This report summarizes evaluative findings from a project titled “What Curiosity Sounds Like: Discovering, Challenging, and Sharing Scientific Ideas” (a.k.a.: “Discovery Dialogues”). The project, a Full-Scale development project funded by the National Science Foundation as part of its Advancing Informal Science Learning (AISL) program, explored new ways to actively engage both lay and professional audiences, and foster meaningful communication between scientists and the general public. Appendix includes survey and interview questions.
The project will develop and study the impact of science simulations, referred to as sims, on middle school childrens' understanding of science and the scientific process. The project will investigate: 1) how characteristics of simulation design (e.g., interface design, visual representations, dynamic feedback, and the implicit scaffolding within the simulation) influence engagement and learning and how responses to these design features vary across grade-level and diverse populations; 2) how various models of instructional integration of a simulation affect how students interact with the simulation, what they learn, and their preparation for future learning; 3) how these interactions vary across grade-level and diverse populations; and 4) what critical instructional features, particularly in the type and level of scaffolding, are needed. Working with teachers, the team will select 25 existing sims for study. Teachers and students will be interviewed to test for usability, engagement, interpretation, and learning across content areas. The goal will be to identify successful design alternatives and to formulate generalized design guidelines. In parallel, pull-out and classroom-based studies will investigate a variety of use models and their impact on learning. Ten new simulations will then be developed to test these guidelines. Products will include the 35 sims with related support materials available for free from a website; new technologies to collect real-time data on student use of sims; and guidelines for the development of sims for this age population. The team will also publish research on how students learn from sims.
Katherine PerkinsDaniel SchwartzMichael DubsonNoah Podolefsky
This project will study two emerging and innovative technologies: interactive, dynamic simulations and touch-based tablet devices. The use of touch-based tablet technology (e.g., iPads) in the classroom is rapidly increasing, though little research has been done to understand effective implementation for learning science. Interactive simulations are now in use across K-16 levels of education, though what impact tablet devices have on the effective implementation of science simulations is not yet known. This project will explore this new frontier in education, over a range of contexts, providing new insight into effective interactive simulation design, classroom facilitation techniques, and the effects of tablet-based simulation use on underrepresented populations in STEM courses. Together, Dr. Emily Moore (PhET, UCB), a leader in interactive simulation design and classroom use, and Dr. Roy Tasker of the University of Western Sydney (UWS), a leader in chemistry education research, science visualizations, and teaching with technology, will research on the new technology frontier in science education - laying the groundwork for future investigations of foundational questions in technology use for learning science. This work has great potential to transform the future of science learning, making it both more engaging and more effective for diverse populations. The research findings will immediately impact 1) the design of new and existing PhET simulations - reaching millions of students and teachers using PhET simulations worldwide - and 2) the development of best practices guidelines for teachers using tablet technology to increase student learning, engagement, and participation in STEM disciplines.
The PhET Interactive Simulations group at the University of Colorado is expanding their expertise of physics simulations to the development of eight-to-ten simulations designed to enhance students' content learning in general chemistry courses. The simulations are being created to provide highly engaging learning environments which connect real life phenomena to the underlying science, provide dynamic interactivity and feedback, and scaffold inquiry by what is displayed and controlled. In a second strand of the project, a group of experienced faculty participants are developing and testing lecture materials, classroom activities, and homework, all coordinated with well-established, research-based teaching methods like clicker questions, peer instruction, and/or tutorial-style activities, to leverage learning gains in conjunction with the simulations. The third strand of the project focuses on research on classroom implementation, including measures of student learning and engagement, and research on simulation design. This strand is establishing how specific characteristics of chemistry sim design influence engagement and learning, how various models of instructional integration of the sims affect classroom environments as well as learning and engagement, and how sim design and classroom context factors impact faculty use of sims. To ensure success the project is basing sim design on educational research, utilizing high-level software professionals (to ensure technically sophisticated software, graphics, and interfaces) working hand-in-hand with chemistry education researchers, and is using the established PhET team to cycle through coding, testing, and refinement towards a goal of an effective and user friendly sim. The collection of simulations, classroom materials, and faculty support resources form a suite of free, web-based resources that anyone can use to improve teaching and learning in chemistry. The simulations are promoting deep conceptual understanding and increasing positive attitudes about science and technology which in turn is leading to improved education for students in introductory chemistry courses both in the United States and around the world.
