The ASPIRA Association, Inc., proposes to develop a national applicable model of community-based model to increase the number of Latino middle-school youths with adequate preparation in math and science education. Latino community-based organizations are uniquely capable of reaching youth that are often difficult to reach by non-Latino organizations. The importance of out-of-school informal science experiences for young people to reinforce their interest in science and mathematics is of interest to the National Science Foundation, and to the ASPIRA Association. However, not enough is known about what works in informal science in the Latino community and with the Latino students. The ASPIRA Association is requesting support from the National Science Foundation to undertake a project to answer the following question: How can informal science programs have a greater impact on Latino middle school youth in science and mathematics? The perceived benefits of the project are: Identification of exemplary informal science education efforts undertaken by organizations in working with Latino youths. Identification of effective curriculum models in informal science education for reaching Latino youths. Identification of characteristics of successful programs. Encouraging partnerships among CBOs, educators, schools and family. Identification of supplemental resources for supporting informal science education programs. ASPIRA is the only national nonprofit organization devoted to serving Puerto Rican and other Latino youth through leadership development and education. With a thirty-one year old track record of proven effectiveness, ASPIRA's work with Latino youths is based on the belief that all youths can succeed.
The Please Touch Museum is requesting $684,602 for the development of educational resource materials in science and mathematics for four-year old children, and training for their parents and teachers in Head Start and other daycare programs. This 44 month project will develop, test, and produce six materials-based science and math activity kits, science training workshops for parents and daycare educators, and related family materials and events. It will culminate in a national dissemination program to promote more effective preschool science and math education through materials- based science inquiry and increased professional relations between educators in youth museums and daycare centers.
Marzy SykesRenee HenryTracey Prendergast
"The Connecticut Museum Collaborative for Science Education" is teacher enhancement program that will serve approximately 5,000 middle school teachers (and their students) from throughout Connecticut over a three-year program period. The proposed program has been developed cooperatively by four of Connecticut's Science Museums and Centers (The Discovery Museum, The Maritime Center at Norwalk, Mystic Marinelife Aquarium, and Talcott Mountain Science Center), in consultation with the school districts they serve and the Connecticut Academy for Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology, the State's leadership organization solely devoted to enhancing education in mathematics, science, and technology. The Collaborative seeks to enliven and enhance the teaching of science, mathematics, and technology by drawing upon the resources of Connecticut's science-rich institutions and related businesses and industry. The proposed project will provide direct services to a core group of 72 middle school teachers and their students in eight urban and suburban school districts at the four participating museums and in their classrooms, as well as teacher training, curriculum development, and networking activities. Larger numbers of teachers and their students will be served through a planned series of interactive video teleconferences. A theme-based approach will be followed in which the unifying theme of "Earth Resource Monitoring" will serve to connect the activities at the four cooperating museums. The central concept of the project is collaboration among museums throughout the state to provide a bridge between science-rich institutions and the schools for teacher enhancement, curriculum improvement, and student enrichment. Special program components involve the participation of business and industry through "Video Field Trips", and parents through a "Family Science" activity. The involvement of the Connecticut Academy for Education in Mathematics, Science and Technolo gy as a member of the "Connecticut Collaborative" provides a direct link for integration of project activities into Connecticut's NSF-funded Statewide Systemic Initiative.
The Association of Science-Technology Centers, in partnership with the Franklin Institute Science Museum, requests $360,523 from the National Science Foundation in support of a major hands-on traveling exhibition about global climate change. The 3,500-square-foot exhibition will provide a broad public with accurate, balanced scientific information about global warming and insight into its economic and social context. In so doing, it will help to spark interest in science and mathematics among the many young museum visitors who are concerned about the future of our environment. Approximately 2,000,000 citizens will visit the exhibition during its two-year tour of 11 U.S. science museums. Workshops conducted at each site before the exhibition arrives and educational materials to supplement program planning will assist host museums in broadening the exhibition's impact. ASTC and the Franklin Institute have a history of highly successful collaborative traveling exhibition projects. We will be assisted by a group of eminent advisors, a leading developer of hands-on science exhibits, and the Museum's experienced team of exhibit evaluators. The exhibition may serve as a model for other museums that are now developing permanent exhibitions about environmental issues and other topic issues in science.
