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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Exploratorium will create the "Outdoor Exploratorium," a 10,000-square-foot, open-air exhibit environment comprising 20 to 25 original installations. Each exhibit will allow visitors to interact directly with a variety of elements, that is water, wind, sound, light, and living things, as they exist in the natural world. One of the key components of this project will be the use of "Noticing Tours." Led by staff scientists, artists, educators, exhibit developers, and other "expert noticers," the tours will initiate a dialogue with the visitors as a starting point for exhibit development. To augment visitor learning and unify the museum's entire collection, exhibit text will relate the "Outdoor Exploratorium" experiences to exhibits. The project will culminate in a workbook for the field and two workshops for museum professionals. The Exploratorium Teacher Institute staff will develop two-week institutes that make extensive use of the "Outdoor Exploratorium." Classroom activities and inquiry-based learning experiences will be developed based on the new exhibits.
TEAM MEMBERS: Peter Richards Thomas Humphrey Thomas Rockwell Theodore Koterwas Joyce Ma
resource project Media and Technology
MacGillivray Freeman Films is producing a large format film about the exploration and new scientific research aimed at understanding and responding to changes in coral reef ecosystems. The film will examine the complex behavior and interactions among unique Pacific coral reef animals, illustrate the role of scientific research in addressing the declining health of reefs, and stimulate public interest in pursuing further learning and careers in coral reef and marine science. In five coral reef sites the film will feature science researchers who are each a part of the global effort to understand and protect coral reef ecosystems as they document reef diversity and animal behavior, investigate symptoms of reef degradation, provide information on past environmental change through core sampling, and explore life in extreme ocean environments. Outreach materials will include a Museum Resource Guide, Family Fun Sheet, Activities for Informal Education Groups, Teacher Guide and Poster, Web Site/Virtual Field Trip, and Scientist Speaker Series. Greg MacGillivray will be the PI for the project and also will serve as Co-Producer/Co-Director/Co-Director of Photography. Alec Lorimore is Co-Producer and Howard Hall is Co-Director of Photography/Sequence Director/and Cameraman. Science Advisors include: Gerald Allen, Conservation International; Richard Aronson, Dauphin Island Sea Lab and University of South Alabama; Gisele Muller-Parker, Shannon Point Marine Center and Western Washington University; Joseph Levine, WGBH and Discovery Magazine; and Richard Pyle, University of Hawaii and Bishop Museum.
TEAM MEMBERS: Greg MacGillivray Barbara Flagg
resource project Exhibitions
The New York Aquarium, a subsidiary of the Wildlife Conservation Society, is developing Alien Stingers, a 4000 square foot, permanent exhibit featuring Cnidarians, jellyfish and their relatives. This exhibit will showcase species such as the purple stripe, umbrella and lion's mane jellies. Other animals to be presented include colorful sea anemones and live corals. Visitors will learn about Cnidaria and their habitats, ecological roles, adaptations and relationships with other ocean life. Endangered species, human impact on habitats and various conservation efforts will also be highlighted. The exhibit design will create a sense of wonder and mystery using dramatic lighting, music and unique displays. Moveable 3D models, interactive graphics and specially designed cylindrical tanks will result in an exhibit experience that stimulates curiosity and invites learning. The project has a comprehensive, multi-level evaluation plan structured around two exhibit openings. The first round of evaluation will look at the impact of two-dimensional graphics and prototype interactives. A second opening is planned which will add complex prototype interactives that are designed to present more intricate messages. Both layers of evaluation will be used to shape the permanent exhibit graphics and promote self-directed learning. A website with a live jelly-cam supports this exhibit, along with a host of educational programs and materials for various audiences. A family handbook, children's activity guides, visitor guides and a children's book on jellyfish are among the supplemental materials planned. It is anticipated that over 815,000 visitors will view Alien Stingers on an annual basis.
TEAM MEMBERS: Paul Boyle John Gwynne
resource project Media and Technology
This Small Grant for Exploratory Research will enable the applicant to film an expedition of Mexican and American scientists who will go to Isla Guadalupe, 160 miles off the coast of Baja California. From June 3 through June 11, 2000 the expedition will investigate the status of land and sea bird species, study the insect and arthropod populations, survey the plants, search for secretive reptiles and amphibians, monitor the effects of overgrazing, and prescribe needed conservation measures for the island. In conjunction with this expedition, there will be the first ever visit by humans to an offshore islet that remains undisturbed. The period in June when the expedition will be there is when the Storm-Petrel, a species some think to be extinct, would most predictably occupy this breeding ground. The expedition, itself, is partially supported by a Small Grant for Exploratory Research from the Biology Directorate at NSF. The request to the Informal Science Education Program is for support to a small film crew to document the expedition. The footage obtained would be jointly owned by The San Diego Natural History Museum and North Lights Production, the film production partner. Subsequent to the expedition, potential uses of the film include full production of a one-hour documentary for national broadcast (interest has already been expressed by National Geographic), as well as production of a video for use in formal education and by museums.
