The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) will design, develop, evaluate and install "Technoquest," a permanent 6,000 square foot interactive technology exhibition for families, underrepresented groups, school groups and OMSI's general audience. "Technoquest" will fill OMSI's Technology Hall with a suite of highly interactive, exciting and engaging hands-on educational exhibits, computer simulations, audio and video components, text, graphics and artifacts. The exhibition hall will be divided into five thematic areas: industrial technology (robotics), medical technology, transportation technology, computer technology and communications technology. Other experiences will include a quick-change area for rapidly exhibiting emerging technologies and a Technology Lab where activities conveying a deeper understanding of the general principles of technology will be presented. Ancillary educational materials will be disseminated to the general public and to educators via print, the exhibition website, teacher workshops and professional development workshops for informal science educators. Content of the exhibition and ancillary materials will focus on general educational principles established by the International Technology Education Association (ITEA) that emphasize the processes common to all forms of technology and that align with state and national science standards. Principal concepts include The Nature of Technology, Technology and Society, Design, Abilities in a Technological World, and The Designed World. These principles will be reinforced throughout the exhibition. Each thematic area will highlight all five key principles of technology as defined by the ITEA.
Raymond VandiverJan DabrowskiBenjamin Fleskes
Over three years, Science Central is producing 624 television segments that will present current, ongoing research through local newscasts on ABC and NBC stations nationwide. In addition to the regular research segments, ScienCentral will produce six "sweeps" series per year focusing on important new fields of research including: nanotechnology, genetics/genomics, ocean science, global climate change and brain sciences. An advisory board of scientists, teachers, science journalists and public information officers help inform the producers about individual stories and evolving fields of research, and they provide access to scientists and field research. They also provide scientific input and check the stories for accuracy. To facilitate production and to assure that research is covered on an international basis, ScienCentral will establish a footage consortium to exchange science news video with major Canadian and European newscasters. They also will provide the news stories to science centers for use in their interactive exhibits and web sites.
The Chedd-Angier Production Company is requesting support for the long-standing, highly acclaimed PBS series, "Scientific American Frontiers," now in its 13th season. Alan Alda hosts the program. NSF funds will leverage existing PBS support and expand the series from five to six programs and increase the scope and depth of the science covered in each program. Topics in the new season cover a broad range of disciplines including cutting edge scientific efforts in cosmology, anthropology, global warming, brain research, obesity and weight loss, and hydrogen fuel cell research. The funds will also be used to expand the "Frontiers" web site and raise the visibility of the program by enhancing the promotional campaign. These efforts will aim to improve the value of the series to science teachers as well as to the general audience. Formative evaluation will be undertaken by Multimedia Research; summative evaluation, by Knight-Williams Research Communications.
With NCRR SEPA Phase I funding, the Exploratorium developed a microscope imaging station (MIS) for public use in the museum. At this facility, visitors explore living things using research-grade equipment. For visitors, microscopes and images are engagement points for learning more about basic biology, biomedical research, and human health. With SEPA Phase II funding, the Exploratorium proposes to use the infrastructure and educational approach developed in Phase I to: (1) Create a wider, more comprehensive array of biomedically relevant, image-based materials-including still and time-lapse images, movies, and teaching activities; and (2) Disseminate these to students, teachers, museum visitors, the broader public, and other science centers. The Exploratorium will collaborate with biomedical researchers to generate high-resolution images and plan public programs. Material from these collaborations will be on current biomedical topics. Planned dissemination activities include eight "Meet the Scientist and Learn about Their Research" public programs; Saturday teacher workshops; development of multimedia exhibit content for museum display; development of web content for the MIS site; creation of image-based teacher activities; inclusion of images, movies, and activities in established web-based teacher resources (as well as new resources for high-bandwidth Internet2 application). Materials will be free to other educational institutions. Using these dissemination strategies, the Exploratorium expects to attract and engage well over 1 million visitors annually.