The Franklin Institute proposes to establish the Science Learning Network (SLN), a unique online collaborative of science museums, industry and schools to support the teaching and learning of science, mathematics and technology (SMT) in grades K-8. The SLN will integrate the educational resources offered by science/technology centers with the power of telecomputing networking to provide powerful new support for teacher development and science learning. By December 1997 the SLN will develop and evaluate the following: UniVERSE - an online SMT database and software package which will provide interactive capabilities to actively and intelligently assist K-8 classroom teachers in their Internet explorations, much like an electronic "librarian." Online Museum Collaborative - a national consortium of science museums (The Franklin Institute, the Exploratorium, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Museum of Science - Boston, and Science Museum of Minnesota) that will pool their resources and expertise to create online assets and provide ongoing professional development on telecomputing networking for precollege SMT teachers. Online Demonstration Schools - a network of K-8 schools, working in collaboration with consortium museums and Unisys Corporation volunteers as demonstration sites for online teaching and learning in SMT. Over the course of three years, the SLN will provide direct support to 180 teachers and 3,000 K-8 students in the online demonstration schools. Through existing teacher networks, each museum will offer professional development for an additional 200 teachers each year. The Urban Systemic Initiatives in Philadelphia and Miami offer the potential for broader, systemic impact in those cities. By the end of the grant period, the SLN will provide field- tested models of a new kind of online SMT community through the collaboration of science museums with industry and schools. The sustainable impact of the SLN will be assured by UniVERSE's status as a publicly accessible database and software package and the development of the national consortium of online museums, whose network resources will be made available on an ongoing basis to educators. The three-year formative development of the online demonstration schools will contribute vital data to precollegiate school reform in SMT, showing how schools build capacity to become members of the online community and demonstrating how teaching and learning are enhanced by online resources. Unisys Corporation has pledged its support to this project and will provide matching funds for up to 40% of the total NSF award.
Stephen BaumannWayne RansomPaul Helfrich
This proposal calls for development, over five years, of a national, interactive, telecommunications-supported Network of 85 or more affiliated neighborhood technology learning centers in inner cities and other impoverished areas, for the purpose of attracting, and then nurturing underserved peoples' active involvement with math, science, and technology. Network affiliates will provide informal opportunities for disadvantaged minority young people and their families and friends to get access to, and learn to use, the most powerful tool for personal empowerment yet known, to engage in explorations designed to increase awareness of their ability to do math and science and of the potential for careers in these areas, and, through telecommunications, to involve themselves with distant peer groups in collaborative investigations. Such opportunities present attractive and cost-effective alternatives to the dead ends that street life, drugs, incarceration, and/or welfare offer. Success in achieving these goals depends, however, on the availability of continuing programmatic and staff development assistance, and on the ability of Network members to engage, not as disparate entities, but as a mutually supportive community, in this momentous task. Proposed Network services include (in addition to telecommunications linkages) the identification, development, and dissemination of technology-mediated math and science activities appropriate to community education, consultative planning and technical assistance, staff development workshops, the development of a resource database, and an annual all-affiliates meeting -- all these to be accompanied by systematized self-assessment procedures. Also included is the development of a Network infrastructure to support continued existence of the Network beyond the grant period.
Antonia StoneLaura Jeffers
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Informal learning in math, science, and technology is an increasingly important vehicle for educating the public. Throughout their lifetime, the average citizen will spend a much greater amount of time in informal learning environments than in school. For these efforts to continue without benefit of understanding, the dynamics of what makes informal learning experiences work, is a waste of valuable funding resources. Research Communications Ltd. (RCL) proposes an effort to investigate what has been learned about informal learning in math, science, and technology and to develop some directions for future research in this important area. The first step in the process would be to review the existing literature in the three primary areas of informal education for math, science, and technology: television/radio, community projects, and science museums and technology centers with a focus on evaluation studies that have shown what strategies have worked and those that have not. The outcome of this effort would be a comprehensive publication of what is currently known about informal learning research in math, science and technology.
SciTech Clubs for Girls, a three year old program, aims to encourage continuing interest in science and mathematics among 9-14 year-old girls. It gives them an experience in building a hands-on science exhibit for display at SciTech, a hands-on science center. Based on recent research, this program strikes at four major forces that keep girls out of the pipeline to careers in mathematics and science. Mentors by female professionals, the girls learn the safe use of tools, a principle for science, confidence in building things, and the pride of building and exhibit for use by tens of thousands of visitors yearly. Recently SciTech received a $125,000 grant from Youth ALIVE| A National Initiative of the DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund to continue the program for 3-years and to expand it. We will reach 20 clubs of girls each year from organizations that serve girls. The program will reach older and younger girls and their female leaders. We will also reach into the intercity of Chicago to serve more minority girls. Under the YouthALIVE| grant we will carefully evaluate results and begin to disseminate the program to other museums nationally.
