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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Exhibitions
How do we know the distance to a star? How do we know what a star is made of? How do we know how fast an object is moving? These questions are addressed in this 1,488 square foot permanent exhibit which emphasizes astronomical spectroscopy - the detailed analysis of light from astronomical objects. This interactive, bilingual (English/Spanish) exhibit will demonstrate different applications of spectroscopy that provide insight into the universe, and will provide opportunities for students, teachers, parents, and the general public to learn about the universe. Bilingual ancillary materials will be produced: pre- and post-visit materials for school visitors; a "Life at an Observatory" ten-minute orientation/information video to be shown at the visitor center. Target audiences are students in grades K-12, and general visitors.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sandra Preston
resource project Public Programs
The project is based upon the established Math, Science, and Beyond (MSB) program which consists of a series of evening family science workshops (with curriculum materials developed for classroom settings) in which students and parents explore science and mathematics together through exciting, hands-on activities. Units for each grade level (K-6) focus on physical, earth, and life science. The MSB informal science project will adapt materials and bring the program to informal learning settings - 25 Boys and Girls Clubs of California, and 25 California Department of Parks and Recreation sites. These clubs will receive training, materials, and support to operate Science Clubs (after school MSB sessions), Science Camps (summer, off-track and Spring/Winter Break, week-long MSB sessions), and Science Explorers Family Workshops (1-2 hour sessions for elementary school students and their parents). In addition to the Boys and Girls Clubs, and the California Department of Parks and Recreation, the California Science Implementation Network is a key collaborator on the project.
TEAM MEMBERS: Mary Cavanagh Eleanore Topolovac M. Susan Joseph Keating
resource project Media and Technology
This is a planning grant to Children's Television Workshop (CTW) to develop further the science content in a proposed television series for 8-12 year olds entitled, The Wheel In Space. This adventure series would be set on an orbiting space station 100 years in the future which, by definition is an enormous scientific and technological enterprise. The planning period would be used to investigate how its complex systems and operations can best be used to illustrate principles and processes science. Specific planning tasks include: Working with consultants in space science and other scientific disciplines as well as with organizations such as NASA and the National Air and Space Museum to explore the science and technology involved in the operation of a space station and to project what living, working, and growing up on a space station might be like a century from now; Writing a content "bible" that will serve as a technical guide to writers of the series; Writing a treatment of the series that outlines story premises that incorporate science topics; Investigating potential components of the project that may enhance the reach and impact of the television series; Examining the advantages and disadvantages of a co-production arrangement with Southern Star, a television production company in Australia interested in participating in the project. The PI's for the project will be Joel Schneider who will serve as Content Director and Jeffrey Nelson who will be Executive Producer. Both have worked on previous science and mathematics media projects at CTW. A principal consultant will be Samuel Gibbon, producer and/or executive producer for Sesame Street, The Electric Company, 3-2-1 Contact, and The Voyage of the Mimi.
TEAM MEMBERS: Joel Schneider Jeffrey Nelson
resource project Media and Technology
The National Museum of Natural History is producing 3-D and 2-D versions of a large format film on natural history. With a working title of Wonders of Life, the film will explore the diversity of life on Earth and how this diversity came to be. It will examine the biological, geological, and cultural entities that interact in myriad ways to generate, shape, and sustain the enormous biological and cultural diversity of our planet. The film will be supported by outreach material designed to support further exploration of the topic of diversity in both informal and formal settings. An inexpensive family activity guide to be available at venues that show the film will feature engaging and challenging activities for families with children ages ten through 15. A teacher resource guide, distributed free to teachers attending the film with groups of students, will be developed for use in grades 5 through 8. A classroom activity poster will be developed to serve grades 2 through 5. A Wonders of Life home page will support in-depth study of the film's topics. Larry O'Reilly, Director of The Discovery Center Project at the NMNH, will be PI and Executive Producer for the film. The Senior Scientific Advisory Board will be chaired by Dr. Robert S. Hoffman, Senior Scientist and former Assistant Secretary for Science at the Smithsonian Institution. The board also includes Sir David Attenborough, Dr. Sylvia Earle, Dr. Margaret Geller, Ivan Hattingh, and Dr. Thomas Lovejoy. Dr. Kay Behrensmeyer, Curator of Paleobiology and former Associate Director for Science at the NMNH, will lead a core team of scientists who will be directly involved in production. The film will be produced by Christopher Parsons and David Douglas will be Director of Photography.
