In this article, Paul Katz, Ph.D., Curator of the Texas Pharmacy Museum and partner in the PRIAM consulting firm, discusses the development of the "Playas...Gems of the Plains" traveling exhibit, produced by the Panhandle Museum Resource Sharing Consortium and later the Northwest Texas Museum Association. Katz describes the rationale behind the exhibit, its components, its uniqueness as a traveling exhibit, and evaluation findings.
This article presents three museums with new approaches to sharing information about dinosaurs. The authors include Nancy Lynn, Director of Traveling Programs at the American Museum of Natural History, Jennifer Pace Robinson, Director of Exhibit Development at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, Jeffrey H. Patchen, President and CEO, The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, and Todd J. Tubutis, Senior Project Manager of Exhibits at The Field Museum in Chicago.
Nancy LynnJennifer Pace RobinsonJeffrey H. PatchenTodd J. Tubutis
This article highlights some of the diverse ways that different types of museums use place-based education to further their missions and benefit their audiences. Authors include Janet Petitpas, Assistant Director of the Bay Area Discovery Museum, Maggie Russell-Ciardi, Education Coordinator for the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, Lori Salles, Exhibit Manager at the Turtle Bay Exploration Park, and Mary Jo Sutton, Director of Exhibitions at the Bay Area Discovery Museum.
Janet PetitpasMaggie Russell-CiardiLori SallesMary Jo Sutton
In this article, George E. Hein, Professor Emeritus at Lesley University, discusses "meaning making" and what the concept implies for exhibit developers. Hein discusses theory and research to investigate the role of meaning making within museums.
In this article, David James Whitemyer, Director of Production at Christopher Chadbourne and Associates, examines the question of whether or not exhibit designers should "professionalize" (i.e. require degrees, licenses). Whitemyer looks to other professions as models, and ultimately, calls on individuals to take more responsibility for maintaining high "standards" and continuing to push their skill set and knowledge base.
This article features perspectives from four museum professionals on strategies borrowed from children's museums to best engage families in exhibits and programs. Authors include Marcia MacRae, Arts Specialist at the DuPage Children's Museum, Liza Reich Rawson, Senior Exhibition Developer/Project Manager at the Brooklyn Children's Museum, Gail Ringel, Vice President for Exhibits & Production at the Boston Children's Museum, and John Russick, Curator at the Chicago History Museum.
Marcia Z. MacRaeLiza Reich RawsonGail RingelJohn Russick
University of New Mexico (UNM) and Arizona State University (ASU) created a paved 3-km walking trail along the south rim of the Grand Canyon in partnership with the National Park Service. The "Trail of Time" is marked as a time line corresponding to Earth history, along with interpretive wayside exhibits. This place-based geoscience exhibition using Grand Canyon as an immersive environment is designed to help visitors gain an understanding of the magnitude of geologic time, as well as key processes and events in the geologic evolution of the region.
Karl KarlstromLaura CrosseySteven SemkenRebecca Mathews Frus
This Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring National Facilitation Project is designed to build a comprehensive support system for Extension-affiliated and other volunteer water quality monitoring efforts across the country. The goal is to expand and strengthen the capacity of existing volunteer monitoring programs and support development of new groups. We have developed a modular "Guide for Growing CSREES Volunteer Monitoring Programs" to direct you to resources and help you start asking questions that you’ll need to answer in order to create an effective program that meets the needs of your community. The Guide has been designed as a series of ‘chapters’ or modules that can be used alone or in conjunction with other modules. The Guide brings together the excellent resources produced by a wide variety of monitoring programs or agencies with numerous references and links to a wide variety of materials.
United States Department of AgricultureUniversity of Rhode Island Cooperative ExtensionSalish-Kootenal CollegeUniversity of Wisconsin ExtensionLinda Green
Each year, more than 200 volunteers donate over 7,000 hours of their time, skills, and enthusiasm to reach Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary's goals in environmental education, scientific research, and the protection of the vulnerable wetland ecosystem. This is the equivalent of a $100,000 donation. These volunteers have a variety of backgrounds---teachers, librarians, construction workers, chemists, college and high school students, and yes, some are even professional wetland ecologists! What they have in common is an interest in nature, pleasure in being outdoors, and a desire to explore the ecology of natural habitats such as wetlands and forests. At the Sanctuary, they collect water samples . . . clear trails . . . weigh turtles . . . guide visitors on nature walks . . . draw maps . . . lead canoe trips . . . make posters . . . seine for fish . . . host the Visitor Center on weekends . . . and so much more!
Jug Bay Wetlands SanctuaryFriends of Jug BayChesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve SystemLindsay Hollister
This PDF includes presentations and discussions that took place at the Citizen Science Toolkit Conference at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, New York on June 20-23, 2007.
Cornell Laboratory of OrnithologyCatherine McEver
This is one of three focus point presentations delivered on day one of the Citizen Science Toolkit Conference (at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, New York on June 20-23, 2007) as part of the opening session titled “Citizen Science Challenges and Opportunities.” Prysby discusses biodiversity inventories and the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Prysby uses this case study to illustrate one form of citizen science collaboration as well as how environmental education centers and nature centers can be key partners for citizen science efforts.