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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Media and Technology
FETCH with Ruff Ruffman, produced by WGBH, is a daily half-hour PBS television series with accompanying Web and outreach activities targeted to 6- to 10-year olds. The program brings science learning to young children by uniquely blending live-action with animation, game show convention with reality programming, and humor with academics. The intended impacts of this new season are to 1) help the target audience, especially girls and minorities, develop an interest, knowledge and skills necessary to do science; 2) help kids develop the math skills and knowledge necessary to solve science and engineering problems; and 3) bring FETCH's unique brand of informal science learning to camps across the country. The requested funds will allow the project to expand the science curriculum with 20 new half-hour episodes and expand the Web site, focusing on three new science themes that highlight topics of interest to this age group: "Animal Universe," "Science of Art," and "Adventure Science." The Web site will include four new science-based Web games that will allow kids to create and post content of their own design and interact with other FETCH fans online. In addition, funds will support new educational resources for camps, including a Camp FETCH Guide. The project will continue to work with the project's established collaborators like the Boys and Girls Clubs, Girl Scouts of America, and YMCA, as well expand the outreach via new partnerships with the Center for Summer Learning at Johns Hopkins University and the American Camp Association. Christine Andrews Paulsen & Associates (CAPA) will conduct summative evaluation of both the television show and the Camp FETCH Guide.
resource project Media and Technology
This project will produce 90-second science news stories for commercial local newscasts and science center exhibits, and determine how they change engagement with and interest in science by general audiences. Each video news story will reach approximately 2.1 million viewers that tune in to a local ABC or NBC affiliate newscast. The evaluation will study the cumulative impact of repeated exposure to these broadcast news segments. In addition ScienCentral will partner with the Maryland Science Center to investigate the use of the videos in exhibits using hand-held devices and showing them on large screens. The project deliverables include two hundred and twenty 90-second video news stories over 3 years aired by ABC and NBC affiliates; complimentary web stories with links to additional resources; evaluations of both the broadcast videos and their use in a science center. The project will also evaluate the partnership between ScienCentral and the Maryland Science Center to guide future expansion of video programming.
TEAM MEMBERS: James O'Leary Barbara Flagg
resource project Media and Technology
The University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies and the Museum of Science, Boston will create life-sized, 3-D Virtual Humans that will interact with visitors as interpretive guides and learning facilitators at science exhibits. Through the use of advanced artificial intelligence and intelligent tutoring techniques, Virtual Humans will provide a highly responsive functionality in their dialogue interpretation that will generate sophisticated interaction with visitors about the STEM content related to the exhibit. The project exemplifies how the confluence of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and education can creatively and collaboratively advance new tools and learning processes. The Virtual Human project will begin to present to the visitor a compelling, real life, interactive example of the future and of the related convergence of various interdisciplinary trends in technology, such as natural language voice recognition, mixed reality environments, para-holographic display, visitor recognition and prior activity recall, artificial intelligence, and other interdisciplinary trends. The 3-D, life-sized Virtual Humans will serve as museum educators in four capacities: 1) as a natural language dialogue-based interactive guide that can suggest exhibits to explore in specific galleries and answer questions about particular STEM content areas, such as computer science; 2) as a coach to help visitors understand and use particular interactive exhibits; 3) be the core focus of the Science behind the Virtual Humans exhibit; and 4) serve as an ongoing research effort to improve human and virtual human interactions at increasingly sophisticated levels of complexity. The deliverables will be designed to build upon visitor experiences and stimulate inquiry. A living lab enables visitors to become part of the research and development process. The project website will introduce visitors to the technologies used to build virtual humans and the research behind their implementation. The site will be augmented with videos and simulations and will generate user created content on virtual human characters. Project evaluation and research will collect language and behavioral data from visitors to inform the improvement of the virtual guide throughout the duration of the grant and to develop a database that directly supports other intelligent systems, and new interface design and development that will have broad impact across multiple fields.
TEAM MEMBERS: William Swartout David Traum Jacquelyn Morie Diane Piepol H. Chad Lane
resource project Media and Technology
A Youth-Directed Cafe Scientifique targets culturally, ethnically, and economically diverse youth ages 11-18 with a web-based program designed to engage students in active discourse on current STEM topics. Building on the adult program of the same name, this youth-centered project also provides opportunities for individual and group activities. Project partners include Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Bradbury Science Museum, Sandia National Laboratory, Los Alamos Women in Science, and the University of New Mexico, which will serve as a source of scientists to act as speakers and mentors. Northern New Mexico Collefe, Santa Fe Community College, University of New Mexico, and theNew Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, as well as area high schools will host discussions and focus group meetings. Recruitment of youth participants will be carried out by New Mexico MESA as well as four local high schools. Project deliverables include a robust model for engaging youth in an active online community and Youth Leadership Teams (YLT). YLT's select topics, recruit members, and facilitate Cafe discussions and blogs. Cafe meetings enable youth to explore a topic of their choice in an online session led by a youth host in conjunction with a guest speaker. The follow-up sessions encourage more in-depth exlopration of the topic via interviews, articles, community meetings, and museum exhibits created in collaboration with the Bradbury Museum. The Cafe website will highlight youth produced podcasts, essays on science topics, and a blog. Strategic impact resulting from this project includes the development of a creattive model that effectively engages youth in STEM discourse while meeting the cultural and intellectual needs. It is anticapated that this project will serve over 5,700 youth in three years.
