The article discusses the public participation in scientific research, or citizen science, which involves the use of crowdsourcing to gather data for scientific research. The author looks at the use of citizen science in the field of ornithology, evidenced by Cornell University's Ornithology Lab. Topics include massive online citizen science projects such as SETILive's Allen Telescope Array, which searched for extraterrestrial life, the use of citizen science in STEM academic disciplines, as well as Yale University's partnership with the computer platform Zooniverse to gather data for its
Cultures develop when people find ways to play, make, and share. This report describes how human cultures can be characterised by their similarities rather than their differences, and emphasises the importance of recognising playfulness and creativity to develop societies prepared to accommodate the rapid changes associated with technology and globalisation.
LEGO FoundationDavid GauntlettBo Stjerne Thompson
To better help museum visitors make sense of large data sets, also called “Big Data”, this study focused on the types of visual representations visitors recognize, and how they make meaning (or not) of various visuals. Individual adults and youths were shown five different data visualizations (one from each of five categories), one at a time, and asked if the visualization looked familiar and how it was read. This study found that Context and previous experience matters. Participants of all ages are familiar with a wide variety of visual displays of data. If a participant encounters a visual
At the Conner Prairie Interactive History Park, visitors to the Create.Connect exhibition can use “make and test” activities developed in collaboration with the Science Museum of Minnesota. As one part of the evaluation of this exhibition, the team identified five indicators that suggest learning and that the activities should promote. The team did not expect the presence of these behaviors to guarantee that learning was occurring, but the activities were designed to promote learning through these behaviors and their absence would signal problems. These indicators are an example of one way a
This poster was presented at the 2014 AISL PI Meeting in Washington, DC. It describes "EESIP", a collaborative research project between the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and UC Davis, aimed at Exploring Engagement and Science Identity through Participation in citizen science.
Cornell Lab of OrnithologyTina Phillips
A major goal for the Garibay Group is to provide the team with a working document that could help inform their thinking in developing the new Gallery of Natural Sciences. This report is an analysis and synthesis of the literature on dioramas. The review focused on the question: "What do we know about visitor outcomes at habitat dioramas and how are those outcomes achieved?"
This research investigated ways in which habitat dioramas contribute to visitors’ development of Sense of Place. Visitors’ responses to dioramas at the Field Museum (Chicago) and Denver Museum of Nature and Science were studied, using observations, interviews, and a Diorama Sense of Place survey instrument. Although observations revealed few conversations about the places depicted in the dioramas, other data revealed that dioramas inspired memories and connections to place. A complex set of factors contributed to visitors’ feelings of Place Bondedness. Visitors expressed the strongest
Citizen science programs across the country invite the public to participate in scientific research. Through these experiences, participants have an opportunity to observe nature, which naturally leads to asking questions about the natural world. A new project in Minnesota is training leaders of youth groups to use citizen science experiences to stimulate curiosity and inspire motivation to design and carry out scientific research projects. This unique program model fosters authentic inquiry in youth age 10-14 outside the traditional school setting such as 4-H clubs, scout groups,or community
University of Minnesota-Twin CitiesAmy RB RagerAndrea Lorek StraussKaren OberhauserRobert BlairPam Larson NippoltNathan MeyerKim Kies
This collection of case studies serves as an appendix to the report "Promising Practices for Community Partnerships: A Call to Support More Inclusive Approaches to Public Participation in Scientific Research," a report of a task force comprised of PPSR practitioners and researchers, science center administrators, and experts on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Informal Science Education (ISE) settings. The report provides evidence-based recommendations for improving the cultural inclusiveness of PPSR projects and explores the possible role that science centers might play in this
This paper examines the changing roles of public libraries in their communities especially the impact that science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs are having on how libraries perceive their evolving mission. Survey results will be presented that show an overwhelming interest by librarians and their libraries in hosting STEM exhibitions and programs. Several successful STEM library programs will illustrate the diversity of approaches that have been implemented including the NSF-funded STAR Library Education Network project (STAR_NET).
The public library as a venue for learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is seen as having great potential for implementing informal STEM education. There are 17,000 public library locations in all 50 states; at that scale they can provide citizens in each community opportunities to engage in lifelong STEM learning. With such broad reach at a local level, public libraries are an exciting prospect for engaging the Nation in STEM learning. Broadly, the question that this paper seeks to address is, in what ways do libraries support the development of STEM learning? To
The "Setting the Agenda for Giant Screen Research" workshop was conducted at the 2013 Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) conference held in Albequerque, NM. This document outlines the workshop agenda and background reading. The purpose of this workshop is to create a working document that details key questions and proposals for giant screen research.