NEON, Inc. a not-for-propfit corporation, proposes a television series for children, initiallyu 30 programs, suitable for daily or weekly broadcast, for home viewing via PBSA (with appropriate availability elsewhere). Program length: 30 Minutes. The premise: Three Wufniks--creatures from the cartoom world--draw their way into our world and with the help of children, undertake the adventure of finding our what it's all about. Thesek characters (played by adult professional performers in structurally sophisticated fantasy/animal costumes), move from dthe uncertain world of animated film into a range of encounters with ourrock-solid environment, get to know children and adults, scientists and laypeople, and must continually reconstruct their naive theories and their image of life on earth. The concept, designed to appeal to five- to nine-olds, combines education with entertainment (and is inclusive of other age groups, such as parents, to enhance educational effect). School and other non-broadcast distribution of program elements is planned, plus ancillary materials including computer software and print. The educational approach is interdisciplinary, with emphasis both on content and the development of positive attitudes towards science and mathematics; sub-objectives geography and history. The Principal Investigators are a television producer experienced in science programming for children, and a scientist with extensive children's educational television background. Program appeal for girls and minorities is integarl to the design; project staff will also cover a broad spectrum. Encouragement of science-and math-related audience activities is a project objective. Planning includesds extensive outreach and promotion related to the show premise.
The National council of La Raza (NCLR), the nation's principal Hispanic constituency-based organization, seeks funding from the National Science Foundation's Informal Science Education Program for a four-year community-centered demonstration program. Project EXCEL-MAS, the Math and Science component of its EXCEL-MAS is designed to develop and encourage the adoption of supplemental math and science programs for at-risk Hispanic elementary and middle school students and their parents, using thematic, hands-on approaches; and ultimately help to increase the numbers of Hispanic student enrolling and succeeding in paths which lead to advanced study in math and science. Hispanics -- the youngest and fastest-growing major U.S. population, numbering 22.4 million or 9% of the U.S. population according to the 1990 Census -- continue to be most undereducated major U.S. population. Only about half of Hispanics are high school graduates, and fewer than one in ten have completed college; only about one-quarter of high school graduates have followed curricular tracks including the math, science and language arts needed for college attendance; national studies suggest that Hispanic 17-year-olds on average have math and science skills at the level of White 13-year- olds. Contributing to these problems are a lack of culturally appropriate, meaningful parent involvement or family-wide approaches to education, supplemental programs to motivate and support at-risk students, wrap-around social services for low- income students and their families, and efforts to promote more equitable Hispanic access to the full school curriculum.
The University Museum at the University of Arkansas is conducting preliminary planning for expansion of their 1994 pilot project entitled "Women in Science." During this planning phase, the staff will meet regularly with experts and teachers to design an exhibit about non-academic female scientists in Arkansas that will travel throughout Arkansas, outline a workshop for teachers that would help them encourage their female students to participate in math and science, and develop a program that enables female scientists to work with groups of students. At the end of the three and a half month planning stage, a final report will present a plan for the exhibition, gender workshop, and scientist program which identifies personnel, gives models/prototypes, and a budget for each facet of the proposed project.
The Self Reliance Foundation is requesting a $50,000 grant to plan a nationally broadcast Spanish language outreach program for science and environmental education in cooperation with the Hispanic Radio Network (HRN). HRN currently produce and distribute two Spanish language radio programs. Their plan is to incorporate into these programs information about ways parents and other adults can help children improve their math and science skills; about educational resources, scholarships, and career opportunities in the sciences; about the importance of science in everyday lives; and other information on current topics in science and the environment. Special attention will be paid to information relevant to Hispanic migrant workers. The PI for the planning grant will be Jeff Kline, General Manager of HRN. Key HRN staff to be involved in the planning include Consuelo Luz, producer of "Buscando la Belleze," and Enrique Gil, co-producer of "Salvemos Nuestro Planeta. Vincente Llamas, Principal Investigator for the Comprehensive Regional Center for Minorities in Las Vegas will be a principal consultant.