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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Media and Technology
This Connecting Researchers to Public Audiences project plans to create a multimedia website, Into the Rift, a virtual journey to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa, along with teaching resources and a dissemination campaign. The content will focus on the high freshwater diversity of the 2nd largest lake in the world; the diverse array of cichlid fish in the lake; and the effects of overharvesting and global warming on the lake's ecosystem. The project's intended learning outcomes are that viewers will have enhanced awareness and understanding of: 1) the ecosystem-scale processes that support life in lakes; 2) the importance of intact natural ecosystems for the well-being of human societies; 3) the techniques that scientists use to learn more about the ecosystem-scale movement of matter and energy; and 4) potential career paths in STEM fields. These learning outcomes correlate to the current and proposed science standards, which provide a structure for content development and outcomes assessment. The project will be designed by the collaboration of an ecologist (the PI Dr. Yvonne Vadeboncoeur), education specialist (co-PI Dr. Lisa Kenyon), communication specialist (co-PI Dr. Elliot Gaines) all from Wright State University, and a media lab (Habitat Seven), and informed by formative evaluation conducted by Edu, Inc. The website, hosted by a guide from East Africa along with the PI, will be presented in three languages (Spanish, French, and Swahili) in addition to English. Edu, Inc. will also conduct a summative evaluation of all the components of the project with respect to the four intended learning outcomes and their related concepts as well as analyze the outcomes of the dissemination strategies. This CRPA uses internet technologies to make abstract scientific concepts and a largely inaccessible research location available to a wide audience. The project intends to inform and engage the audience with an aggressive use of social media in addition to the website. Into the Rift will provide material for both the lay audience and classrooms, including access to authentic scientific data to compare the Lake Tanganyika data to environmental data collected from the U.S. Great Lakes. Additional collaborations with established organizations, including Crossing Boundaries, Conservation Bridge and Community Bridges, will expand the reach and impact of the project to diverse audiences. The multi-lingual approach extends the reach to potentially an even greater audience both within and outside the U.S.
TEAM MEMBERS: Yvonne Vadeboncoeur Elliot Gaines Lisa Kenyon Jennifer Moslemi
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The National Writing Project (NWP) is collaborating with the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) on a four-year, full-scale development project that is designed to integrate science and literacy. Partnerships will be formed between NWP sites and ASTC member science centers and museums to develop, test, and refine innovative programs for educators and youth, resulting in the creation of a unique learning network. The project highlights the critical need for the integration of science and literacy and builds on recommendations in the Common Core State Standards and the National Research Council's publication, "A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas." The content focus includes current topics in science and technology such as environmental science, sustainability, synthetic biology, geoengineering, and other subjects which align with science center research and exhibits. The project design is supported by a framework that incorporates a constructivist/inquiry-based approach that capitalizes on the synergy between rigorous science learning and robust literacy practices. Project deliverables include a set of 10 local partnership sites, professional development for network members, a project website, and an evaluation report highlighting lessons learned. Partnership sites will be selected based on interest, proximity, history, and expertise. Two geographically and demographically diverse cohorts, consisting of five partnerships each will be identified in Years 2 and 3. Each set of partners will be charged with creating a comprehensive two-year plan for science literacy activities and products to be implemented at local sites. It is anticipated that the pilot programs may result in the creation of new programs that merge science and writing, integrate writing into existing museum science programs, or integrate science activities into existing NWP programs. Interest-driven youth projects such as citizen science and science journalism activities are examples of programmatic approaches that may be adopted. The partners will convene periodically for planning and professional development focused on the integration of science and literacy for public and professional audiences, provided in part by national practitioners and research experts. A network Design Team that includes leadership representatives from NWP, ASTC, and the project evaluator, Inverness Research, Inc., will oversee project efforts in conjunction with a national advisory board, while a Partnership Coordinator will provide support for the local sites. Inverness Research will conduct a multi-level evaluation to address the following questions: -What is the nature and quality of the local partner arrangements, and the larger network as a whole? -What is the nature and quality of the local science literacy programs that local partners initiate, and how do they engage local participants, and develop their sense of inquiry and communication skills? First, a Designed-Based Implementation Research approach will be used for the developmental evaluation to assess the implementation process. Next, the documentation and portrayal phase will assess the benefits to youth, educators, institutions, and the field using surveys, interviews, observations of educators, and reviews of science communication efforts created by youth. Finally, the summative evaluation includes a comprehensive portfolio of evidence to document the audience impacts and an independent assessment of the project model by an Evaluation Review Board. This project will result in the creation of a robust learning community while contributing knowledge and lessons learned to the field about networks and innovative partnerships. It is anticipated that formal and informal educators will gain increased knowledge about science and literacy programs and develop skills to provide effective programs, while youth will demonstrate increased understanding of key science concepts and the ability to communicate science. Programs created by the local partnerships will serve approximately 650 educators (450 informal educators and 200 K-12 teachers) and 500 youth ages 9-18. Plans for dissemination, expansion, and sustainability will be undertaken by the sub-networks of the collaborating national organizations drawing on the 350 ASTC member institutions and nearly 200 NWP sites at colleges and universities.