TEAM MEMBERS: Michael Hager
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Museum of Science in Boston is proposing to work with eight other science centers to investigate how science centers might collaborate to enhance the public understanding of research. The purpose of the planning effort is to identify and elaborate on promising approaches to increase the public understanding of the nature of scientific research, the process of technological innovation, and the interaction between science and technology and societal issues. Planning will be conducted in the context of three topics (tentative): global climate change, alternative energy sources, and genetically modified foods. Questions to be explored include: what it would take for each science center to offer exhibits and presentations on all three topics, how can the exhibits be kept current, what is the best mechanism for keeping science centers informed about current research, what would motivate visitors to return in order to follow a single line of research, how can visitors best continue their connection with the science centers after their visits, what will science centers change in the way they develop exhibits and programs in order to present current science and technology, what costs and logistical factors will need to be taken into consideration, will "one size fit all" or will different designs be needed for different science centers, and how might the exhibits and programs be designed to encourage the incorporation of local resources. The project will be coordinated with other media that are developing efforts to convey on-going science to the public. Evan Hadingham, Science Editor for NOVA at WGBH, will bring the perspective of television production; Rob Semper from the Exploratorium will represent the Internet; and Bruce Lowenstein, Editor of Public Understanding of Science, will represent print. The science centers participating in the planning effort include: Museum of Science, Boston New York Hall of Science Science Museum of Minnesota Arizona Science Center Tech Museum of Innovation California Science Center The Exploratorium Pacific Science Center American Museum of Natural History
TEAM MEMBERS: Cary Sneider
resource project Exhibitions
The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) will develop "Outdoors Indoors, an Interactive Natural Science Exhibition for Young Children," ages 3-8, and their families. Two 2,500 sq. ft. versions of the exhibition will be developed -- one to be installed at OMSI and the other to travel. Building on children's innate curiosity about the natural world, the exhibition invites visitors to explore a woodland environment where they can develop process skills and learn natural science concepts. The exhibition will also focus on ways that parents can help encourage their children's science learning, both through exhibit activities and through exploration of the natural world outdoors. Bilingual text (English and Spanish) will help make the exhibition accessible to a diverse audience. Ancillary materials for families and educators will further enhance learning.
TEAM MEMBERS: Karyn Bertschi
resource project Exhibitions
The Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History will construct a new 9,000 square foot Bird Hall utilizing interactive exhibitry in a unique combination with original mounted specimens. The exhibition will cover avian biology in a comprehensive fashion, including the physiology of flight, adaptation, behavior, ecology and species diversity as well as traditional systematics. The exhibition will be directed at all levels of visitors, from small children to well informed adults; birds represent a familiar and powerful vehicle through which modern biology can be presented. A broad range of educational techniques will be used, including specimens, interactive exhibit stations, electronic media, and modern walk through habitat groups. Substantial formative evaluation and audience surveys will precede detailed design and construction, and leading ornithologists will serve as advisors and consultants. More than 80% of the total $3.2 million cost of exhibition development will come from county and private sources, and the exhibition will be seen by more than 1,000,000 visitors a year.
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Scientists Institute for Public Information (SIPI), a non profit organization of scientists and media professional that works to strengthen reporting of science, will organize annual briefings for television news directors and producers by leading scientists during the next three years. Each year 35- 50 local news directors from across the country will meet face- to-face with nationally prominent scientists for two days of discussions of leading stories in science, health and the environment. Science is underreported on commercial television, and this targeted intervention has a substantial opportunity to directly improve the quality and quantity of science reporting by America's television industry. SIPI's Media Resource Service has developed an international reputation for its provision of scientific and technical sources for journalists. The prototype TV News Director's Briefing, held March 10-12 1989, demonstrated in a practical way the potential of the project, reaching 35 key journalists from 17 states. The briefings will be attended by a geographically distributed group of professional scientists and journalists who are well supported in their discussions by extensive pre-meeting work by SIPI staff. Extensive news coverage of the topics discussed will take place and be documented by SIPI staff. A continuing evaluation study by an independent contractor will analyze the impact of the briefings on the participants. NSF support will amount to 28% of the $660,000 project total.
