To address this challenge of depicting a world we can't see, the NISE Network Visualization Laboratory at the Exploratorium invited artists and scientists to explore ways of representing the nanoscale through a series of commissions, installations, and residencies in 2006. Drawing from a spectrum of artistic media and approaches, the results of these experiences are documented in this report. The PDF is a printable, archival document of the ArtNano website that was produced by the Exploratorium for the NISE Network in 2007.
This report details formative testing of several Introduction to Nanomedicine prototypes including an early version of Treating Disease. These activities were conducted in February 2007.
This report evaluates the nanotechnology-related presentations delivered at the Museum of Science, Boston, in an effort to more effectively educate the public. Interview questions used in this study are included in the appendix of this report.
A series of interview studies was conducted to determine how museum visitors interpret scale ladders that focus on the nanoscale. These studies look at different versions of an example scale ladder in order to: a.) Iteratively develop a scale ladder that may be used by other informal science institutions. b.) Formulate guidelines to inform the design and use of other scale ladders. Interview questions used for studies 1-3 are included in the appendix of this report.