In order to name and classify a plant they see, children use their existing mental models to provide the plant with a name and classification. In this study pupils of a range of ages (5, 8, 10, and 14 years old) were presented with preserved specimens of six different plants (strictly, five plants and a fungus) and asked a series of questions about them. Their responses indicate that pupils of all ages mainly recognise and use anatomical features when naming the plants and explaining why they are what they are. However, older pupils are more likely to also use habitat features. For both girls
At a family service agency in the North Bronx, staff members have drawn a vital connection between community and literacy. The authors explain how their literacy program evolved from a basic tutoring opportunity into a curriculum using themes and information gleaned from the young participants’ immediate community surroundings.
The New Ecological Paradigm Scale-Revised (NEP-R) is an updated version of the 1978 New Ecological Paradigm Survey. This updated version reflects current environmental terminology, as well as tests a single construct. The NEP-R is suitable for use in the general adult population.
Riley E. DunlapKent D. Van LiereAngela MertigRobert Emmet Jones