TEAM MEMBERS: Laurence O'Reilly
resource project Public Programs
Citizen science water quality and biomonitoring including E. coli, temperature, macroinvertebrate, and habitat assessment.
TEAM MEMBERS: Michele Tremblay
resource project Public Programs
NASA cloud observation project. Ground observation reports are compared to cloud information retrieved from satellite instruments in Earth orbit. Learn how to make and report a cloud observation at the time of a satellite overpass. Observations welcome from any interested observers, especially in places where official weather observations are rare. Get satellite overpass times, learn about making observations, report an observation, and explore the database of reported observations (which includes corresponding satellite data once they are available).
TEAM MEMBERS: Lin Chambers
resource project Public Programs
MY NASA DATA attempts to make NASA satellite data about the Earth available in a form that is accessible to the public through a standard web browser. For citizen scientists, the project has identified a number of science project ideas which tie local observations to the larger context and history available from satellite data. A mentor network is also available for relevant questions, and people with expertise are welcome to join it. We welcome reports of interesting projects carried out by citizen scientists using this resource.
TEAM MEMBERS: Lin Chambers
resource project Public Programs
AMC's Mountain Watch is a citizen scientist monitoring program whereby hikers monitor and report the timing of alpine and mountain forest flowers bud break and flowering and document air quality from mountain vistas. Mountain Watch plant observations will aid researchers in understanding how and by what magnitude the biota on the mountains are responding to observed statistical changes in climate variables like temperature and snowmelt.
TEAM MEMBERS: Appalachian Mountain Club Georgia Murray
resource project Public Programs
LiMPETS (Long-term Monitoring Program and Experiential Training for Students) is an environmental monitoring and education program for students, educators, and volunteer groups throughout California. Approximately 3,500 teachers and students along the coast of California are collecting rocky intertidal and sandy beach data as part of the LiMPETS network. Join us—learn the process of science and help to protect our local marine ecosystems.
TEAM MEMBERS: Claire Fackler University of California Santa Barbara Farallones Marine Sanctuary Assocation University of California Santa Cruz Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
resource project Public Programs
Each year, more than 200 volunteers donate over 7,000 hours of their time, skills, and enthusiasm to reach Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary's goals in environmental education, scientific research, and the protection of the vulnerable wetland ecosystem. This is the equivalent of a $100,000 donation. These volunteers have a variety of backgrounds---teachers, librarians, construction workers, chemists, college and high school students, and yes, some are even professional wetland ecologists! What they have in common is an interest in nature, pleasure in being outdoors, and a desire to explore the ecology of natural habitats such as wetlands and forests. At the Sanctuary, they collect water samples . . . clear trails . . . weigh turtles . . . guide visitors on nature walks . . . draw maps . . . lead canoe trips . . . make posters . . . seine for fish . . . host the Visitor Center on weekends . . . and so much more!
TEAM MEMBERS: Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary Friends of Jug Bay Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve System Lindsay Hollister
resource project Public Programs
H2O Chelsea is a community-based water research and surveillance program developed collaboratively by the Municipality of Chelsea, the University of Ottawa’s Institute of the Environment and Action Chelsea for the Respect of the Environment (ACRE). The goal of the program is to develop a better understanding of ground and surface water resources in Chelsea that will inform municipal planning and management decisions. The project is volunteer-driven, relying on the commitment of over 70 local residents, municipal employees and professors and students from the University of Ottawa.
TEAM MEMBERS: Municipality of Chelsea University of Ottawa Action Chelsea for the Respect of the Environment (ACRE) Isabelle Pitre
resource project Public Programs
The Great World Wide Starcount is a Windows to the Universe international citizen-science event that encourages everyone, astronomers and non-astronomers alike, to measure their local light pollution and report their observations online. The Great World Wide Star Count, part of the Dark Skies Awareness cornerstone project for the 2009 International Year of Astronomy, raises awareness about light pollution as well as encourages learning in astronomy. No prior experience is necessary and the downloadable activity guide is available in eight different languages on the Web site.
TEAM MEMBERS: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Sandra Henderson