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Community Repository Search Results

resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The authors argue that schools should be communities where students learn to learn. In this setting teachers should be models of intentional learning and self-motivated scholarship, both individual and collaborative (Brown, 1992; Brown & Campione, 1990; Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1991). If successful, graduates of such communities would be prepared as lifelong learners who have learned how to learn in many domains. The authors aim to produce a breed of "intelligent novices"(Brown, Bransford, Ferrara, & Campione, 1983), students who, although they may not possess the background knowledge needed in
TEAM MEMBERS: Gavriel Salomon Ann Brown Doris Ash Martha Rutherford Kathryn Nakagawa Ann Gordon Joseph Campione
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
In this VSA presidential address, Harris Shettel discusses the new VSA Mission Statement and some of the issues Shettel sees facing VSA as it begins its second full year of existence.
TEAM MEMBERS: Harris Shettel
resource research Public Programs
In this article, VSA President Harris Shettel examines some of the issues that are relevant to the continued growth and development of the field of visitor studies. Shettel presents these issues in the form of questions and shares his answers about the status of exhibit evaluation, the flaws of traditional visitor evaluation, etc.
TEAM MEMBERS: Harris Shettel
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
In this article, VSA President Harris Shettel reports on the upcoming VSA conference in St. Louis as well as a status update on committee nominations and the VSA logo.
TEAM MEMBERS: Harris Shettel
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
In this article, VSA President Harris Shettel discusses the upcoming VSA conference in Albuquerque, NM and provides brief descriptions of scheduled workshops.
TEAM MEMBERS: Harris Shettel
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
In this article, Harris Shettel, museum evaluation consultant and President of the Visitor Studies Association (1991-1993), discusses the state of the field of visitor studies and makes predictions about and recommendations for the future. This paper was part of a panel discussion, "A Look To The Future," that was scheduled as the final session of a visitor studies conference held in London.
TEAM MEMBERS: Harris Shettel
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
In 1988 and 1989, ASTC offered a seven-day institute for founders of new science centers, funded by the National Science Foundation. The impact of these institutes was profound, making the difference between success and failure for several, and helping many others clarify and strengthen their plans. Since then demand for technical assistance to new science centers has increased rather than decreased. Building on its experience, ASTC proposes a 3-1/2 year multiple-strategy program to provide knowledgeable, supportive guidance to the founders of new science centers. The elements are: (1) a 4-day workshop on how to start a science center; (2) a resource book on starting and operating science centers; (3) a network for new science centers which meets at the ASTC annual conference for mutual support and information sharing; (4) one-day workshops held in Conjunction with the ASTC conference and planned by the steering committee of the New Science Center Network; (5) increased coverage in the ASTC Newsletter; (6) an annual progress report on new science centers; and (7) on-going, individualized technical assistance.
TEAM MEMBERS: Wendy Pollock
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences plans to conduct a 5 year project to train 150 mentor teachers (30 teachers/year) and their principals, who will then train the remaining 1100 elementary teachers in the Buffalo Public School System. The training would include two 5-week summer sessions (in a Magnet school that is physically incorporated into the Buffalo Museum of Science) and 4 in-service workshops during the academic years following each of the summer workshops. This innovative leadership project is a collaborative effort between the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences (including both education and curatorial/science staff persons) the Buffalo Public Schools, and individuals from local colleges and universities. The setting of the project is enhanced by a Science and Math Magnet School which is housed within the museum, and by the school/museum's location in a largely inner city environment with easy accessibility to minority persons. The project is designed to provide mentor teachers with a strong science background in pedagogy and content over a two-year period of summer and academic-year workshops, and to prepare and support these mentors as they inservice their colleagues. Project staff from the museum, public schools, and the academic community will provide strong support through academic-year workshops, site visits and telecommunications networking. Principals will be appropriately involved, and will work with mentors to develop a science inservice program tailored to meet the needs of their individual schools; as a consequence, virtually all of the 1100 K-6 classroom teachers of science in the Buffalo Public Schools will have been prepared to teach investigative, hands-on science to their students. Non-NSF cost sharing is approximately 27.9% of the amount requested from NSF.
resource project Public Programs
The objective of this project is to provide a complete package of KIDSPACE hands-on science experiences to small and developing science centers across the country through the National KIDSPACE Partnership Program. This project will allow twelve (12) selected science centers to implement a complete, proven education package geared toward young children at a fraction of the cost of starting one from scratch. This project will provide comprehensive training to a large core of educators within the science center field, and will support continued research into the informal science education of young children through an original Research Study and the formation of a national User's Group. Best of all, this project will generate a wellspring of invaluable science-play connections for hundreds of thousands of children to tale with them into adulthood.
