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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Public Programs
Founded in 1979, the Science Skills Center (SSC) is a non-profit community based program which encourages young minority and female students to pursue careers in science, mathematics, and technology. At its current two sites, located in Brooklyn, New York, approximately 400 students, ages six to eighteen, are enrolled in programs where they take accelerated courses in biology, chemistry, physical science, rocketry, oceanography, botany, and advanced mathematics. Classes, which are presented within the cultural and linguistic understanding of minority children, provide students with an opportunity to recognize the relationship of science, mathematics, and technology to their everyday lives. The SSC proposes to replicate its present programs, establishing three additional sites in the New York City area in three years. The SSC also proposes to establish a systematic replication program which would assist other communities, both regional and national, to establish their own SSCs. This project would require a resource person to guide communities in all aspects of program development. To assist in that effort, SSC proposes development of comprehensive educational and administrative manuals as well as the preparation of accompanying training and profile videos. Finally, the SSC proposes to develop a research module in software and manual form which would assess and track student learning, school performance, performance on standardized exams, career aspiration and selection, and student attitudes in a community based science program targeting minority students.
TEAM MEMBERS: Michael Johnson
resource project Informal/Formal Connections
Playtime Is Science: A National Model for Parent Involvement In Early Science Education is an innovative parent/child science activity program. The overall goal of the model is to enlarge the potential pool of students who are competent in science and technology to include more girls, children of color, with disabilities, and children from low-income families. By engaging parents in partnership with schools and community organizations, Playtime Is Science will increase the science literacy of young children (ages 4-7) as well as that of their parents and other adults in their lives. This three-year project, built on a successful local model developed in New York City public schools, will include the following activities: training and networking for site liaisons; pilot testing and evaluation at three sites chosen for geographic, racial, ethnic, language, and socioeconomic diversity; materials development and production; a formal research study; and intensive national dissemination of Playtime Is Science materials package. Materials to be developed include 1) four videotapes to provide a visual rendering of the program for parents, teachers, and administrators; 2) a how-to manual providing easy-to-follow instructions for implementing the program; 3) and a home activity booklet for parents illustrating science activities which utilize inexpensive, readily-available materials found in every home.
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Sprung
resource project Media and Technology
This project will produce and evaluate a pilot program with supplementary print material for a half-hour science radio series for Children. The series will target children 8 to 10 years old, but will be designed to include the entire family. Each program will consist of educational songs, interviews, stories, call-in questions and "hands-on" experiments. The support material will provide additional science activities that may appropriately be conducted in the home and in classrooms. The budget for this pilot phase is $266,521 of which $215,940 is being provided by the NSF. The full series, once produced, is planned to be broadcast through the Children's Radio Network. The AAAS will be responsible for development and management of the outreach component of the project.
resource project Public Programs
The Mississippi Museum of Natural Science (MMNS) will develop a program over the next two years aimed at teachers and students in grades 3-7. The project will develop teacher kits and "hands-on" exhibits tied to the new state curriculum and to the science television series "3-2-1 Contact". The MMNS is a division of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife Conservation and is designated as the official natural science museum by the State Legislature. The Museum has been in operation for 50 years and, since its inception, has served as a resource for classroom teachers. Mississippi has approximately 500,000 public school students attending about 1,000 schools. One third of these children are considered to live below the poverty level and 50 percent are from minority groups--a priority for the NSF. The MMNS has had success with a small pilot project which coordinates science concepts taught in the television series "3-2-1 Contact" with exhibit programs at the Museum. Over the next two years MMNS will expand their "hands-on" exhibits and develop science kits for use in the classroom in coordination with the new state curriculum and the television series. The kits will include museum objects, suggested activities and a teacher's guide. During the first year a series of "Contact Days" will be held with teachers and students across the state to develop and test the effectiveness of the project along with a lecture program by minority and women scientists. During the second year the exhibits will travel to schools across the state.
