure: Yes, it is a bit like those famous movies because you can take 'photographs' of your dinosaurs, save them, post them and share them with your friends (you can even 'name' your dinosaurs, 'tag' them and track them throughout their lives). You will be able to walk' with the dinosaurs without being trampled under their giant feet. You will be able to follow along when a female T-Rex goes out to hunt without fear of becoming dinner for her family. You will be able to 'garden' by 'planting' vegetation where you like and watch the plants grow over time. Dinosaur Island is Educational: Our reputation – both in our 'serious games' and our contracted simulations – is for historical accuracy. All of our computer games, serious games and simulations are meticulously researched. Dinosaur Island will also include an extensive hyperlinked interactive 'booklet' about the dinosaurs that live on Dinosaur Island, their habitat and the plants and vegetation that grow there. Designasaurus, the game that we created in 1987, was named Educational Game of the Year. We will exploit the computer environment that is now available (more memory and faster machines allow for 3D rendering) to make Dinosaur Island even more of an immersive educational experience. Dinosaur Island is Fun: Playing with herds of dinosaurs is just good fun. You can 'pick them up' and move them around, plant crops for them to eat or you can even 'get inside' a dinosaur and control its actions. Regardless of your age, Dinosaur Island is guaranteed to be hours of fun.