Saturday, March 6, 2010, Marshall Barnes did an experiment in blending art and science. At an art opening at the Ekklesia Gallery in Columbus, OH, he showcased, for the first time, the original video footage from an experiment in physics that conducted during New Year's eve of that year. The experiment was to determine what would happen if an attempt were made to produce a "wall of light" that would stand in free space and consist of a number particular properties produced by a proprietary technology that Marshall had developed. Small experiments had already been conducted that produced the visible effect of an area of free standing light produced by the reflection of a strobe from a wall. The New Year's Eve test was to see if a wall of light could be produced that would fill a space in a room and have a number of particular "interesting" attributes.
This project was an early example of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) and was produced for the 2004 BLD Studios art exhibition, Time Machines, in Columbus, OH. This project included a chair and a desk made of drawers, on top of which was a audio/video work station where visitors sat and interacted with the technology by using the headphones and listening to one tape deck for instructions and then listening to music on the other while watching the TV screen with special HyperSpeks(tm). There was also a panel of photos above the TV designed to simulate time travel. The instructions explained the purpose of the exhibit and how to use the TV to tune into various channels to pick-up a variety of video static on empty UHF frequencies. The music was designed to put the visitor into a certain frame of mind. It was futuristic sounding and created using DEMI sampling, a proprietary sampling technique also created by Marshall Barnes. The intent was to set the mood. Training Session was supposed to simulate training prospective transdimensional travelers in the cognitive exercises required to deal with the psychological rigors of time/parallel universe travel. The HyperSpeks(tm) allowed the visitors to search for various shapes in the TV static on a number of selcted channels which would resemble such cosmological constructs as black holes and wormholes. The static was live and not prerecorded and so the interaction on all levels was live and in real time. Visitors were to write their observations down on paper which was provided via a note pad and pen at the exhibit. In this way, a record of their experiences existed for subsequent visitors to review. The visitors were also told to view the photo panel, which consisted of pictures taken in 1977, but not developed until 2004. As a result, the pictures were somewhat faded and all tinted pink, however, when the visitors viewed them with the HyperSpeks(tm) they appeared not only normal color, but almost as if the scenes they depicted were views outside a window. Thus, the visitor was able to travel optically back in time and see the images the way they looked when they were originally photographed.
The Santa Maria Experiment exhibit concerns the original and successful invisibility research that initially took place in Columbus, OH in 1994 and documents the scientific principles behind how and why this research worked. It consists of two display panels filled with charts, articles and photographs and is written so that elementary children can easily read and understand the information. It also includes a video documentary for viewing that shows the research in progress and demonstrates its abilities as well as limitations. The exhibit gets its name from the fact that the largest target used for the invisibility tests in 1994, was the full scale replica of Christopher Columbus' flag ship, the Santa Maria. The ship was made to appear almost complete invisible when viewed through a special light bending material that lead investigator, Marshall Barnes, used to see if refracted light would indeed produce "mirages of invisibility". The story about this research eventually went around the world and in 2006 it was suggested that a permanent exhibit be set-up for educational purposes and be a positive draw for visitors. Housed at the Santa Maria Seeds of Change Visitor Education Center on the Scioto riverfront in downtown Columbus, OH,and officially opened on Columbus Day 2007, this is the only exhibit in the world that brings this much fantasized, as well as scientifically misunderstood subject, into accurate, scientific focus.
The BJC SportsWorks exhibition, a collaboration between the Saint Louis Science Center and BJC HealthCare, ran from June 2, 2006, through March 25, 2007, in the Science Center's Montgomery Bank Exploradome. The overall goal for the exhibition was to stimulate visitors to lead healthier lives by creating an engaging, fun, and memorable educational experience. The purpose of this summative evaluation is to assess the overall impact of the exhibition and to provide recommendations for future potential installations, with a focus on the visitor experience in the exhibition. Key issues examined in
Elisa IsraelKaty LoftonPenny CraneSaint Louis Science Center