resource project Media and Technology
This CRPA project will develop a game for mobile devices called the "RapidGuppy". It provides users (students 12-21 years of age) with an interesting and fun way to learn details about biological adaptation and genetic change. The game teaches users about the environmental factors that lead to adaptation. More than 30 years of research on the Trinidadian Guppy that "rapidly" evolves (over 3-5 years) is the basis for the game. The research, databases, and mini-documentaries that support the "RapidGuppy" game are linked to allow users to easily delve deeper into these materials. An extensive social media campaign will be used to market the game and the public facing website. Partners in this endeavor include: University of California-Riverside, Habitat Seven, Magmic Inc., and Edu, Inc. In this project, the mobile device game will be backed by a sophisticated website that contains detailed research results from the field and mini-documentaries showing real fish and the actual research processes as well as researchers and scientists to promote role model development. Interested individuals may also directly access the videos and research results via the website. The target audiences are youth who are prone to play electronic games and the general public. The comprehensive evaluation plan will assess the learning outcomes resulting from the mini-documentaries, in-game content, and website, as well as the playability of the game and website functionality. Impacts resulting from the social media campaign and outreach to underserved audiences will also be measured. Because of the major social media campaign, this project may increase the level of interest in the science of evolution and genetic change, and raise awareness of STEM careers. If the user groups become excited about the game and the inherent messages, it is anticipated that the public will gain a better understanding of the factors responsible for genetic change.
TEAM MEMBERS: David Reznick
resource project Exhibitions
In this Communicating Research to Public Audiences (CRPA) project, the University of Washington and the Pacific Science Center (PSC) are highlighting the results of Dr. Kelley's active research discoveries about deep-sea life located on active hydrothermal vents of the ocean floors (OCE-0426109). The STEM content of this project includes oceanography, marine biology, and ecology. The project team will develop a multimedia, interactive kiosk exhibit that builds on the existing Portal to the Public project at PSC. Kelley\'s graduate students are actively involved in the exhibit and outreach components. The target audience for "Life in Extreme Environments" is the approximately 800,000 U.S. and international visitors to PSC, including a significant number of urban, underserved minorities. This CRPA project will become a component of the existing Portal to the Public exhibit. This exhibit kiosk will subsequently be made available to other scientists to promote research and related topics in their respective disciplines. The exhibit will be fabricated and evaluated by PSC staff.
TEAM MEMBERS: Deborah Kelley
resource project Exhibitions
In this Communicating Research to Public Audiences (CRPA) project, the University of Washington and the Pacific Science Center (PSC, Seattle) are highlighting the results of PI Kelley's active research discoveries about deep-sea life located on active hydrothermal vents of the ocean floors (NSF award OCE 0426109). The STEM content of this project includes oceanography, marine biology, and ecology. The project team will develop a multimedia, interactive kiosk exhibit that builds on the existing Portal to the Public project at the PSC. Kelley's graduate students are actively involved in the exhibit and outreach components of this CRPA. The target audience for 'Life in Extreme Environments' is the ~800,000 U.S. and international visitors to the PSC, which also includes a significant number of urban, underserved minorities. This CRPA project is a component of the existing Portal to the Public exhibit. After \'Life in Extreme Environments\' ends at the PSC, this exhibit kiosk will be made available to other scientists to promote research and related topics in their respective disciplines. The exhibit is being fabricated and evaluated by the staff at the Pacific Science Center.
TEAM MEMBERS: Meena Selvakumar
resource project Public Programs
OUTSIDE: Over Under and Through: Students Informally Discover the Environment will focus on conducting a pilot study of our informal environmental education nature program designed for underrepresented middle school students in Mississippi. We have partnered with the University of Southern Mississippi's (USM) well-established Biological Sciences Learning Center (BSLC) and newly developed Lake Thoreau Environmental Center (LTEC), the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science and the Hattiesburg Public School District (HPSD). We are focused on reaching two target populations of participants: future naturalists and underrepresented middle school students. During this pilot, we are training volunteer naturalists to lead engaging, inquiry-driven informal environmental education programs designed to immerse middle school students in nature. We have developed a training program for volunteer naturalists and captured patterns in learning and interactions between students and naturalists during OUTSIDE programming.
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Expanding on the encouraging outcomes of an NSF-funded conference, this three-year project led by the National Center for Science and Civic Engagement at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, in collaboration with the Koshland Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences, will explore and evaluate ways to support new collaborations between professionals in institutions of higher education and informal STEM education around areas of common interest. The primary goal is to develop the educational infrastructure to grow and efficiently sustain multiple cross-organizational partnership activities at the intersection of learning about science, society and civic engagement around such possible topics as energy, environment, genetics, earth resources, computers and ethics, nanotechnology, etc. The initiative is: 1) creating a joint organizing "secretariat" to provide communications and support through low-cost shared services for at least six partnerships around the country; 2) providing partnership support and technical assistance to seed the six national partnerships, and 3) sharing evaluation and analysis services across all the partnerships. The outcomes of the work pertain to improvements in professional knowledge and practice in higher education and informal science education, as well as the improvement of learning by undergraduates and by the general public.
