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Community Repository Search Results

resource research Media and Technology
The EU-funded MultiMatch project aims to overcome language barriers, and media and distribution problems currently affecting access to on-line cultural heritage material. Partners are developing a vertical search engine able to harvest heterogeneous information from distributed sources and present it in a synthesized manner. To design such a system, user requirements were initially gathered and then translated into specific design features to ensure that the search engine developed was consistent with user needs. This paper presents these user requirements, the initial design of the MultiMatch
TEAM MEMBERS: Jennifer Marlow Paul Clough Neil Ireson Juan Manuel Cigarran Recuero Javier Artiles Franca Debole
resource research Media and Technology
As we turn more and more to high-end computing to understand the Universe at cosmological scales, dynamic visualizations of simulations will take on a vital role as perceptual and cognitive tools. In collaboration with the Adler Planetarium and University of California High-Performance AstroComputing Center (UC-HiPACC), I am interested in better understanding the use of visualizations to mediate astronomy learning across formal and informal settings. In this research, I use quantitative methods to investigate how 122 post-secondary learners are relying on color to interpret dark matter in a
resource research Media and Technology
Despite the potential of augmented reality (AR) in enabling students to construct new understanding, little is known about how the processes and interactions with the multimedia lead to increased learning. This study seeks to explore the affordances of an AR tool on learning that is focused on the science concept of magnets and magnetic fields. Seventy students in grades 5 through 7 participated in the study in a non- AR or AR condition. Findings showed that students in the AR condition interacted with the magnets significantly longer and demonstrated higher amounts of teamwork. In interviews
TEAM MEMBERS: Susan Yoon Joyce Wang
resource research Media and Technology
Parents and children are rapidly adopting mobile technologies, yet designs for mobile devices that serve a communication function to connect parents to children's out-of-school time activities are limited. As a result, our team designed the Digital Postcard Maker so that children attending summer camps can create digital photographs to send home to their parents. These digital postcards help to connect children's home life with out-of-school learning experiences and also support 21st Century Skills' media literacy practices. The research design included two iterations of a design-based
TEAM MEMBERS: Heather Zimmerman Christopher Gamrat Simon Hooper
resource research Media and Technology
The article discusses a study conducted by the University of Waterloo, reported by researcher Daniela O'Neill, regarding the acquisition of knowledge by children concerning animals when a picture book is read aloud. Topics include a comparison of picture books and vocabulary books, the use of generic language used by mothers when reading aloud, and additional animal facts provided when reading either book.
TEAM MEMBERS: Daniela O'Neill
resource research Media and Technology
Schools do not define education, and they are not the only institutions in which learning takes place. After-school programs, music lessons, Scouts, summer camps, on-the-job training, and home activities all offer out-of-school educational experiences. In Learning at Not-School, Julian Sefton-Green explores studies and scholarly research on out-of-school learning, investigating just what it is that is distinctive about the quality of learning in these “not-school” settings. Sefton-Green focuses on those organizations and institutions that have developed parallel to public schooling and have
TEAM MEMBERS: The MacArthur Foundation Julian Sefton-Green
resource research Media and Technology
Technologies are socially constructed. They mutate in the process of finding their social niche, and we come to understand what they "essentially" are by their cultural fit... This year a broad array of Web 2.0 applications and services in museums is being displayed at Museums and the Web. Although social computing is not the only species of Web activity we see, it is dominant for the first time. So, with the pervasive adoption of Web technologies as mechanisms for audience engagement -- and the re-situation of the museum on the Web in social application spaces controlled by others, rather
TEAM MEMBERS: David Bearman
resource research Media and Technology
In the provision of networked services for museums, the term 'openness' crops up in a variety of contexts including open standards and open source software. In addition, the Web 2.0 environment has led to increased interest in open content and in the use of freely available networked applications which may be regarded as open services. This focus on openness for the developer or service provider can be complemented with a culture of openness which encourages the users to actively engage with services and generate their own content. It can be difficult to argue against the benefits which
TEAM MEMBERS: Brian Kelly Mike Ellis Ross Gardler
resource research Media and Technology
The "Setting the Agenda for Giant Screen Research" workshop was conducted at the 2013 Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) conference held in Albequerque, NM. This document outlines the workshop agenda and background reading. The purpose of this workshop is to create a working document that details key questions and proposals for giant screen research.
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In September 2008 the Greater Screen Cinema Association (GSCA) hosted the one-day symposium Connecting Society with Science: the Greater Potential of Giant Screen Experiences. Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the symposium was held in Jersey City, New Jersey, one day before the GSCA International Conference and Trade Show.
resource research Media and Technology
In the fall of 2007 the Doig River First Nation, an Aboriginal group from northeastern British Columbia, launched its Virtual Museum of Canada-funded Web exhibit Dane-Wajich: Dane-zaa Stories and Songs: Dreamers and the Land. This exhibit was produced by the First Nation in collaboration with ethnographers, linguists, and multimedia professionals. It integrates subtitled Dane-zaa and English video narratives, interpretive e-text, photographs of the production process, recordings of songs, and contemporary and archival images of traditional lands in order to showcase Dane-zaa culture and
TEAM MEMBERS: Amber Ridington Kate Hennessy
resource research Media and Technology
Art history images essential for teaching art history and art appreciation courses at institutions of higher education are important for universities' stakeholders (students, faculty and staff, local museums, and the neighbouring community). Digital images displayed on the Web sites of universities worldwide are generally made available through digitizing slide collections, subscribing to digital libraries of art history images, making use of faculty's personal images and using university library catalogues. When creating a collection of art history images, Russian universities are severely
TEAM MEMBERS: Inna Kizhner Tatiana Kocheva Anna Koulikova Raissa Lozhkina Eugenia Popova