The New York Hall of Science and Community School District #24 request $46,744 for a planning grant whose goal is to empower parents by bringing informal science and math education experiences to create a working team of parents, teachers, and museum staff to underserved, ethnically diverse students in their formative years, and their families. A major objective is to develop a framework for a science resource kit for home use by parents and children in grades K-3, and related parent training. The target audience is low income, minority, recently immigrated parents, with little to no involvement in their children's education. Parents from the target audience will serve on the Planning Team. The function of the kits is to provide exciting, intergenerational, exploratory experiences in math and science that are related to the school curriculum. Each kit will be designed to be completely portable and will appear to be a large trunk with wheels. Contents may include: a laptop-size computer; hand lenses and two small microscopes; diffraction gratings and flourescent sources; ramps and balls; mirrors, lenses and other optics.
This planning project, sponsored by Community School District #18 of the New York City Schools, will carry out planning activities intended to implement a district-wide parent involvement program as a supplement to the Science in the Seamless Day program currently in effect with NSF support. The planning activities will include day-long planning seminars with teachers and staff, ongoing planning sessions with parents, after school materials development sessions, travel to the Chicago TAMS project and travel to local science, math and technology resource institutions. The final proposal will include parent preparation and training activities, family "discovery" workshops, take-home activities and parent leadership development. The project staff will be helped by a wide variety of partners which have been active in district programs. The matching funds constitute about 10% of the NSF award.
Barbara BergLorraine BarberIrene FortunatoHeidi Ludwig
The Developmental Studies Center is supporting the active involvement of parents in their children's mathematical development, helping parents understand more about how their children learn mathematically and socially, and increasing the likelihood that children will discuss mathematics with an adult who is significant in their lives. The first phase of this project develops, pilot tests, and evaluates a Homeside Math resource book for each grade level, K-2, with activities teachers can send home to foster positive interaction about mathematics between parents and their children. These activities are related to exemplary school curricula, particularly those developed with NSF support. The next phase develops a limited number of additional activities to add to the Homeside Math collection to be published as Community Math. Community Math is a resource book for youth workers with activities that foster mathematical discussions between children ages 5-8 and a significant adult and can be used in a variety of community organization settings and sent home for family use. Workshops are developed for parents, teachers, and youth workers to strengthen their knowledge of child-centered instructional strategies, meaningful activities, and how children develop mathematically and socially. And facilitator workshops are developed for parents, teachers, and youth workers to enable them to lead workshops for parents.
The National council of La Raza (NCLR), the nation's principal Hispanic constituency-based organization, seeks funding from the National Science Foundation's Informal Science Education Program for a four-year community-centered demonstration program. Project EXCEL-MAS, the Math and Science component of its EXCEL-MAS is designed to develop and encourage the adoption of supplemental math and science programs for at-risk Hispanic elementary and middle school students and their parents, using thematic, hands-on approaches; and ultimately help to increase the numbers of Hispanic student enrolling and succeeding in paths which lead to advanced study in math and science. Hispanics -- the youngest and fastest-growing major U.S. population, numbering 22.4 million or 9% of the U.S. population according to the 1990 Census -- continue to be most undereducated major U.S. population. Only about half of Hispanics are high school graduates, and fewer than one in ten have completed college; only about one-quarter of high school graduates have followed curricular tracks including the math, science and language arts needed for college attendance; national studies suggest that Hispanic 17-year-olds on average have math and science skills at the level of White 13-year- olds. Contributing to these problems are a lack of culturally appropriate, meaningful parent involvement or family-wide approaches to education, supplemental programs to motivate and support at-risk students, wrap-around social services for low- income students and their families, and efforts to promote more equitable Hispanic access to the full school curriculum.
Educational Broadcasting Corporation (WNET, NY) is developing a multi-media environmental education project for youth aged 8 to 12. Wild World focuses on American children's everyday urban and suburban surroundings - city streets, parks, backyards, vacant lots, the woods, and similar environments easily and often accessible to the audience. The project will educate young people about environmental and natural science topics and issues in an entertaining, engaging way, and will encourage them to become more aware of their immediate environment. Important goals are to showcase people who are passionate about their work with, and in, natural surroundings, and to show that our world is intriguing and well worth investigating. The science content will reflect the recommendations of the National Science Education Standards and Benchmarks for Science Literacy. Major components of the project include: * A thirteen part series of half-hour television programs entitled Wild TV -- this exciting and occasionally irreverent series is designed to attract viewers indifferent to traditional nature documentary program. The format is also intended to appeal to young people with little pre-disposition to science or nature. * Wild Comix -- a comic book-styled educational print piece for young people that includes activities that kids can try at home, puzzles, and other thought-provoking exercises. * Wild Web -- a World Wide Web site featuring an interactive version of the comic book, activities and puzzles, a chat room, a bulletin board, and links to environmental groups. * A Home and Extracurricular Settings: Activity Guide - intended for parents and informal educators, the guide will include: enriching nature appreciation for the entire family; improving the learning relationship between children and their parents; and activities/directions for parents that are not prohibitive with regard to area, income, and adults' educational background. * Classroom materia ls - a 12-page guide designed as an introductory resource for classroom teachers who want to incorporate environmental science activities into their teaching.
WGBH will develop, produce, and distribute Wonders of the Modern World, a project that examines the science and technology behind the building of five international landmarks -- the Golden Gate Bridge, the Aswan Dam, the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, the Toronto Skydome, and the English Channel Tunnel connecting Great Britain and France. Wonders of the Modern World is an integrated, synergistic project that combines a nationally-broadcast, prime time television series with print, interactive components, and on-line products for home and school. The goals of the project are to educate the public about concepts in physical science, technology, and engineering and to engage youth and adults in a diverse range of science and technology activities using various media ranging from on-line telecommunications to print. The specific components of the project include: o A prime time PBS television series consisting of five one-hour programs that will be hosted by David Macaulay, author of numerous popular books on technology such as How Things Work, Cathedral, Castle, and Pyramid, o A World Wide Web site where users can conduct interactive science and technology activities, o Print guides to help with on-line activities, o Family-oriented video vignettes with experiments in structural design, o Activity kits that include the materials needed for conducting family-based science experiments, o Curriculum-based school videos, o Student/teacher guides that will help interpret the series for classroom use, and o A CD-ROM. WGBH has formed alliances with four national organizations that will undertake a major effort to engage members of underserved and low-income communities in the series and the ancillary activities. These organizations are The Boys and Girls Clubs of America, The Community Technology Centers Network, The Public Library Association, and The American Architectural Foundation. The PI and Project Director will be Paula Apsell, Executive Producer for NOV A and Head of the WGBH Science Unit. Larry Klein, Head of Production Group, Inc., will be the Series Executive Producer and Co-PI. Beth Kirsch of WGBH will serve as Director of Educational Print and Outreach, and Mark Olshaker will be series editor and scriptwriter. Ted Sicker, Executive Producer for Interactive Projects/New Media at WGBH Educational Foundation will direct the development and deployment of the on-line components of the project. Barbara Flagg will conduct formative evaluation and Irene Goodman will conduct summative evaluation.