TEAM MEMBERS: William Burns Hailey Chenevert
resource project Public Programs
The National Science Festival Network project, also operating as the Science Festival Alliance, is designed to create a sustainable national network of science festivals that engages all facets of the general public in science learning. Science Festivals, clearly distinct from "science fairs", are community-wide activities engaging professional scientists and informal and K-12 educators targeting underrepresented segments of local communities historically underserved by formal or informal STEM educational activities. The initiative builds on previous work in other parts of the world (e.g. Europe, Australasia) and on recent efforts in the U.S. to create science festivals. The target audiences are families, children and youth ages 5-18, adults, professional scientists and educators in K-12 and informal science institutions, and underserved and underrepresented communities. Project partners include the MIT Museum in Cambridge, UC San Diego, UC San Francisco, and the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. The deliverables include annual science festivals in these four cities supported by year-round related activities for K-12 and informal audiences, a partnership network, a web portal, and two national conferences. Ten science festivals will be convened in total over the 3 years of the project, each reaching 15,000 to 60,000 participants per year. STEM content includes earth and space science, oceanography, biological/biomedical science, bioinformatics, and computer, behavioral, aeronautical, nanotechnology, environmental, and nuclear science. An independent evaluator will systematically assess audience participation and perceptions, level/types of science interest stimulated in target groups, growth of partnering support at individual sites, and increasing interactions between ISE and formal K-12 education. A variety of qualitative and quantitative assessments will be designed and utilized. The project has the potential to transform public communication and understanding of science and increase the numbers of youth interested in pursuing science.
TEAM MEMBERS: Loren Thompson Jeremy Babendure Ben Wiehe
resource project Public Programs
This project is being developed for science journalists to increase and improve the reporting of the science of polar environmental change. It is modeled after the existing science journalism program run by the Marine Biological Laboratory since 1986. This project will enable 30 science journalists to travel to the Arctic and ten journalists to Antarctica over three years to study and experience polar research in an intensive, hands-on manner. The program has 3 components: a week long Polar Hands-On course at the Toolik Field Station in Alaska in which the journalists conduct science; a one-week period in which journalists will be teamed to work with polar research scientists; and travel for journalists to travel to Palmer Station in Antarctica to spend two weeks participating in Antarctic research. Journalists will submit regular dispatches about their work in the form of a Polar Science Blog and will produce stories about their experience.
TEAM MEMBERS: Christopher Neill Bruce Peterson John Hobbie Gaius Shaver Hugh Ducklow
resource project Public Programs
Brown University, a founding member of the 72-member New England Science Center Collaborative (NESCC), is leading Seasons of Change, a traveling exhibit development project involving members of NESCC as well as the 31-member North Carolina Grassroots Science Museums Collaborative. The key concept of the exhibit is how regional iconic "harbingers" are related to climate change - for example, the impacts of a changing climate on the maple syrup industry in New England and shifts in bird migration patterns in North Carolina. Two customizable and modularized versions of an approximately 900 square foot exhibit on local impacts of climate change are being produced for small and medium-sized venues. The project expects to serve approximately 1.5 million visitors in the two regions and is positioned as an innovative model for other regions of the country. A citizen science program will be developed by staff at TERC for those participating centers with outdoor venues. The exhibit is being designed by Jeff Kennedy Associates and MegaFun simulation software designers. NESCC is also developing a project Web site. Goodman Research Associates is conducting both formative and summative evaluation processes on visitor learning and on the project's collaborative process. The Association of Science-Technology Centers will manage the two tours.
TEAM MEMBERS: Steven Hamburg Richard Polonsky
resource project Media and Technology
Mystic Seaport received an implementation grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to fund a suite of online, onsite, offsite, and onboard public programs and exhibits that will provide new national insight into universal and important humanities themes, through an interdisciplinary exploration of historic and contemporary American whaling. The Museum and its partners will explore through this project how, when, and why dominant American perceptions of whales and whaling took their dramatic turns. The project will raise public awareness in New England and nationwide about the role the whaling industry played in the development of our nation’s multi-ethnic make-up, our domestic economy, our global impact and encounters, and our long-standing fascination with whales. And it will promote thought about the nation’s whaling heritage, and how it continues to shape our communities and culture.
resource project Exhibitions
The Pratt Museum will design and fabricate exhibits in its new museum facility in Homer, Alaska. This region is home to culturally diverse coastal communities which make their living predominantly from the sea. The exhibits will awaken a sense of connectedness between people and place and provide a variety of avenues for visitors to experience the stories of the Kachemak Bay region of South Central Alaska. The overall objectives of the exhibition are to present a personal perspective, a sense of place, and a responsibility to self and community. A balance of presentation will accomplish these goals. This grant will help fund: 1) workshops for the staff planning team, evaluator, and the design team, 2) design of the exhibition, 3) fabrication and installation in the Museum’s Main Gallery and adjacent spaces, and 4) gallery guides for selected themes.
TEAM MEMBERS: Scott Bartlett