The Calcasieu Parish Public Library (CPPL) will create the Innovation Studio, an innovative physical space and model for patron-driven programming in response to a rapidly growing and changing community. The project includes designing and outfitting a designated space with furnishings and equipment and creating a programming model and digital application for members of the community to propose ideas for use, vote on submitted ideas, and reserve the use of the studio. Offering a program or class will be based on appeal to participants, using the basic idea behind crowd sourcing. The project team will reach out to and meet the social, cultural, and educational needs of new residents; help new residents learn about and understand the Southwest Louisiana region; and facilitate cooperation and collaboration between traditional and new populations.
Indian River State College (IRSC) will develop a digital literacy program to help build interest in scientific inquiry; ability to locate STEM resources in digital format; and scientific and digital literacy skills among up to 7,500 learners at IRSC's Adult Education Career Pathways, the Center for Media and Journalism Studies, the Career Pathways Initiatives Program, STEM baccalaureate programs, and the Upward Bound Math/Science program. The project will feature the use of new presentation apps in a small group or peer-led environment delivered using face-to face, synchronous, and asynchronous methods. The program will also have an instructional/application track for library employees with supplementary content for the user. Formal and informal assessments of learning will measure the acquisition of knowledge and curriculum strength.
This report summarizes evaluative findings from a project titled “What Curiosity Sounds Like: Discovering, Challenging, and Sharing Scientific Ideas” (a.k.a.: “Discovery Dialogues”). The project, a Full-Scale development project funded by the National Science Foundation as part of its Advancing Informal Science Learning (AISL) program, explored new ways to actively engage both lay and professional audiences, and foster meaningful communication between scientists and the general public. Appendix includes survey and interview questions.
The Sprouting Green Weeding Practices in Libraries: Web-Based Training project, developed by the Austin Public Library, will offer libraries across the nation an opportunity to engage citizens and raise awareness of carbon neutral reuse options for books and materials being weeded and discarded from library collections. Austin's partner, Goodwill Industries of Central Texas along with other libraries and subject experts from Materials Management, Solid Waste Services, the Office of Sustainability and the public, will draw upon their collective experiences to develop content and disseminate an online training tool. The project will promote examination of collection management policies and workflows and the development of meaningful measurements to communicate success, inspiring the community to become engaged with the library to keep materials out of landfills.
This presentation was part of the "Broader Impacts at Centers and Large Facilities" dyad at the 2015 CAISE Convening on Broader Impacts + Informal Science Education held in Arlington, VA on April 7-8. The presentation outlines how centers and large facilities have used informal learning experiences for broader impacts, identifying key opportunity areas for Broader Impacts and Informal Education as programming, partnerships, communication, and evaluation.
Florida State University and partner University of Alabama will collect and analyze data on how STEM teachers can most effectively collaborate with librarians. The data will be collected at focus groups held at four national conferences: the American Association of School Librarians, the Public Library Association, the National Science Teachers Association, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. This variety of participants at these conferences will allow for diverse opinions, thoughts, and ideas to be compiled, supporting the analysis of how the collaboration between STEM teacher and librarian is working today and providing recommendations on how it could be improved. The overall goal of this planning grant is to assess what is happening in the field so the information can then be shared with the educational and library communities for greater impact.
Westport Library, with its partners, Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) and Connecticut State Library - Division of Library Development (CSL-DLD), and with SPARK! Consulting, will introduce a new model of maker space in libraries and a way to systematically integrate the culture of interactive "making" into the library profession. Westport will introduce a culture of innovation, while honoring the needs of more traditional libraries. There will be self-directed, hands-on maker experiences; maker workshops; and makers-in-residence who will support workshops and innovation labs on topics such as robotics, LED quilt creations, and tinkering with home electronics repairs. The library will also create Interactive Innovation Stations (iStations) to introduce people to the concepts and techniques of innovative thinking. It will be an environment where people can experiment, take calculated risks, and work collaboratively.
The Howard County Library System (HCLS), in partnership with the University of Maryland Baltimore County, will use this grant to enhance the teen digital media lab at the Savage Branch Library by adding science, technology, engineering, and math projects and implementing that same STEM-focused model in three other libraries. The "Hi Tech Academy: The Road to a STEM Career" project will address the increasing demand for workers with STEM-related skills as the number of college graduates in these fields decreases. This program will create a model to be replicated at other libraries, bring awareness of how to best teach these skills, increase interest in STEM for youth, and address the demand for these skills in the community.
This study examines broader impact activities that are used to fulfill National Science Foundation's (NSF) broader impact criterion (BIC). While there have been many studies that discuss the merits and pitfalls of asking scientists to address BIC, there have been few studies that examine exactly what types of outreach and science communication activities Principal Investigators (PIs) are proposing to do. In an effort to fill this gap, this thesis draws from science communication theory and program logic modeling to inform a qualitative analysis of proposed broader impacts activities (BIAs) in
QUEST is a unique cross-platform science journalism collaborative that creates and distributes content for radio, television, interactive, and education audiences. The project collaborative comprises six leading public media providers representing markets across the country: KQED (San Francisco), Nebraska Educational Television (NET) and Radio, UNC-TV (North Carolina), WVIZ/ideastream (Cleveland), Wisconsin Public TV (WPT) and Radio, and KCTS (Seattle). QUEST is built on the success of the local, cross-editorial QUEST model, in which professionals from multiple disciplines--radio, television
The Boys and Girls Club Afterschool Outreach Program, designed by UC Irvine Science Educators in conjunction with Chemistry at the Space-Time Limit faculty, aimed to increase elementary students' interest, enthusiasm, and learning outcomes in STEM fields through the development of hands-on physical science science lessons. External evaluation results showed the program was successful in altering students' perceptions of scientists and supported their internalization of science as a potential career choice. Now in its third year, the program continues includes support from undergraduate student, graduate student, and faculty volunteerism.
The North Carolina State University Libraries and its partners will create a model framework for an interactive learning environment, applying the principles of gaming, artificial intelligence, systems automation, and experience design. Display screens, interactive applications, and computerized information systems have become almost ubiquitous within informal learning spaces in libraries and museums. The resulting convergence of physical and virtual environments, with the attendant urgency to fill screens with content that is meaningful and interactive, creates new challenges for keeping labor-intense digital content and applications fresh and relevant. The model will include an integrated assessment loop and tools for improving services to users.