It is an active time in both developmental psychology and art education. In developmental psychology some interesting new theoretical developments suggest a new level of maturity in the field. In art education there are some productive moves afoot that show that the tendency to emphasize spontaneous production in art class to the exclusion of understanding and appreciation is finally over. These are both welcome sets of changes; indeed, both are changes related to larger shifts in the cultural and intellectual climate of the 1980s.
This is a brief summary of a 1982 article in "Curator" entitled "Video vs Wall-Panel Display: An Experiment in Museum Learning," which discusses key findings from a survey of visitors who viewed a special painting exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum. Information about an artist and his work was alternately provided for visitors by color wall panels, a video display, a combination of the two, or the information was not provided at all.
Visitor Studies AssociationJ. LandayR Bridge