resource project Media and Technology
The Colorado State University will create and produce "Riverwebs," a one-hour documentary video exploring the hidden mysteries of streams, their intricate food webs and the linkages between streams and forest ecosystems. This project will communicate a body of international and interdisciplinary research on streams in the United States and Japan, and also explore the human experience of doing science. Major film themes are an introduction to stream life, the exploration of stream food webs, and the motivations, friendships and collaborative achievements of stream scientists. By interweaving natural history, scientific and human themes, a holistic story emerges. At the heart of this story is humankind's inherent close relationship with nature, our desire to understand its complexity and our responsibility for its well-being.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kurt Fausch Thomas Maher
resource project Media and Technology
The Informal Science Education Program has been supporting the radio series "Living on Earth" for several years. The World Media Foundation is now adding environmental science and technology features to "Living on Earth" and is developing and testing an outreach component that will involve youth as researchers and radio producers. The science and technology features, ranging in length from four to twenty-four minutes, will depart from the usual news-driven reports on the programs. Many of the segments will illustrate basic building blocks of environmental science, technology and related mathematics. Others will profile diverse pioneers in these disciplines. The radio programs will be the framework for an interdisciplinary exploration program for youth. Working with a team of educators from the Antioch University Graduate Program in Environmental Education, the project staff will develop a program in which secondary school aged youth cooperate with peers to produce professional, concise reporting on local environmental issues. Living on Earth will feature the best of the student work on National Public Radio and highlight these pieces as an expanded feature on its website.
TEAM MEMBERS: Stephen Curwood
resource project Media and Technology
The James Agee Film Project is requesting funds to produce a four-part series of one-hour films on the environmental and social history of Appalachia. "APPALACHIA: A History of Mountains and People" will be the first series of films on the history of Appalachia and the first environmental history film ever made about a region in the United States. The project will demonstrate the dynamic interaction and inseparability of natural history and human history. By interweaving the discoveries and insights from scientific disciplines, including geology, ecology, biology and environmental science, with those of the humanities, the series will explore how the mountains have shaped human cultures and how people have shaped the mountains. "APPALACHIA: A History of Mountains and People" is made for national broadcast on PBS and is being co-sponsored by six Appalachian state PBS networks. The series is being produced in conjunction with the upcoming "Encyclopedia of Appalachia." Outreach programs include partnerships with many regional grassroots organizations, PBS stations and educational institutions to extend the film into a wide range of rural communities and schools. The Project Director/Writer of the series will be the Academy Award nominated filmmaker Ross Spears. Jamie Ross is co-producer/writer; Dr. George Constantz, the Science Writer/Content Director. Dr. Constantz is also currently the principal science and ecology editor of The Encyclopedia of Appalachia, which will be published in 2005. A distinguished group of scholars and scientists will contribute to the project. Dr. Gary Henry, Director of the Applied Research Center in Atlanta, will oversee the project evaluation.
resource project Media and Technology
Educational Broadcasting Corporation (WNET, NY) is developing a multi-media environmental education project for youth aged 8 to 12. Wild World focuses on American children's everyday urban and suburban surroundings - city streets, parks, backyards, vacant lots, the woods, and similar environments easily and often accessible to the audience. The project will educate young people about environmental and natural science topics and issues in an entertaining, engaging way, and will encourage them to become more aware of their immediate environment. Important goals are to showcase people who are passionate about their work with, and in, natural surroundings, and to show that our world is intriguing and well worth investigating. The science content will reflect the recommendations of the National Science Education Standards and Benchmarks for Science Literacy. Major components of the project include: * A thirteen part series of half-hour television programs entitled Wild TV -- this exciting and occasionally irreverent series is designed to attract viewers indifferent to traditional nature documentary program. The format is also intended to appeal to young people with little pre-disposition to science or nature. * Wild Comix -- a comic book-styled educational print piece for young people that includes activities that kids can try at home, puzzles, and other thought-provoking exercises. * Wild Web -- a World Wide Web site featuring an interactive version of the comic book, activities and puzzles, a chat room, a bulletin board, and links to environmental groups. * A Home and Extracurricular Settings: Activity Guide - intended for parents and informal educators, the guide will include: enriching nature appreciation for the entire family; improving the learning relationship between children and their parents; and activities/directions for parents that are not prohibitive with regard to area, income, and adults' educational background. * Classroom materia ls - a 12-page guide designed as an introductory resource for classroom teachers who want to incorporate environmental science activities into their teaching.
TEAM MEMBERS: Fred Kaufman Susane Lee