TEAM MEMBERS: Michael Mayhew Selena Connealy Michael Mayhew
resource project Media and Technology
Portal to the Public is a program designed to assist informal science education (ISE) institutions as they seek to bring scientists and public audiences together in face-to-face public interactions that promote appreciation and understanding of current scientific research and its application. Led by Pacific Science Center (WA), in collaboration with Explora (NM), the North Museum of Natural History and Science (PA) and the Institute for Learning Innovation (MD), the program model was implemented and evaluated at five additional museums and science centers during 2007-2011. The project goals were to create a flexible and scalable guiding framework that would support ISE institutions build relationships with their local scientific community, design professional development workshops for scientists, and create public program formats featuring scientists. The project included thorough research and evaluation of the guiding framework, dissemination process, and implementation at expansion sites. The Portal to the Public project team has produced an Implementation Manual as a guide for institutions planning to implement a Portal to the Public-type program, available for download at the project website ( It includes the Catalog of Professional Development Elements, a practical guide to creating and facilitating professional development experiences for scientists.
resource project Media and Technology
KCTS, Seattle's PBS affiliate, is producing a series of three one-hour prime-time science education television specials starring Bill Nye. The specials will be aimed at a family audience and will be designed to promote informal science learning through an entertaining presentation of science in everyday life. Topics currently being considered for the specials are The Science of Sports, The Science of Learning, and The Science of the Future, thought other topics, such as Pseudo Science, also are being considered. Each program will maintain the entertainment values of enthusiasm for science so prominent in the Bill Nye the Science Guy series but will have a strong narrative element and air of suspense as Bill embarks on a journey of discovery, greater depth of content and presentation, and longer uninterrupted segments. The programs will be supported by a multi-pronged outreach program to reach parents and children through local PBS stations and science museums, community organizations serving disadvantaged populations and, possibly, a tie-in with a national chain of quick family restaurants. Many of the same team that created Bill Nye the Science Guy will work on this project including Bill Nye; Elizabeth Brock, Executive Producer; and Erren Gottlieb and James McKenna, producers. The production team will work with fourteen scientists and science educators who will advise the project on presentation and outreach. This group also will review and comment on all scripts and drafts of outreach material.
TEAM MEMBERS: William Nye James McKenna Erren Gottlieb Burnill Clark Randy Brinson
resource project Media and Technology
The Self Reliance Foundation, the fiscal agent for the Hispanic Radio Network, is producing a weekly, live, one-hour Spanish radio talk show. The show would introduce audiences to current breakthroughs in the sciences through science updates, interviews with research scientists and educators, and audience call-ins. The editorial plan is that approximately 20% of the topics for the interview/call-in part of the show will fall within five general categories: Breakthroughs in Science, Opportunities in Science, Science and the Environment, Science and Health, and Technology. The PI would be Jeff Kline, President of the Self Reliance Foundation. The Producer and Co-Project Director would be Javier Sierra, the Washington, DC, Bureau Chief for the Self Reliance Foundation. They would work closely with an advisory committee of approximately 15 Hispanic scientists and heads of organizations serving the Hispanic communities.
TEAM MEMBERS: Robert Russell Jeff Kline Jose Aponte Isabel Benemelis Javier Sierra
resource project Media and Technology
Miami University, in conjunction with the National Science Teachers Association, is producing an inquiry-driven science program for use in informal settings. A key component of the program will an Internet component with a web page that complements and supports the existing Dragonfly magazine and the Dragonfly pilot television program that is being produced under a separate grant. The web page follows the same themes as the magazine and provides scientific information, an educational interactive experience, a sidebar of interesting information about topics, and advice about how users can investigate themes further themselves off-line. Other Dragonfly Quest components will include a leader's guide for educators in informal settings, and educator's companion, a Dragonfly Pocket Field Book with challenges to engage youth in investigations in the field, and Dragonfly badges, certificates, and notebooks. Dragonfly Quest clubs will be established at 200 Boys & Girls Clubs (B&GC) of America chapters nationwide. The B&GC are making a major effort to see that their chapters having computer and Internet capabilities available to the participants. Currently, approximately 40% of the 2000 chapters are linked to the Internet. The chapters with computers selected for this project each will all have at least four computers for youth - all capable of running browser software at the level Netscape 3.0. Assessment of the effectiveness of the project will be carried out at all 200 clubs. The evaluation will be conducted at 160 clubs with Internet access and 40 clubs without Internet access to evaluate the added-value component of the web pages relative to the other elements of the Dragonfly Quest package.