This paper presents ten guiding principles for designing construction kits for kids: design for designers; low floors and wide walls; make powerful ideas salient - not forced; support many paths, many styles; make it as simple as possible - and maybe even simpler; choose black boxes carefully; a little bit of programming goes a long way; give people what they want - not what they ask for; invent things that you would want to use yourself; and iterate, iterate - then iterate again.
This REAL project arises from the 2013 solicitation on Data-intensive Research to Improve Teaching and Learning. The intention of that effort is to bring together researchers from across disciplines to foster novel, transformative, multidisciplinary approaches to using the data in large education-related data sets to create actionable knowledge for improving STEM teaching and learning environments in the medium term and to revolutionize learning in the longer term. This project addresses the issue of how to represent and communicate data to young people so that they can track their learning and weaknesses and take advantage of what they learn through that tracking. The project team aims to address this challenge by giving young people (middle schoolers) the tools and support to create, manipulate, analyze, and share representations of their own understanding, capabilities, and participation within the Scratch environment. Scratch is a programming language and online community in which youngsters (mostly middle schoolers) engage in programming together, sometimes to make scientific models and sometimes to express themselves artistically using sophisticated computer algorithms. Scratch community participants are often interested in keeping track of what they are learning, so this population is a good one for exploring ways of helping young people make sense of data that records their participation and learning. The team will extend the Scratch programming language with facilities for manipulating, analyzing, and representing such data, and Scratch participants will be challenged to make sense of their learning and participation data and helped to use the new facilities to do write programs to carry out such interpretation. Scratch participants will become visualizers of their participation patterns and learning trajectories; research will address how such data explorations influence their learning trajectories. Scratch and its community are the place for the proposed investigations, but what is learned will apply far more broadly to construction of tools for allowing learners to understand their participation and learning across a broad range of environments. This project addresses the sixth challenge in the program solicitation: how can information extracted from large datasets be represented and communicated to maximize its usefulness in real-time educational stings, and what delivery mechanisms are right for that? The PIs go right to the learners; rather than looking for delivery mechanisms for communicating the data representations, they give young people tools and support to create manipulate, analyze, and share those representations, bringing together approaches to quantitative evidence-based learning analytics with the constructionist tradition of learning through design experiences. In addition to helping us learn about how to help youngsters analyze data about their perforance and self-assess, the PIs expect that their endeavor will help us better learn how to help young people become data analyzers, an important part of computational thinking. Learners will, in the process of engaging with data representing their development and participation, interact with visualizations, model and troubleshoot data sets, and search for patterns in large data sets. In addition, the tools being developed as part of this project will be applicable for analysis of other types of data sets. The results that will transfer beyond Scratch and the Scratch community, are (1) the kinds of tools that make such analysis possible for youngsters, (2) the kinds of challenges that will get youngsters interested in doing such analyses, (3) the kinds of data youngsters can handle, and (4) the kinds of scaffolding and coaching youngsters need to make sense of that data.
Benjamin Mako HillMitchel ResnickNatalie Rusk
This collaborative project between Tufts University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is researching and developing a new version of the Scratch programming language to be called ScratchJr, designed specifically for early childhood education (K-2). The current version of Scratch, which is widely implemented, is intended for ages 8-16 and is not developmentally appropriate for young children. This work will provide research-based evidence regarding young children's abilities to use an object-oriented programming language and to study the impact this has on the children's learning of scientific concepts and procedures. The team will develop ScratchJr in an iterative cycle, testing it in both in the Devtech lab at Tufts and the Eliot Pearson lab school and with a wider network of early childhood partners. At the end of the three-year project, ScratchJr will have been tested with approximately 350 students in K-2, 40 parents, and 58 early childhood educators. ScratchJr will have three components: 1) a developmentally appropriate interface, with both touch screen and keyboard/mouse options; 2) an embedded library of curricular modules with STEM content to meet federal and state mandates in early childhood education; and 3) an on-line resource and community for early childhood educators and parents. The research questions focus on whether ScratchJr can help these young children learn foundational knowledge structures such as sequencing, causality, classification, composition, symbols, patterns, estimation, and prediction; specific content knowledge; and problem solving skills. This interdisciplinary proposal makes contributions to the fields of learning technologies, early childhood education and human computer interaction. ScratchJr has the potential for broad implementation in both formal and informal settings.