TEAM MEMBERS: Wanda Foor David Neagley
resource project Public Programs
"The Connecticut Museum Collaborative for Science Education" is teacher enhancement program that will serve approximately 5,000 middle school teachers (and their students) from throughout Connecticut over a three-year program period. The proposed program has been developed cooperatively by four of Connecticut's Science Museums and Centers (The Discovery Museum, The Maritime Center at Norwalk, Mystic Marinelife Aquarium, and Talcott Mountain Science Center), in consultation with the school districts they serve and the Connecticut Academy for Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology, the State's leadership organization solely devoted to enhancing education in mathematics, science, and technology. The Collaborative seeks to enliven and enhance the teaching of science, mathematics, and technology by drawing upon the resources of Connecticut's science-rich institutions and related businesses and industry. The proposed project will provide direct services to a core group of 72 middle school teachers and their students in eight urban and suburban school districts at the four participating museums and in their classrooms, as well as teacher training, curriculum development, and networking activities. Larger numbers of teachers and their students will be served through a planned series of interactive video teleconferences. A theme-based approach will be followed in which the unifying theme of "Earth Resource Monitoring" will serve to connect the activities at the four cooperating museums. The central concept of the project is collaboration among museums throughout the state to provide a bridge between science-rich institutions and the schools for teacher enhancement, curriculum improvement, and student enrichment. Special program components involve the participation of business and industry through "Video Field Trips", and parents through a "Family Science" activity. The involvement of the Connecticut Academy for Education in Mathematics, Science and Technolo gy as a member of the "Connecticut Collaborative" provides a direct link for integration of project activities into Connecticut's NSF-funded Statewide Systemic Initiative.
TEAM MEMBERS: Linda Malkin Albert Snow
resource project Public Programs
The American Association for the Advancement of Science, in collaboration with the Association of Science-Technology Centers and several science centers, has requested $837,958 in NSF support of a project to make science museums more accessible to minority groups. In the project, AAAS and ASTC propose to provide technical assistance and staff training to science museums on equity issues, with emphases on institutional self- assessment, developing effective science education programs reaching minority audiences, and working effectively with community organizations and other institutions serving minority groups. Several museum sites will be involved initially in the development of the four program components: 1. development of guidelines for an equity self-assessment in museums; 2. science equity training for all museum staff; 3. the development of relationships between museums and community groups and schools and colleges and universities that serve minorities; and 4. a national effort to create awareness among minority groups of employment opportunities in science museums. Additional dissemination will be provided through training workshops and sessions at museum conferences. A "how-to" guide and video will be developed for museums on conducting an equity self-assessment.
TEAM MEMBERS: Yolanda George Shirley Malcom
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Informal learning in math, science, and technology is an increasingly important vehicle for educating the public. Throughout their lifetime, the average citizen will spend a much greater amount of time in informal learning environments than in school. For these efforts to continue without benefit of understanding, the dynamics of what makes informal learning experiences work, is a waste of valuable funding resources. Research Communications Ltd. (RCL) proposes an effort to investigate what has been learned about informal learning in math, science, and technology and to develop some directions for future research in this important area. The first step in the process would be to review the existing literature in the three primary areas of informal education for math, science, and technology: television/radio, community projects, and science museums and technology centers with a focus on evaluation studies that have shown what strategies have worked and those that have not. The outcome of this effort would be a comprehensive publication of what is currently known about informal learning research in math, science and technology.
TEAM MEMBERS: Valerie Crane Tom Birk