TEAM MEMBERS: Christopher Myers Phyllis Marcuccio R. Hays Cummins Chris Wolfe Carolyn Haynes
resource project Media and Technology
WGBH is producing Seasons II and III of ZOOM, a television series featuring kids that gives viewers in the 8- to 11-year-old range a chance to explore, experiment, and share their creativity with the world. Each season would consist of 40, daily, half-hour shows -- each including a number of science and/or mathematics segments. A unique aspect of ZOOM is that every idea and activity on the show comes from a child who writes or e-mails the show and who is credited on-air for his or her contribution. Production staff and a working group of advisors with expertise in science and math education take these raw ideas and develop them into program segments and outreach projects designed to encourage "habits of mind" -- a set of problem-solving skills and dispositions toward science and math that has been developed in concert with the advisors. Three over-arching science and math-based themes also guide the way science and math are presented over the course of a season. Outreach for Seasons II and III will build on the solid base of outreach developed for Season I, and will consist of: ZOOMerang: Every child who communicates with ZOOM will get something back such as a compilation of science and math activities, jokes, poems, recipes and a series update. ClubZOOM: A set of standards-based science and math activities will be developed along with guidance for how to create after-school clubs. This effort will be pilot tested at 20 sites. ZOOMzones: These are areas in science-technology centers and museums that are devoted to ZOOM and include opportunities for youth and families to interact with science and math content featured on ZOOM. Ten pilot ZOOMzone sites were developed for Season I (from 80 applications). The number of ZOOMzones will be increased and continuing support will be offered to existing sites during Seasons II and III. ZOOMdays: During Season III, WGBH will develop ZOOMdays at shopping malls to reach youth who may not have access to ZOOMzones or ClubZOOM. ZOOMweb site: This web site provides an outreach extension to the TV series by collecting and sharing submissions; illustrating and producing science and math activities; creating a ZOOM community; providing research links to other sites; and aiding adults who are interested in furthering ZOOM's science and math activities in their homes, classrooms, museums and after-school programs.
TEAM MEMBERS: Brigid Sullivan Kate Taylor
resource project Media and Technology
The Science Museum of Minnesota will develop "Exploring Time," a 4,000 square-foot traveling exhibition, related educational materials, and a public website. Exploring Time will engage visitors in experiences about the natural world that reveal their own abilities to see change over time and to help them see the world in a new way. Through the use of computers, multimedia technology, science apparatus and real objects, visitors will be able to explore the vast world of phenomena that happen too quickly or too slowly for humans to perceive. Vignettes of scientists from a broad array of disciplines will highlight currrent research, show scientists as role models for young people, and demonstrate how compressing and expanding time is a conceptual technique used in many fields of scientific endeavor. Interactive experiments that challenge human perception of time and duration will make personal for visitors their limits and compel them to ask questions scientists do: How can I know about changes that happen outside my perceptions? The exhibition will open at the Science Museum of Minnesota in October, 2001, and then tour to 12 to 15 large- and medium-sized museums around the country, reaching a projected audience of over 2.5 million.
TEAM MEMBERS: J Newlin Robert Hone
resource project Media and Technology
SoundVision Productions is requesting a planning grant of $53,230 to create "Science and the Search for Meaning," a series of one-hour public radio programs and ancillary materials addressing the major scientific discoveries of the twentieth century and how they shape the essential philosophical and religious questions of our age. During this planning phase, SoundVision will 1) Identify a format and topics to be covered and determine the focus of each program; 2) expand the advisory committee to insure representation from a range of disciplines; 3) work with advisors to identify key scientific and ethical issues facing society today; 4) define the advisors' process of editorial oversight; 5) conduct front end evaluation with radio listeners to assess the general level of awareness and interest in the subject; and 6) identify a possible series host.
TEAM MEMBERS: Barinetta Scott Judith Thilman Barbara Flagg
resource project Media and Technology
WGBH is undertaking a planning phase to develop "PEEP and the Big, Wide World," a daily, half-hour series for the preschool and kindergarten public television audience. The series will use the explorations and adventures of a newly-hatched chick and his animal friends as the foundation for an initiative in early childhood science and math education. The goal of the project is to introduce science and math to a broad, diverse audience of children in an exciting and developmentally appropriate way. During this planning phase, the project will: 1) Bring the Science Content Director on board to work with the production staff and advisors; 2) Develop the series curriculum; 3) Create a series "bible" where principal characters, visual design, approach to science and math, and sample story ideas are sketched out; 4) Write two story treatments for the series; and 5) Conduct preliminary testing of PEEP with the target audience. The Principal Investigator for the project will be Kate Taylor, Director of Children's Programming at WGBH. Karen Worth, Senior Scientist at EDC, will serve as Content Director. For production of the series, WGBH will team with Derek Lamb, former Executive Director of Animation at the National Film Board of Canada, and Kaj Pindal, former Head of Animation at Danish Television.