The Adirondack All-Taxa Biodiversity Inventory is a biological information-gathering process dependent upon and supported by the citizens of the Adirondacks. It acknowledges the interdependence between stakeholders and the biological community within which they live, work, and recreate. Citizens and scientists from the Adirondacks and elsewhere are working together to learn about the biodiversity found in the largest wilderness in the continental USA. The Adirondack ATBI encompasses the entire six-million-acre Adirondack Park, about half of which is composed of public Forest Preserve land that is protected as “forever wild” by the New York State Constitution. The remaining three million acres within the Park are composed of private forests, farms, and about 100 human communities, where some 130,000 people live, either seasonally or year-round.
Vital Signs a community-based education program that links middle school students, citizen scientists, and scientists in the collection and analysis of environmental data related to invasive species. Vital Signs leverages technology to enable students to practice scientific inquiry, collect rigorous and consistent data, share the data and knowledge they have collected, and to serve as a distributed data collection network for the scientific community.
This poster was presented at the April 2011 workshop, Engaging and Learning for Conservation. It describes the eBirding citizen science program, including its methods, findings and conclusions.
Plants of Concern is a citizen science-based rare plant monitoring program in the Chicago Region. Developed in 2001, it how has collected long-term census data on 205 species at 245 sites in 710 separate element occurrences. More than 200 volunteers are involved each year. Threats and invasive species are also recorded. The data is housed in a master Access database and is shared with the Illinois Natural Heritage Database but more importantly with individual landowners to help guide their management decisions.
Susanne MasiChicago WildernessIllinois Department of Natural Resources provides citizens scientists with the opportunity to help monitor the occurrence of Sudden Oak Death (SOD). Using a simple form, users can mark the locations of symptomatic trees on a map and provide a brief description of the symptoms. Creating an account allows users to keep track of their submissions and to edit them at a later time. Additionally, users are encouraged to offer feedback to others by commenting on their submissions. California state and counties have limited resources to test for SOD, so it is extremely important for the public to continue providing with the locations of suspect trees.
On May 15th & 16th, 2009, citizens, area landowners and experts team together to conduct a 24-hour biological inventory of the taxa in an the Biodiversity Management Area near the towns of Roy and McKenna just east of Fort Lewis in Pierce County, WA. Teams will include botany, invertebrates, mammals, prairie species, butterflies, amphibians and reptiles. Teams will use CyberTracker software and handheld devices to input data into the UW's NatureMapping program. Overnight camping, t-shirts, and meals will be available to volunteers.
Tahoma Audubon SocietyPierce County Biodiversity AllianceWashington Department of Fish and WildlifeNorthwest Trek Wildlife ParkTacoma Nature CenterKrystal KyerJohn Garner
This 2-page poster was presented at the April 2011 workshop, Engaging and Learning for Conservation. It features images associated with Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission's Statewide Citizen Science Projects.
You can use CyberTracker on a Smartphone or handheld computer to record any type of observation. CyberTracker, which requires no programming skills, allows you to customize a series of screens for your own data collection needs. Our vision is to enable you to be part of a worldwide environmental monitoring network. Our mission is to help you improve environmental monitoring by increasing the efficiency of data gathering and to improve observer reliability.
A real-time, online checklist program, eBird has revolutionized the way that the birding community reports and accesses information about birds. eBird provides rich data sources for basic information on bird abundance and distribution at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. By maximizing the utility and accessibility of bird observations made each year by recreational and professional bird watchers, eBird is amassing one of the largest and fastest growing biodiversity data resources in existence. The observations of each participant join those of others in an international network of eBird users. eBird then shares these observations with a global community of educators, land managers, ornithologists, and conservation biologists. eBird documents the presence or absence of species, as well as bird abundance through checklist data. A birder simply enters when, where, and how they went birding, then fills out a checklist of all the birds seen and heard during the outing. Local experts review unusual records that are flagged by the filters. eBird data are stored in a secure facility and archived daily, and are accessible to anyone via the eBird web site and other applications developed by the global biodiversity information community.
Cornell UniversityNational Audubon SocietyChris Wood
The Global Garlic Mustard Field Survey is a collaboration of scientists, students, conservationists, resource managers and 'amateur' scientists. Our goal is to collect high-quality data on the abundance and distribution of garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) in its native (Europe) and introduced (North America) ranges. This sampling protocol is designed to be simple and achieved with just a few hours of work, once populations have been located. It well help to fill an large gap in data on native and introduced plant populations.
Global Invasions NetworkRobert Colautti
This poster was presented at the April 2011 workshop, Engaging and Learning for Conservation. It describes the Community Science Program, including four highlighted projects, at The Natural History Museum North Campus.
The Cricket and Katydid Crawl of New York City and Surrounds is a citizen science pilot project in which participants will venture out between dusk and midnight to locations of their choosing throughout the NYC metro area to listen for the calls of crickets and katydids and document their observations. Counts will be immediately text, emailed, or cell phoned in. An extended network of databasers will enter the data online, and maps and anlayses will be generated in near real time. By dawn we hope to have a series of reports generated by observers, artists, mathematicians, and citizens. Following the survey on September 11, 2009 we will document the event and provide advice for those who would like to replicate this event elsewhere. We will be doing this purposely without copyrights and without institutional funding...a wiki approach to a survey.
USGSAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryAppalachian Mountain ClubProteus GowanusSam Droege