The University of Maryland's project, Curate Cloud: Building Digital Curation Excellence through Professional Education, Cloud Computing and Community Outreach, will provide cultural heritage institutions with tools and resources to help them evaluate, select, and implement digital curation solutions. The project focuses on underrepresented institutions, developing and deploying an innovative research and learning environment that will lower financial, technical, and infrastructure barriers. Twenty mid-career professionals will enroll in a new certificate program to gain theoretical and practical knowledge about digital curation and cloud computing and will design and implement their own cloud-based curated collections. Curate Cloud will help transform the field by developing an open-source research and educational platform and by removing barriers to access for curation tools and resources.
Jimmy Lin
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Curating Research Assets and Data using Lifecycle Education (CRADLE): Data Management Education Tools for Librarians, Archivists, & Content Creators is a collaboration among the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill's School of Information & Library Science, the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, and the University Libraries. It is focused on helping data librarians, archivists, and information and library science students learn about data management and on providing instruction to data creators in their institutions. The project will result in free online courses on data management for researchers and information professionals to be offered through a "free university" platform as well as face-to-face workshops involving UNC staff, faculty, and students. Support is provided for two CRADLE fellows who will learn about and contribute to the development of this work on effective and efficient data lifecycle management.
This REAL project arises from the 2013 solicitation on Data-intensive Research to Improve Teaching and Learning. The intention of that effort is to bring together researchers from across disciplines to foster novel, transformative, multidisciplinary approaches to using the data in large education-related data sets to create actionable knowledge for improving STEM teaching and learning environments in the medium term and to revolutionize learning in the longer term. This project addresses the issue of how to represent and communicate data to young people so that they can track their learning and weaknesses and take advantage of what they learn through that tracking. The project team aims to address this challenge by giving young people (middle schoolers) the tools and support to create, manipulate, analyze, and share representations of their own understanding, capabilities, and participation within the Scratch environment. Scratch is a programming language and online community in which youngsters (mostly middle schoolers) engage in programming together, sometimes to make scientific models and sometimes to express themselves artistically using sophisticated computer algorithms. Scratch community participants are often interested in keeping track of what they are learning, so this population is a good one for exploring ways of helping young people make sense of data that records their participation and learning. The team will extend the Scratch programming language with facilities for manipulating, analyzing, and representing such data, and Scratch participants will be challenged to make sense of their learning and participation data and helped to use the new facilities to do write programs to carry out such interpretation. Scratch participants will become visualizers of their participation patterns and learning trajectories; research will address how such data explorations influence their learning trajectories. Scratch and its community are the place for the proposed investigations, but what is learned will apply far more broadly to construction of tools for allowing learners to understand their participation and learning across a broad range of environments. This project addresses the sixth challenge in the program solicitation: how can information extracted from large datasets be represented and communicated to maximize its usefulness in real-time educational stings, and what delivery mechanisms are right for that? The PIs go right to the learners; rather than looking for delivery mechanisms for communicating the data representations, they give young people tools and support to create manipulate, analyze, and share those representations, bringing together approaches to quantitative evidence-based learning analytics with the constructionist tradition of learning through design experiences. In addition to helping us learn about how to help youngsters analyze data about their perforance and self-assess, the PIs expect that their endeavor will help us better learn how to help young people become data analyzers, an important part of computational thinking. Learners will, in the process of engaging with data representing their development and participation, interact with visualizations, model and troubleshoot data sets, and search for patterns in large data sets. In addition, the tools being developed as part of this project will be applicable for analysis of other types of data sets. The results that will transfer beyond Scratch and the Scratch community, are (1) the kinds of tools that make such analysis possible for youngsters, (2) the kinds of challenges that will get youngsters interested in doing such analyses, (3) the kinds of data youngsters can handle, and (4) the kinds of scaffolding and coaching youngsters need to make sense of that data.
Benjamin Mako HillMitchel ResnickNatalie Rusk
This Cyberlearning Integration and Deployment (INDP) project brings together an interdisciplinary research team from the MIT Media Lab, the Digital Media and Learning Hub at University of California Irvine, and Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet and Society to explore development and use of new types of online tools, activities, and gatherings to engage more young people in developing computational fluency, particularly youth from groups currently underrepresented in computing. The project builds on the success of the NSF-funded Scratch programming language and online community (, where more than 1.5 million young people have created interactive stories, games, animations, and simulations based on their interests. The Coding for All project aims to provide new pathways into Scratch for youth from populations that are not currently drawn in easily to technological and scientific discourse and activities. The PIs are designing and refining a variety of interest-based microworlds -- introductory programming environments that are customized to particular interests of youngsters in those populations -- to provide easier and more inviting entry points for getting started with coding, and they aim to develop guidelines for designing microworlds that are simple enough not to be overwhelming, engaging enough to draw youngsters in, rich enough to allow creative expression, and tuned well enough to the interests and prior knowledge of new participants to foster curiosity and learning. In addition, the team is exploring how to use personnel in libraries and other spaces where low-income youth congregate to support initial introduction to and engagement with these microworlds and developing and refining tools to support interest-based on-line hangouts and unconferences, where young people who become engaged through these microworlds can meet peers and mentors to share ideas, form collaborations, and increase their programming and expressive capabilities. The PIs are collecting much data about the engagement and participation of youngsters, the development of their skills and understanding, and the development of their interests, and their analysis will contribute to deeper understanding of needed supports, pathways, and outcomes related to computational fluency. This project addresses the need to draw in and promote learning among those in populations not served well by current educational practices and important national priorities in workforce development, equity, and the need for a technologically fluent public. The project's tools and activities will provide alternative pathways into coding, increasing opportunities for young people in non-dominant communities to develop computational fluency. The focus on public libraries explores how to use public educational institutions most geared towards serving the technology needs and diverse interests of non-dominant communities in taking advantage of new online learning opportunities. The findings from this research will inform researchers and practitioners concerned with STEM-related learning, online educational resources, equity in education, and cyberlaw.
Mizuko ItoMitchel ResnickNatalie RuskUrs Gasser