TEAM MEMBERS: Elizabeth Hartfield
resource project Media and Technology
READING RAINBOW is a 25 part PBS children's television series produced by the Great Plains National Instructional Television Library, a part of the Nebraska Educational Television Network. It addresses the national problem of more and more youngsters reading less and less. This award-winning television series has been successful in using television to stimulate children ages five through nine to read good books. The series attracts an audience of 7.8 million children with ratings equal to those of THE ELECTRIC COMPANY and MR. ROGERS' NEIGHBORHOOD. Program evaluation shows equally enthusiastic responses from parents, teachers, librarians and, most importantly, children. Support will be provided for a series of five READING RAINBOW programs which focus on scientific themes. These episodes will be integrated into the on-going series and build on young children's curiosity and interest in the world as well as demonstrating to children how science relates to all aspects of their lives. In an increasingly technological society, children need stimulation to seek out books related to science, reinforcing early curiosity and strengthening life-long interest in science. Women and minorities are well represented on READING RAINBOW staff and in the productions themselves. Great care is taken to ensure a broad representation of people including racial and cultural groups, female and male, senior citizens and people with varying physical disabilities. Community outreach organizations involved include: the National PTA, American Booksellers Association, American Library Association, National Educational Association and the International Reading Association. In connection with the science series, Reading Rainbow staff will involve the National Science Teachers Association and a special public relations effort will be organized to promote READING RAINBOW to science museums and other organizations that conduct science education program activities for children.
TEAM MEMBERS: Twila Liggett
resource project Media and Technology
Maryland Instructional Television, in conjunction with the National Science Teachers Association, will use the expertise of scientists and educators and the medium of television to create an exciting science video series for children ages four through seven. The activities of the project include the identification of content, design of instructional video and ancillary print materials, and formative evaluation. Fifteen video programs will be developed, each containing two or three separate sub-programs. These will be supplemented by teacher and parent guides which will suggest activities designed to expand upon the material covered in the program. The series content and materials will explore everyday events in the lives of young children and will integrate science and mathematics concepts, skills and application into a variety of curricular areas. The companion activities will make use of objects already in the child's world or easily accessible in the home. This project is funded jointly with the Instructional Materials Development Program.
TEAM MEMBERS: Frank Batavick Helenmarie Hofman
resource project Media and Technology
READING RAINBOW is a multi-part PBS children's television series that encourages children ages five through nine to read good books. The program format involves book reviews through narration and illustration with an overall program theme set by a lead book. With support from NSF they have produced and aired five half hour programs devoted to science books and science topics as part of the READING RAINBOW series. The present proposal will add an additional eight programs that focus on scientific themes over the next four seasons of the program, demonstrating to children how science is integrated into all aspects of their lives and encouraging them to read science books. The series utilizes a thorough system of book and program topic review before material is selected for each program. Scientists, educators, librarians, teachers, parents, and children evaluate candidate books for interest, appropriateness, readability, and suitability for television treatment. READING RAINBOW programs are evaluated for effectiveness after they are produced to provide feedback for future programs. The resulting programs are having a substantial effect on home, school, and library. Booksellers are reporting dramatic increases in sales of reviewed books; librarians greatly increased requests for and use of materials. Recent READING RAINBOW book reviews have led to new covers and new marketing programs for books, and teachers are using materials during the school year following summer broadcast. Publishers, seeing an increased market for books for young children, are encouraging new work by authors and illustrators. A $750,000 award over three years is recommended: $250,000 for FY 87, and additional amounts of $250,000 in FY 88 and $250,000 in FY 89.