This project's aim is to understand collaboration, cooperation, and learning in the context of a large, distributed virtual organization consisting of children and teachers building web-based simulations and animations using the Scratch software. The PIs will study the nature and patterns of cooperation in the Scratch decentralized learning environment, establish principles to guide the development of systems that foster cooperative attitudes and behaviors, and develop strategies to cultivate computational-thinking capacities that are important for productive cooperation and problem-solving in virtual organizations. The Scratch community consists of over 400,000 registered members discussing, remixing, and reusing more than a million projects. The project is a collaborative project with researchers from MIT, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania drawn from computer science, psychology, child development, education, organizational science, and economics. Using a novel combination of experimental and ethnographic methods, the research will provide insights into how young people cooperate in virtual organizations, their attitudes and motivations related to cooperation, and their development of computational-thinking skills and capacities necessary for productive cooperation and creative learning. The researchers expect that the findings will contribute to the design and understanding of more effective virtual organizations, particularly in the areas of learning, education, and cooperative creation. The methods used include observational studies, design interventions, and field experiments. The test bed will be the Scratch community and the evaluations will be done by mining the online record of cooperation in the construction of new simulations and animations. The outcomes of the project will include an improved Scratch environment, design principles for the construction of distributed virtual organizations that encourage cooperation and co-construction of knowledge and artifacts, and new methods of teaching computational thinking in an engaging environment. The Scratch community of 400,000 members will be part of this work. This project is potentially transformative because of the engaging nature of this particular application, because of its applicability to similar virtual communities, and because of its promise to reach a diverse community of learners.
Mitchel ResnickNatalie RuskJohn MaloneyYochai BenklerYasmin Kafai
Investigators from the MIT Media Lab will develop and study a new generation of the Scratch programming platform, designed to help young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively -- essential skills for success in the 21st century. With Scratch, young people (ages 8 and up) can program their own interactive stories, games, animations, and simulations, then share their creations with others online. Young people around the world have already shared more than 1 million projects on the Scratch community website ( The new generation, called Scratch 2.0, will be fully integrated into the Internet, so that young people can more seamlessly share and collaborate on projects, access online data, and program interactions with social media. The research is divided into two strands: (1) Technological infrastructure for creative collaboration. With Scratch 2.0, people will be able to design and program new types of web-based interactions and services. For example, they will be able to program interactions with social-media websites (such as Facebook), create visualizations with online data, and program their own collaborative applications. (2) Design experiments for creative collaboration. As the team develops Scratch 2.0, they will run online experiments to study how their design decisions influence the ways in which people collaborate on creative projects, as well as their attitudes towards collaboration. This work builds on a previous NSF grant (ITR-0325828) that supported the development of Scratch. Since its public launch in 2007, Scratch has become a vibrant online community, in which young people program and share interactive stories, games, animations, and simulations - and, in the process, learn important computational concepts and strategies for designing, problem solving, and collaborating. Each day, members of the Scratch community upload nearly 1500 new Scratch projects to the website - on average, a new project almost every minute. In developing Scratch 2.0, the team will focus on two questions from the NSF Program Solicitation: (1) Will the research lead to the development of new technologies to support human creativity? (2) Will the research lead to innovative educational approaches in computer science, science, or engineering that reward creativity?
Intellectual Merit: The intellectual merit of the project is based on its study of how new technologies can foster creativity and collaboration. The investigators will conduct design experiments to examine how new features of Scratch 2.0 engage young people in new forms of creative expression, collaboration, learning, and metadesign. Young people are already interacting with many cloud-based services (such as YouTube and Facebook). But Scratch 2.0 is fundamentally different in that it aims to engage people in programming their own projects and activities in the cloud. With Scratch 2.0, young people won't just interact with the cloud, they will create in the cloud. The goal is to democratize the development of cloud-based activities, so that everyone can become an active contributor to the cloud, not just a consumer of cloud-based services. This development and study of Scratch 2.0 will lead to new insights into strategies for engaging young people in activities that cultivate collaboration and creativity. Broader Impacts: The broader impact of the project is based on its ability to broaden participation in programming and computer science. The current version of Scratch has already helped attract a broader diversity of students to computer science compared to other programming platforms. The investigators expect that the collaboration and social-media features of Scratch 2.0 will resonate with the interests of today's youth and further broaden participation. Integration of Scratch into the introductory computer science course at Harvard led to a sharp reduction in the number of students dropping the course, and an increase in the retention of female students. There have been similar results in pre-college courses. The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) calls Scratch a promising practice for increasing gender diversity in IT.