BHS is requesting NEH funds to support its newest exhibition, Sick: Seven Diseases That Changed Brooklyn, which, along with complementary education programs, public programs, and a project website, aims to reveal to diverse audiences that conceptions of illness and health are a manifestation of not just biology, but beliefs, institutions, and identity. Sick will use Brooklyn’s rich history to show how concepts of illness and wellness have transformed over 400 years with a focus on seven different diseases. Topics range from smallpox and Native Americans in the seventeenth century; to devastating nineteenth-century outbreaks of cholera in the growing city of Brooklyn; to pharmaceutical innovations that would grow into global corporations; to local doctors and nurses, activists, and communities who fought disease and redefined caregiving; to the experiences of a diverse group of borough residents and their families during the earliest days of HIV/AIDS; and more.
Implementation of “Jews, Health, and Healing,” a major exhibit with related publications, programs, website, and outreach. For centuries, Jews have considered medicine a calling -- an occupation of learning and good deeds, vital to all communities and worthy of high respect. At the same time, Jewish bodies and behaviors have been the subject of medical scrutiny and debate. Some experts diagnosed the entire community as diseased, while others held it up as a model of health. The exhibit will examine how medicine has shaped the way Jews are seen, and see themselves. Building on recent developments in the medical humanities, “Jews, Health, and Healing” is the first exhibit to use the social and cultural history of medicine as a window into the Jewish experience in America. The exhibit will show how medicine has been, by turns, a vehicle for marginalization, acculturation, and the strengthening of Jewish identity.
The College of Physicians of Philadelphia’s Broken Bodies, Suffering Spirits: Injury, Death, and Healing in Civil War Philadelphia will transcend the basic facts of war, offering visitors an intimate view of the experiences of real people augmented by anatomical specimens, instruments, manuscripts, images, and printed texts. The exhibit and web-based educational materials will explore two major themes: how the war forced soldiers, healers, and family members to manage injury, recovery, and death in dramatically new ways; and how the lasting effects of the devastating conflict forever changed soldiers’ relationships with their own bodies and minds. In a city with strong historical connections to Civil War medical history, the College’s unique institutional history and unparalleled Mütter Museum and Historical Medical Library collections ensure that the exhibit will offer a new view of the conflict, firmly grounded in the medical humanities, to a large, diverse audience.