TEAM MEMBERS: Twila Liggett Stephen Lenzen Jack McBride
resource project Public Programs
The Franklin Institute Science Museum will, over a three year period, develop a regional Girl Scout leader training programthat provides science education experiences for Girl Scouts. The Girl Scout Council of Greater Philadelphia and the Washington Rock, NJ Council will be primary partners and the source of volunteer leaders and the target audience of member girls. Science Education kits will be developed and tested for Brownies and Juniors, training materials for staff trainers and volunteer leaders developed, leaders trained, and several support mechanisms developed. Program materials are designed for continued use by the Girl Scouts; more than 2,000 leaders will be trained and 20,000 girls will participate in project activities during the three year period. This project is directed at the substantial under representation of women in many science and engineering fields by working with girls in informal settings to overcome patterns of science and mathematics avoidance. Replication and dissemination will be undertaken both within the Girl Scout Council system and among museums, youth organizations, and other informal educators. The proposers are contributing nearly $250,000 in resources to the project; NSF support will be 55% of the project total.
resource project Media and Technology
The Mississippi Museum of Natural Science proposes to build on its program of activities that involve children in science and bring them into contact with the approaches, objects and equipment that scientists use, with each activity designed to stimulate thinking and heighten interest in science. Cardinal features of the program are the development of hands-on exhibits, science kits for classroom use and a studied tie with the children's television program, "3-2-1 Contact." The goals are to coordinate these activities with hands-on science activities for students in grades 3-6, and to coordinate classroom activities with those at the museum, which conducts "3-2-1 Contact Days" throughout the year when students come to the museum and take part in experiments, observations and enrichment lessons and actively manipulate museum objects. The museum now will refine the program components, including improvement and duplication of the hands-on kits, continuation of the workshops for elementary teachers and development of new participatory exhibits dealing with insects and endangered species, and will present them to an expanded audience. One-third of the children in the state live below the poverty level, and fifty per cent represent minority populations. As most of these children lack such out-of-school experiences these informal science activities are particularly meaningful.
TEAM MEMBERS: Elizabeth Hartfield Martha Cooper
resource project Public Programs
After-School Program Exploring Science (APEX) proposes to develop and implement a training model that will enhance the capacity of community-based after-school programs to provide science-learning opportunities for children ages 5-10. Capacity building will center on expanding the human resource base as well as access to hands-on resources that enable investigative science in informal settings. " APEX" will create a series of engaging hands-on science investigations that will be designed for replication in a wide range of informal learning environments. "APEX" community partners include the YMCA, YWCA and Family Christian Association of America (FCAA). The Miami Museum of Science will also partner with Miami-Dade Public Schools, Florida International University and Miami-Dade College to formalize opportunities for paraprofessionals and pre-service teachers to meet a portion of their certification requirements by leading "APEX" Science investigations in after-school programs thereby providing community-based after-school programs with a more stable workforce while at the same time supporting future teachers in the development of inquiry-based teaching skills. Through "APEX" over 275 after-school provider staff will be trained along with up to 300 pre-service teachers and paraprofessionals. The project will work with 93 after-school programs and impact roughly 7,000 high-need students.
resource project Media and Technology
Thirteen/WNET New York will develop and produce ten new episodes for a fourth season of "Cyberchase." Now in its third production season and second year of daily PBS broadcast, "Cyberchase" has helped millions of children acquire a stronger foundation in mathematics. The new programs will enrich the series' content by emphasizing science-mathematics connections and financial literacy. Ancillary materials, outreach and a highly popular Website extend the learning and help make "Cyberchase" the sole mathematics media project available for young audiences. Plans for season four include enhancing the Website, building the inventory of multi-media outreach activities, strengthening the show's presence in after-school programs and launching a new relationship with the museum community.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sandra Sheppard Carey Bolster Michael Templeton Barbara Flagg
resource project Media and Technology
The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History will utilize the popular areas of criminal investigation and forensic science to create a 5,000 square foot national traveling exhibition and an accompanying web adventure. The project builds upon the work done during the planning grant (ESI-0307473). The target audience is families with middle-school aged children and school groups in grades four through nine. The project partners include Rice University Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, the Science Museum Exhibit Collaborative, Boys & Girls Clubs and 14 science museums in EPSCOR states. The potential strategic impact of this project will be a new model for developing an exhibit and website that are fully integrated from the beginning with the same learning goals. The evaluation will provide information about how an integrated exhibit and website is developed and its impact.
TEAM MEMBERS: Charlie Walter